  • 商标标志一种产品或制造商的商标或特有
    A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer.
  • 枫林街的“红玫瑰”餐厅很有
    The Red Rose Restaurant in Maple Road is very famous.
  • 尽管如此,你却想拥有你自己的电脑公司。过去几个月里,你每天晚上忙着设计空白表格程序,建立顾客单;此外你还策划着新的投资机会。
    But you really want to own your own data-processing business, and for the past few months you've spent your evenings doing spreadsheets, developing customer lists, and otherwise mapping out the new venture.
  • 在本地的马拉松比赛中,最后一到达终点的选手已65岁,因而我向她表示祝贺。
    The last runner to finish in the local marathon was sixty-five years old, and I tipped my hat to her.
  • 比如,马拉松比赛,一选手中途坐了一段汽车,还获得了金牌呢。
    For instance, in the competition of a marathon race, an athlete who won the gold medal even took a ride during the race.
  • 他喊她的字,但仍不做声。他又喊了一次,她还是无动于衷。
    He called out her name, but she was still silent; He called it once more, and once mare she took no notice.
  • 撒切尔夫人的字叫玛格丽特。
    Mrs Thatcher's first name is Margaret.
  • 撒切尔夫人的字叫玛格丽特。
    Mrs. Thatcher's first name is Margaret.
  • “您认识一个字叫玛格丽特·戈蒂埃的女人吗?”
    'Did you know someone called Marguerite Gautier?'
  • 她临死还在想着我,还在写信,喊着我的字。可怜的,亲爱的玛格丽特啊!”
    thinking of me, writing and saying my name, poor dear Marguerite!'
  • 玛格丽特刚才曾一度记起了我的面貌,但这会儿却记不起我的字。
    Marguerite, who had for an instant recalled my face, did not remember my name.
  • 玛丽亚是一年轻的(20多岁的)空头投资者。
    Maria is a young (early 20's) bear.
  • 哈里森·波普和他的哈佛大学研究小组将65每日吸服大麻的学生和最多每两个月抽一次大麻的学生进行对照。
    Harrison Pope and his team at Harvard University compared 65 college students who smoked marijuana daily with a control group of students who smoked it most every other month.
  • 我是个现代有自尊心的妻子,婚后不改自己的姓,有自己的支票本,认为婚姻是一种伙伴关系,家里洗刷的事共同负担,可是我读到玛利莲·耶罗姆的《妇女婚后生活史》时却不禁感到震惊。
    As a self?respecting modern wife who hasn't changed her name, runs her own cheq ue book and sees marriage as a partnership where we both do the washing up, I was borrified by Marilyn Yalom's The History Of The Wife.
  • 船上有五十多水手。
    There are more than 50 mariners on this ship.
  • 水手在海上工作了50年之久。
    The mariner followed the sea for fifty years.
  • 当他还是一个孩子时,希望成为一水手。
    He wished to be a mariner when he was a child.
  • 这座闻遐迩的钟塔于1173年开始建造,当时比萨城是一个强大的沿海城市共和国。
    Construction on the famed bell tower began in 1173, when Pisa was a powerful maritime republic.
  • 第一行://:property.java采用了我自己的方法:将一个“:”作为特殊的记号,指出这是包含了源文件字的一个注释行。
    The first line of the file uses my own technique of putting a ‘:’ as a special marker for the comment line containing the source file name. That line contains the path information to the file followed by the file name.
  • 第六条之二〔商标:驰商标〕
    Article 6bis [Marks: Well-Known Marks]
  • 1848年的一天,―位叫马歇尔的木匠看到水中一些浅黄色的颗粒。他弯腰拾起并把颗粒拿给他的伙伴萨特。
    One day in1848 a carpenter named Marshall, noticed some bright yellow particles in the water, bent down to pick them up and took them to his partner, Mr. Sutter.
  • 1848年的一天,—位叫马歇尔的木匠看到水中一些浅黄色的颗粒。他弯腰拾起并把颗粒拿给他的伙伴萨特。
    One day in 1848 a carpenter named Marshall, noticed some bright yellow particles in the water, bent down to pick them up and took them to his partner, Mr. Sutter.
  • 玛莎·斯图尔特,一个拥有自己的杂志、已经发了财的电视人告诉美国妇女如何熨床单、自己做沙拉、做干花花冠。
    Martha Stewart, a television personality with her own magazine, has earned a fortune telling American women how to iron their sheets, grow their own salads, and make dried flower wreaths.
  • (处理战时较最高军事法庭所审理者为轻的案件的)特设军事法庭;至少有三军官。
    a court-martial to try soldiers for offences less serious that than those comitted in action; consists of at least three officers.
  • 约翰好为沽钓誉作出点牺牲。
    John like to make a martyr of himself.
  • 殉教成为一殉教者的状态
    The state of being a martyr.
  • 这个城市叫尚志,是为了纪念赵尚志烈士而命的。
    The city was named Shangzhi in memory of the martyr named Zhao Shangzhi.
  • 殉教行为,是无德无能者可以一举成的惟一途径。
    Martyrdom is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability.
  • 很自然被选为吉祥物,取“阿泼”。
    It is the symbol of sports ethics and is naturally chosen as the mascot.
  • 目前香港法庭的海外法官可算是精英云集,包括两位来自澳洲的着法官,即澳洲最高法院前任首席大法官梅师贤爵士和澳洲最高法院前任大法官杜伟舜爵士。
    The current pool of overseas judges is quite an impressive line-up, including two distinguished Australian judges - your former Chief Justice of the High Court Sir Anthony Mason and former High Court Judge Sir Daryl Dawson.
  • 哈里斯,路易斯生于1921美国民意分析家,他于1956年创立了路易斯·哈里斯联合公司,该公司以其竞选投票分析而出
    English publisher and journalist in Massachusetts. His Publick Occurrences was the first newspaper printed in America(1690).
  • 日本首相森喜朗的内阁周二上午进行总辞,为森喜朗宣布新内阁单正式开启了一条路。
    Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori's Cabinet resigned en masse Tuesday morning, formally opening the way for Mori to announce a new Cabinet that will oversee a sweeping restructuring of Japan's bureaucracy.