  • 美国联合基因组研究所主任特雷弗·霍金斯说:"事实上,我们今天坐在这里手拿已完成的基因组框架图,百分之百应归功于克瑞格,和他首次大胆地把工业化规模引进到基因测序中,而且是几百台机器不分昼夜地轴干"。
    Trevor Hawkins,director of the US Joint Genome Institute,says:“ The fact that we are sitting here with a completed draft genome is 100 percent due to Craig and his bold initiative of introducing gene sequencing on an industrial scale,with hundreds of machines working round the clock.
  • 子程序包含在其它程序中的程序或一组续数
    A subroutine or set of data contained sequentially within another.
  • 几张顶部结合在一起的挂图;可以翻页以便续展示信息。
    a chart with several sheets hinged at the top; sheets can be flipped over to present information sequentially.
  • 她的衣裙上镶著小光片,身体一动就闪闪发光
    Her dress is covered in sequin which twinkles as she moves
  • 阿尔法瞥了女孩一眼,立刻就被她吸引住了:一头金色的披肩长发,深蓝色的眼睛犹如宁静的大海,一条猩红色的衣裙,把她的身材衬托得魅力四射。
    α glanced the girl and was immediately attracted: She had long straight blonde hair,which reached her shoulders; her eyes were deep blue,just like the serene sea; she wore a scarlet dress,which showed her figure to most advantage.
  • 一个队的军士长;其责任以前包括运输和定购。
    the first sergeant of a company; duties formerly included the conveyance of orders.
  • 中国现代连环画
    modern Chinese serial pictures
  • 钞票上有续的号码。
    Currency notes bear serial numbers.
  • 这部续剧很受欢迎。
    This drama serial are very popular.
  • 这部续剧很受欢迎。
    This drama serial is very popular.
  • lmt和监视器之间的串行接不起作用。
    The serial connection between the LMT and WatchDog is not functioning.
  • 孩子们希望续广播剧的续编会更有趣些。
    The children hope that the continuation of the serial will be more interesting.
  • 孩子们希望续广播剧的续编会更有趣些。
    The children hope that the continuation of the serial will is more interesting.
  • 我觉得电视续剧并不怎么样,因为它们总是吊你的胃口。
    I do not think much about TV serial because they always keep you in suspense.
  • 选择com端口接settop串行电缆,单击next。
    Select the com port to which you connected the settop serial cable and click next.
  • 电视续剧《红楼梦》是由著名的同名小说改编而成的。
    The TV serial Dream of Red Mansions is adapted from the well-known novel of the same title.
  • 你必须使用系统最上面的rs-232(串行)数据端口来接到pc
    You must use the top RS-232( serial) data port on the system for connection to the PC.
  • 将串行电缆到计算机上正确的com端口和winaipinterfacebox上的computer接器上。
    Connect the serial cable to the appropriate COM port on your computer and the COMPUTER connector on the WinAIP Interface Box.
  • 年涡纽曼和他的同事提出把储存程序和续计算合在一起的任何一种数字计算机。
    any digital computer incorporating the ideas of stored programs and serial counters that were proposed in 1946 by von Neumann and his colleagues.
  • 这个故事将会很好的借自己到电视上长篇载。
    This story would lend itself well to serialization on television; be vulnerable to: The current system lends itself to great abuse.
  • 广播或电视里播放的家庭感情故事的续节目(通常是做肥皂广告的公司资助的)。
    a serialized program usually dealing with sentimentalized family matters that is broadcast on radio or television (frequently sponsored by a company advertising soap products).
  • 这部小说将续刊出。
    The novel will appear serially.
  • 设备互的一种方式,通过与中断源串的顺序确定设备的中断优先级。
    A method of device interconnection for determining interruptpriority by connecting the interrupt sources serially.
  • 每台摄像机以每秒60幅的速率续拍摄,录像带录满之后,录制的立体图像就可以用标准的盒式放像机在电视机屏幕上进行播放。
    Each of the two cameras serially records 60 pictures per second. When the tape has been completed, the recorded three-dimensional images can be reproduced on a TV screen using a standard VCR.
  • 唧唧声一连串唧唧声
    A series of chirps.
  • 一片绵不断的一大片或一个系列
    A continuous mass or series.
  • 连续系列;系列
    A continuous series; a sequence.
  • 结,系有系的系列或群体
    A connected series or group.
  • 一系列相互接的点。
    A series of interconnected points.
  • 我队在一串的比赛中大获全胜。
    Our team swept the series.
  • 连或接在一起的
    Connected or linked in a series.
  • 连接navicornq系列节点
    Connecting the naviCOR NQ Series Node