  • 谁发牌?
    Who dealt the cards?
  • 我们抽牌来决定发牌吧。
    Let's draw for deal.
  • 该由谁发牌了?
    Who has the deal now?
  • 谁来分发钱?
    Who will deal the money?
  • 这孩子谁都疼爱他。
    The child is dearly loved by all.
  • 谁先发言?
    Who open the debate?
  • 谁是策应队员?
    Who is the post man?
  • 是谁决定去钓鱼的?
    Who made the decision to go fishing?
  • 那是谁作出的决定?
    Whose decision was it?
  •  也无法锁住天空,这是大势所趋,挡也挡不住。
    The influx of information, though unstoppable, should not render us utterly helpless and defenceless.
  • 如果他遭受公众的责难,都不会为他辩护的。
    If he incur public censure, none will defend.
  • 但红军革命军事委员会一再考虑,认为国难当前,双方决战,不论胜负属,都是中国国防力量的损失,而为日本帝国主义所称快。
    But after much deliberation, the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Red Army decided that a battle to the finish between the two sides in the present national crisis would only damage China's strength for national defence and delight the Japanese imperialists, whichever side emerged victorious.
  • 不论共和党或民主党,能反对诸如强势对付恐怖行为,“高薪的优良工作”,基本医药保险,以及彻底缉毒等目标呢?可是对那些政客来说,不算什么实质问题——不过从另一方面看,问题就在于此。
    Who, Republican or Democrat, could object to goals like staying strong against terrorism, "good jobs at good wages," basic health insurance and a real war on drugs? Not much red meat for partisans there—and again, that's just the point.
  • “‘你们忘记这儿有个主人啦,’这暴君说,‘先惹我发脾气,我就把他毁掉!
    `"You forget you have a master here," says the tyrant. "I'll demolish the first who puts me out of temper!
  • 意见很多,我不知道有能找到共同点。
    It’s all mixed up, and I don’t know that anyone can find a common denominator.
  • 这个伟大成就是也不能否定,也无法否定的。
    No one can deny this impressive achievement.
  • 这是也无法否认的客观事实。
    This is an objective fact no one can deny.
  • 谁主管着这个部门?
    Who headed the department?
  • 负责管理这个部门?
    Who presides over the department?
  • 是最可靠的报刊经售人?
    Who's the most dependable newsagent?
  • 是最可靠的报刊经售人?
    Who 's the most dependable newsagent?
  • 他除了那些胆小鬼和唯唯诺诺的人之外,的话也听不进。
    He had deprived himself of the advice of all but timid souls and yes men.
  • 也不知道她对这孩子的爱有多深。
    Nobody knew the depth of her love for the child.
  • 所有这些人的劳动最终都从面包或其售价那里获得报酬,制犁匠也和其余人一样,其原因是犁除了翻土外,没有别的用处,因而除非犁地能增加土地的收益,使制犁匠的劳动得到充分报酬,否则也不会制作或使用犁。
    All these persons ultimately derive the remuneration of their labour from the bread, or its price: the plough-maker as much as the rest; for since ploughs are of no use except for tilling the soil, no one would make or use ploughs for any other reason than because the increased returns, thereby obtained from the ground, afforded a source from which an adequate equivalent could be assigned for the labour of the plough-maker.
  • 都无法形容这景色的美丽。
    There is no describing the beauty of the scene.
  • 应重惩治,应从轻,他们非常清楚。
    They knew well who deserved severe punishment and who desrved to be let off lightly.
  • 设计的这所新学校?
    Who designed the new school?
  • 你指定做你的代理人?
    Who do you designate your proxy?
  • 布景和服装是设计的?
    Who designed the scenes and costumes?
  • 悉尼歌剧院是设计的?
    Who designed the Sydney Opera House?
  • 他极需帮助,可是似乎也不愿理会
    He is desperately in need of help but nobody seems to want to know.
  • 他极需帮助,可是似乎也不愿理会。
    He was desperately in need of help but nobody seemed to want to know.