  • 普遍的欧洲年生草本植物,有白花和分开的叶子,有时在北美部种植;有时归入母菊属。
    ubiquitous European annual weed with white flowers and finely divided leaves naturalized and sometimes cultivated in eastern North America; sometimes included in genus Matricaria.
  • 我们能看见和摸到的每件西都由物质组成。
    Everything we can see and touch is made up of matter.
  • 印刷品印刷出来的西
    Matter that is printed.
  • 废物琐屑或无价值的西
    Trivial or worthless matter.
  • 他把钱藏在床垫里,以资有些西作为靠山。
    He hides money in the mattress so he can have something to fall back on.
  • 当你无法完全得到你想要得到的西时,应先对自己做更多的了解,以期自己收获更丰。
    When you do not get exactly what you wanted maximize your gain by increasing your understanding of yourself.
  • 罗彻斯特美国明尼苏达州南部一城市,位于圣保罗南。梅奥诊所(建于1889年)就座落在该市。人口70,745
    A city of southeast Minnesota southeast of St. Paul. The Mayo Clinic(founded in1889) is located here. Population,70, 745.
  • 在草地或牧场上吃西。
    feed as in a meadow or pasture.
  • 这是您点的东西。
    Here is your meal.
  • 我们量西以便知道它有多长、多高或多宽。
    We take the measurements of sth. to see how long, tall, or wide it is.
  • 近年来,各种各样的减轻压力疗法,如瑜伽、静坐默念、按摩及芳香疗法,已成为生活中必不可少的西,这就像给过度紧张的大脑和精神上药。
    In recent years,various stress reduction therapies such as yoga,meditation,massages,and aromatherapy have become a living necessity,like medicine for the overtaxed mind and the soul.
  • 西班牙部临地中海的一座城市。
    a city in eastern Spain on the Mediterranean.
  • 位于西班牙南部地中海沿岸的一港口城市。
    a port in southeastern Spain on the Mediterranean.
  • 产于地中海沿岸法国南部的葡萄酒。
    a wine from southeastern France on the Mediterranean coast.
  • 中国一直积极参加盟地区论坛外长会议、高官会议及非官方会议。
    China has consistently taken an active part in the ARF foreign ministers' meetings, senior officials' meetings and unofficial meetings.
  • 中国文化、印度文化、南亚文化以及欧洲文化等不同文化的融合创造了一个独特的国度。
    The melding of distinct cultures from China, India, Southeast Asia, and Europe has created a unique nation.
  • 配合旋律在已有的旋律上或下加上的有旋律的西
    Melodic material that is added above or below an existing melody.
  • 澳大利亚和亚洲南部能发出啭鸣高音的鸟类。
    Australian and southeastern Asian birds with a melodious whistling call.
  • 美洲部森林地区常见的大型画眉;以音调优美的叫声闻名。
    large thrush common in eastern American woodlands; noted for its melodious song.
  • 事隔30年,总理最近在访问中国时,已难听到“方红,太阳升”的颂歌,人们更常听到的是邓丽君的靡靡之音。
    Thirty years later, in his recent visit to China, PM Wu probably could hardly hear any song to Mao Zedong such as "The east is red; the sun rises". Much more likely, it is the soft melodious by Li
  • 以形成了膜为特点(或者类似于膜的西)。
    characterized by formation of a membrane (or something resembling a membrane).
  • 赠品赠给的或保存的西;纪念品
    Something given or kept; a memento.
  • 这一周你还在撰写工作备忘录,可下一周你却在收拾西失业回家了。
    One week you're writing up memos,the next you're packing up your desk.
  • 至于一些同志回忆自己的历史,写一些西,那很有益处。
    It is good that some comrades have written their memoirs.
  • 东北烈士纪念馆
    Northeast China Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall
  • 修理这种西通常需要时间。
    Such a thing usually takes time to mend.
  • 兰开斯特美国宾夕法尼亚州南部一座城市,位于费城西部。作为一个富饶农业区的贸易中心,它是由德国门诺派教徒在约1709年建成的,它还是1777年大陆会议的会场所在地。人口55,551
    A city of southeast Pennsylvania west of Philadelphia. A trade center in a rich farming region, it was settled by German Mennonites c.1709 and was the meeting place of the Continental Congress in1777. Population,55, 551.
  • 12.远经济评论记者问:布什访华时在公开场合虽然提到美国支持一个中国的政策,但并没有提到“三个联合公报”这几个字,不知他在非公开场合是否提到?
    Q: (Far Eastern Economic Review) When President Bush visited China, he did mention in public that the United States supports the One China policy. However, he did not mention the three joint communiqués between the two countries. Can you confirm that on the non-public occasions he also mentioned the three China-US joint communiqués?
  • 我知道我的午餐比那鸽子的午餐复杂得多,我也知道我所要吃的几样西,乃是成千累万的人们工作的结果,需要一个极复杂的种植、贸易、运输、递送和烹饪的制度,为了这个原因,人类要获得食物是比动物更困难的。
    I know that my lunch is a more complicated affair than the pigeon's, and that the few articles of food I take involve thousands of people at work and a highly complicated system of cultivation, merchandising, transportation, delivery and preparation. That is why it is harder for man to get food than for animals.
  • 我瞧着所有这些西,每一件都使我联想到那个可怜的姑娘的一次肉体买卖。我心想,天主对她尚算仁慈,没有让她遭受通常的那种惩罚,而是让她在晚年之前,带着她那花容月貌,死在穷奢极侈的豪华生活之中。对这些妓女来说,衰老就是她们的第一次死亡。
    As I contemplated all these things, each to my mind standing for a separate prostitution of the poor girl, I reflected that God had been merciful to her since He had not suffered her to live long enough to undergo the usual punishment but had allowed her to die at the height of her wealth and beauty, long before the coming of old age, that first death of courtesans.
  • 的一个共和国;是古代美索不达米亚文明的所在地。
    a republic in the Middle East; the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was in the area now known as Iraq.
  • 乌尔,迦迪斯的吾珥古代美索不达米亚南部苏美尔的城市,遗址在现今伊拉克的西部。是美索不达米亚最古老的城市之一。在公元前3000年左右是苏美人文化的重要中心,是阿伯拉罕的出生地。在公元前6世纪后衰败
    A city of ancient Sumer in southern Mesopotamia on a site in present-day southeast Iraq. One of the oldest cities in Mesopotamia, it was an important center of Sumerian culture after c.3000 b.c. and the birthplace of Abraham. The city declined after the sixth century b.c.