  • 光盘有600兆字节的容量,非常适合需要大存储量的计算机应用。音乐光盘播放音乐的效果非常完美,没有像用其他唱片那样的嘶嘶声和噼啪声。计算机系统必须配备一个cd驱动器用来读取光盘并数据转换到计算机能够处理的形式。cd盘可以储存大量数据,这对于文献资料的存储非常有用,如存储一部百科全书。然而,正如其名字(只读存储器)所指出的那样,cd盘不能写,也不能用任何方式改变其内容。
    Optical disc has a 600 megabyte capacity and are well suited for the computer applications needing the vast storage. The playback effect of optical discs for music is very perfect,no hiss and crackle as with other photo-records. A computer system must have a CD drive that is designed to read the disks and translate the data into a form it can process. CD disks can store huge volumes of data and are very useful for reference material an encyclopedia,for example. However,as the name(read-only memory)implies,CD disks cannot be written on or changed in any way.
  • 正义终将获胜。
    Justice triumphs in the end.
  • 我保证我们完全确保我们的安全,确保我们永不再受到这背信弃义的危害,我相信我表达出了国会和人民的意志。
    I believe that I interpret the will of Congress and of the people, when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.
  • 小的新西兰岛树的两个种类;垂枝树的金雀花;要绝种的。
    2 species of small New Zealand trees: weeping tree broom; endangered.
  • (植物或动物)可能在不远的来陷于危险的。
    (of flora or fauna) likely in the near future to become endangered.
  • 他们说,它只保护联邦直接管辖的土地上的濒危物种栖息地,而且这种保护只限于那些不跨过任何边界的物种。
    They said it would have protected the habitat of endangered species only on federal lands, and would have applied only to those species that do not cross any borders.
  • 演讲人说他设法举例说明。
    The speaker said he would endeavor to illustrate.
  • 经过15年的艰辛努力,中国加入世贸组织即成为现实。
    Hard endeavor of 15 years is about to turn China's entry to the WTO into a reality.
  • 只要有可能, 我尽力帮你.
    I shall endeavour to accommodate you whenever possible.
  • 我们尽力满足客户的交货期限要求。
    We shall always endeavour to meet our customers ' requirement in regard to delivery.
  • 兹向贵公司保证,我尽最大努力完成此批订货,使您满意。
    You may be assured that I shall use my best endeavour to execute the order to your satisfaction.
  • 兹向贵公司保证,我尽最大努力完成此批订货,使您满意。
    You may is assured that I shall use my best endeavour to execute the order to your satisfaction.
  • 如能及时收到样本,我尽力于9月份交货。否则无法承诺。
    We shall endeavour to give September delivery if we receive the specimen in good time, but cannot promise otherwise.
  • 我们努力维护前公司所长期保持的赢得客户信任的声誉。
    We shall endeavour to deserve the same measure of confidence which the old firm retain for so long a time.
  • 货物到达后,我们会尽力其介绍给当地的顾客。
    Upon the arrival of the goods we will use our best endeavour to bring them under the notice of the trade here generally.
  • 产生没完没了的麻烦。
    This will lead to endless trouble.
  • 不停地走马换,更换教练;
    Coaches came and went, changed frequently and endlessly.
  • 台布价格可接受订货条件是5月底装运请电复。
    Tablecloth price acceptable wilder provided shipment endogamy pls reply by cable.
  • 该小组还通过实验验证是否猪身上的内生性逆转滤过性病毒(一种致癌病毒)会在移植培育过程中感染到人身上。
    The team will also conduct tests to investigate whether so-called porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVS)from the pigs could infect human cells in culture.
  • 赞成那一动议;我不赞成这一计划。
    I'll second that motion; I can't back this plan; endorse a new project.
  • 今年早些时候,netscape和大约40家公司一起发出了名为crossware的倡仪,这是对一系列标准的认同,这些标准包括目录、安全和软件分发,它们使用户能把他们的内部网应用延伸到他们的贸易伙伴那里。
    Netscape and about 40 vendors earlier this year launched the Crossware initiative, an endorsement of a series of standards, including directory, security, and software distribution, that will allow users to extend their intranet applications to trading partners.
  • 规定系汽车安全带的新法规难以实施。
    The new law about safety belts in cars will be difficult to enforce.
  • 在我们满足世界的正义要求之时,我们也履行我国庄严的承诺。
    As we enforce the just demands of the world, we will also honor the deepest commitments of our country.
  • 5月20日以前,如尚未收到贵方支票,本人立刻采取步骤强制付款。
    Unless your cheque is in my hands on or before the 20th May, I shall immediately take steps to enforce payment.
  • 如果麦克唐纳设计不出偏差的话,他的设计被英航采用。"
    If MacDonald does his job properly then this will be enforced."
  • 在禁令实施前,迅速做被禁止的做的某事。
    To do something which is go to be forbid by do rapidly before the ban is enforced.
  • 在禁令实施前,迅速做被禁止的做的某事
    To do something which is going to be forbidden by doing rapidly before the ban is enforced
  • 如果违反了规则,其他参加者根据认可的规则进行判断,施加惩罚。
    When rules are broken, penalties are enforced by the other players' judgment according to the rules allowed.
  • 改进边境执法措施有助于打击毒品交易等非法活动。
    stricter border enforcement will help combat illegal drugs.
  • 该项法律的实施进一步扫除改革的障碍。
    The enforcement of this law will clear the way for further reform.
  • 我弟弟和安妮订婚了,他们于明年结婚。
    My brother is engaged to Anne, they will be married next year.
  • 那位军竭力避免与敌军交战
    The general tried to avoid an engagement with the enemy