  • 他突的发问使我不知所措。
    I was embarrassed by his unexpected question.
  • 显然他感到很窘。
    It was obvious that he was very embarrassed.
  •  11月7日那天,我几乎要没脸见人,原因竟是一张小小的纸片。
    ON October 7th, a small piece of paper made me very embarrassed.
  • 她出言不慎把大家窘得哑无声, 她却有本事一笑置之.
    There was an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she was able to laugh it off.
  • 她出言不慎把大家窘得哑无声,她却有本事一笑置之。
    There is an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she is able to laugh it off.
  • 通常,事情是这样的:先由编程奇才通过编写扩展或把tcl嵌入到应用程序中而生成基于tcl的系统,后由非正式的程序员为此系统编写tcl脚本。
    Often, what happens is that programming wizards create a Tcl-based system by writing extensions or embedding Tcl in an application.Then more casual programmers write Tcl scripts for that system.
  • 包装的高手在于不留痕迹,外在的一切应与自身浑一体,这时你不再是商品,而是活生生的人。
    A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces of embellishment, so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being, lively and lovely.
  • 但是我们必须看到,在社会主义社会,仍有反革命分子,有敌特分子,有各种破坏社会主义秩序的刑事犯罪分子和其他坏分子,有贪污盗窃、投机倒把的新剥削分子,并且这种现象在长时期内不可能完全消灭。
    But we must recognize that in our socialist society there are still counter-revolutionaries, enemy agents, criminals and other bad elements of all kinds who undermine socialist public order, as well as new exploiters who engage in corruption, embezzlement, speculation and profiteering.And we must also recognize that such phenomena cannot be all eliminated for a long time to come.
  • 上级政令中既贯彻了党的政策,所以研究政府法令就是研究党的具体政策,不应该再等待上级党部的指示。
    Since higher-level government decrees embody Party policies, to study government decrees is to study specific Party policies; there is no need to wait for instructions from higher Party headquarters.
  • 为了进一步体现人与自的主题,为世博会的召开创造优美的环境,云南省加大了生态建设、环境整治的力度,采取切实措施保护天林、保护珍稀动植物和建设良好生态,取得了明显效果。
    To further embody the theme of the Expo `99 - Man and Nature, and to greet the opening of the Expo `99 with elegant environment, Yunnan people's government has made great effort to protect the ecological environment, e.g. to treat environmental pollution, to protect the natural forests and rare animals and plants, and all these measures bear rich fruit.
  • 她欣接受他帮她学习英文的提议。
    She embrace his offer to help her with her English.
  • 透明的镶边碗碟垫布,当是手工编制的流苏。
    liquid embroidery doilies, hand-fringed, of course.
  • 将胚胎放入试管中孵化几日,后将其植入“养母”体内。
    Add chemicals to tell the egg to start developing into an embryo. Incubate embryo in a test tube for a few days, then implant it into a foster mother.
  • 但又必地有完全新的条件和形势出现。
    But wholly new conditions and a wholly new situation are bound to emerge.
  • 这种领袖是在群众斗争中自地产生的,而不能是自封的。
    Of course, such leaders emerge naturally out of mass struggle, and cannot be self-appointed.
  • 长牙牙齿突从牙床里长出
    The emergence of a tooth through the gums.
  • ,在这些方面,这几年有些损伤。
    The last few years have seen the emergence of some undesirable phenomena in this area.
  • 电子货币系统的出现必又会反过来导致“虚拟银行”和“虚拟企业”的出现。
    The appearance of an electronic currency system implies the emergence of "virtual banks" and "virtual enterprises".
  • 评论家克莱夫·巴恩斯欢呼“一颗舞坛巨星崭露头角了”。而,比斯尔的行为却辜负了这早期的希望。
    Critic Clive Barnes hailed “the emergence of a major star, but Bissell never lived up to that early promise.
  • 因此,演说角落出现,仿佛旱天下雪,自被海内外舆论贴上政治标签。
    Therefore, the emergence of the Speakers' Corner is like snow in a desert and naturally, it is politicised by overseas and local opinion.
  • 在私人医院,若非急诊,则需先出具保险证明,后才能接受治疗。
    For non-emergencies, proof of insurance is a prerequisite for receiving care in a private hospital.
  • 所以,力争时局好转,同时提起可能发生突事变(在目前是局部的、地方性的突事变)的警觉性,这就是党的目前政策的总方针。
    Therefore, the present general policy of the Party is to strive for a turn for the better and at the same time to be on guard against any emergencies (such emergencies, so far, being on a limited and local scale).
  • 准备在突事件中使用。
    ready for emergency use.
  • 这一家人决定愤离开,移居澳大利亚。
    The family decided to shake the dust from their feet and emigrate to Australia.
  • 他当是亲戚,但也是我们的肉中刺。我但愿他也能移居到国外去。
    He's a relative of course, but a thorn in our flesh. I wish he could emigrate.
  • 她是我们的亲戚,这是自,可她老是找我们的麻烦。我真希望她搬到别处去什么的。
    She's a relative of course,but a thorn in our flesh. I wish she could emigrate or something.
  • 如果一个国家有才能、有技术的人材已经这样多,以致在国内不再能获得足够报酬,他们就必会流向对他们的需求较大的地区;
    if the talents and technical abilities of a nation have become so numerous as to find no longer sufficient rewards within it, they emigrate to places where they are more in demand;
  • 后,你就再也不要回到威罗维利镇来了”。
    And don't ever come back to Willowville, Emily."
  • ,埃米莉小姐决不要梅切尔先生的钱的。
    Emily insisted she couldn't take the money, of course.
  • 因此,自地他就能经常见到埃米莉。
    So, naturally, he saw a lot of Emily Holden.
  • 艾米莉仍在等待那个在他们结婚前-天突离开而至今未归的男人
    Emily is still waiting for the man who popped off the day before their wedding and never came back.
  • 而有一天,埃米莉·霍顿小姐来到了马克·梅切尔的药店,径直走到了柜台后面,开始向马克讲述她的糟糕的情况。
    Well, Emily came into Mark Melcher's drug-store one day and got behind the prescription counter and began to take on something awful.