  • 三脚用具有三腿的物品,如鼎、凳子或桌子
    A three-legged object, such as a caldron, stool, or table.
  • 炉膛里支撑烹饪用具的三腿的金属架。
    a three-legged metal stand for supporting a cooking vessel in a hearth.
  • 如今,美国汽车协会的拖车已经取代了昔日的四腿的救援队。
    Today AAA's tow trucks have replaced the four legged rescue teams of yore.
  • 突然,她发现了一张三腿的小桌,桌子是玻璃做的。
    Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass;
  • 三脚架有三腿的金属支架,用来放在火上支撑烹饪器具
    A three-legged stand made of metal, used for supporting cooking vessels in a hearth.
  • 有一个半圆形面的三腿的矮凳;用于挤奶时坐。
    a low three-legged stool with a half-rounded seat; used to sit on while milking a cow.
  • 社会主义的任务很多,但根本一就是发展生产力,在发展生产力的基础上体现出优于资本主义,为实现共产主义创造物质基矗
    They are legion, but the fundamental one is to develop the productive forces so as to demonstrate the superiority of socialism over capitalism and provide the material basis for communism.
  • 法律文一部颁布实施的法律
    A piece of enacted legislation.
  • 根据《基本法》和《立法会例》,第一届立法会议员的任期为两年,其后每届的任期为四年。
    In accordance with the Basic Law and the Legislative Council Ordinance, the term of office of members of the first Legislative Council is two years. The terms of office of subsequent Legislative Councils will be four years.
  • 这项法案在立法机关通过得非常顺利、有不紊。
    the bill's path through the legislature was smooth and orderly.
  • 你那条腿(胳臂)疼?
    Which of your legs(arms)is sore?
  • 那对年轻夫妇在河上悠闲地划著一小船。
    The young couple paddle a little boat leisurely on the river.
  • 点缀有柠檬片的整鲑鱼;用西芹做点缀的土豆。
    a whole salmon garnished with lemon slices; parsley-garnished potatoes.
  • 根据《放债人例》,任何人如有意经营放债业务,必须向牌照法庭申领牌照。
    Under the Money Lenders Ordinance, anyone wishing to carry on business as a money lender must apply to a licensing court for a licence.
  • 《放债人例》就若干罪行,例如无牌经营放债业务,订定严厉的刑罚。
    The ordinance provides severe penalties for offences such as carrying on an unlicensed money-lending business.
  • 第四,我们必须坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想。
    Fourth, we must uphold Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 白求恩同志是实践了这一列宁主义路线的。
    Comrade Bethune put this Leninist line into practice.
  • 主义,就是只知道马克思列宁主义的词句,不从具体情况出发来运用,它使我国的革命遭受过失败和挫折。
    Dogmatists only know Marxist-Leninist phrases and do not apply them in the light of concrete conditions. This practice led to defeats and setbacks in our revolution.
  • 裙子的腰部需要改窄。
    This skirt needs letting in at the waist.
  • 换码,转义,退出,逸出,中断执行尤指用来中断一指令、停止程序运行或者在同一个程序中改变层次
    A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program.
  • 用作杠杆的金属(如缠绕的绳子)。
    a bar used as a lever (as in twisting rope).
  • 用作杠杆的金属(或长管子)。
    a metal bar (or length of pipe) used as a lever.
  • 王子不知道如何才能释放囚犯,妖怪遂告诉他一妙计:让小王子去找他母亲,让妈妈给他抓头发里的虱子。
    Now the prince did not know how to release the prisoner. But the sprite told him a secret plan. The boy should go to his mother and ask her to search his hair for lice.
  • 第三十二 采伐林木必须申请采伐许可证,按许可证的规定进行采伐;
    Article 32 To cut trees, it shall be necessary to apply for the cutting license and conduct the cutting according to the provisions of the license;
  • 他以一张欠代替现金付给我们。
    He gave us an I.O.U. in lieu of cash.
  • 这是毛泽东同志在世的时候所没有的件。
    These conditions did not exist during Comrade Mao Zedong's lifetime.
  • 敌占区游击战争的主要任务,是保护人民利益,减轻人民(特别是本区本村人民)对敌的经济和劳役负担,特别是保护壮丁粮食不被敌人捉去抢去,打乱敌人的统治秩序,阻止敌伪对人民的摧残,维系人心,打击敌伪的特务奸细活动,并在十分有把握不暴露自己的件下,打击小股敌伪,以达成在敌占区坚持斗争和积蓄力量的目的。
    The main tasks of guerrilla units in enemy-occupied areas are to safeguard the people's interests, lighten the economic and forced-labour burdens imposed on the people (especially people in the guerrilla units' own districts or villages) by the enemy, protect able-bodied men from being press-ganged and grain from being looted, disrupt the enemy's ruling order, prevent the enemy and puppet troops from trampling on the masses, maintain the people's morale, frustrate the activities of enemy and puppet secret agents, and attack small enemy and puppet units when they are absolutely sure of not being exposed -- all for the purpose of sustaining the struggle and building up their strength in such areas.
  • (隔离的--有一黑线穿过的粉色圆钮。退出服务故障--红色圆钮和一个白色闪亮螺栓)
    (isolated - pink capsule with a black line through it. Out of service fault - red capsule with a white lightening bolt)
  • 对这条消息不在意
    Took the news lightly.
  • 运动夹克一种质量轻,常有纹或色彩鲜艳的运动夹克,有衣袋和v字形翻领
    A lightweight, often striped or brightly colored sports jacket having pockets and notched lapels.
  • 同样,也同样;也是。在详表和清单中用来介绍每一个
    Also; likewise. Used to introduce each article in an enumeration or a list.
  • 人都有四肢,两只胳膊两腿。
    Men and women have four limbs; two arms and two legs.