  • 对于成功的数据集市而言,信息技术部门必须对反映其作为内部顾问作用的面向小组的结构作出承
    For a data mart to succeed, the IT department must be committed to a team-oriented structure that reflects its role as internal consultant.
  • 卡尔特会僧侣11世纪由圣·布鲁创建的一个提倡苦修冥想的教派的成员
    A member of a contemplative order founded during the11th century by Saint Bruno.
  • 他们认为这部法案并未提供给公众任何益处,而是戏剧性的增加公众的成本,这一论点受到国家许多第一流的经济学家的支持,包括5个贝尔奖获得者。
    They argue that the law will dramatically increase costs to the public without providing public benefits - a contention backed in court papers by many of the nation's leading economists, including five Nobel Prize winners.
  • 拉赫曼尼夫,谢尔盖·瓦斯列维奇1873-1943俄裔作曲家。伟大的钢琴家,他对晚期浪漫主义作曲家有过人的理解,他个人的作品主要是对此类的延续
    Russian-born composer. A virtuoso pianist, he excelled at the interpretation of the late romantic composers. His own work is largely a continuation of that genre.
  • 当然,其原因可能是如此大的波动只不过是发电机过程中波动连续体的极端例子,一个外核气候中的厄尔尼现象。
    Indeed, it may be that such fluctuations are simply extreme examples of the continuum of fluctuations in the dynamo processes, an El Niflo in the weather of the outer core.
  • 经过5年,耗费3000万元纳税人的钱,4个月的审讯以及67位证人作证,伊朗军售独立检察官瓦什昨天承认他对思的穷追不舍已经失败。
    After five years, more than $30 million in taxpaper funds, a four–month trial and the testimony of 67 witnesses, Iran-Contra independent counsel Lawrence E.Walsh threw in the towel yesterday in his dogged pursuit of Oliver North.
  • 福恩·霍尔昨天离天华盛顿法院之前,发誓说在1986年斯被解雇以前,她应斯之请在他的最重要的伊朗军售文件上做了一些更改,然后她出于自主地销毁了原件。
    Fawn Hall leaves Washington court yesterday after swearing that she shredded originals of Oliver North's key Iran/Contra memos on her own hook after making some changes in them at Ollie's request just before he was sacked in 1986.
  • 不合世界贸易组织规则和中国的承的,要加以废除;
    All those that may contravene the WTO rules or our commitments will be abrogated.
  • 捐献(或允捐献)钱的人。
    someone who contributes (or promises to contribute) a sum of money.
  • 他因在物理方面的突出贡献获得了贝尔奖。
    He win the nobel prize for his outstanding contribution to physics.
  • 他因在物理方面的突出贡献获得了贝尔奖。
    He won the nobel prize for his outstanding contribution to physics.
  • 对夺走丈夫的恩爱的新情敌恨之入骨,想出一个计谋,打算置塞墨勒于死地。
    But Juno, to gratify her resentment against this new rival for her lord`s affections, contrived a plan for her destruction.
  • voip允通过把公司的电话和数据基础设施合并成一个网络来简化管理和降低成本。
    VOIP promises to ease network management and decrease costs by converging a company's telephony and data infrastructures into one network.
  • 四个月后,16岁的马拉多纳加入了国家队。1978,阿根廷教练麦提(menotti)考虑到他年幼,没有召集马拉多纳。
    Four months later Diego played for the major National team at the age of 16. In 1978 the Argentinian trainer Menotti didn't convoke Maradona, as he considered him too young.
  •  虽然伊拉克已承配合这次行动,但他们却仍然坚持否认曾研制核武器。
    Iraq has promised to cooperate but still insists it has not developed nuclear weapons.
  • 如果你履行你的言,我们将继续同你合作。
    If you act up to your promise, we are going on cooperating with you.
  • ??米高梅电影公司的"出水芙蓉"和票房冠军以斯帖-威廉姆斯来到夏威夷小岛考艾岛录制电影音乐-"异教徒情歌"(1950)。影片由霍华德-科儿、丽塔-莫瑞、菲利普-科斯塔参演。
    MGM film bathing beauty and box-office darling Esther Williams arrived on the Hawaiian island Kauai to film the musical, Pagan Love Song,(1950) co-starring Howard Keel, Rita Moreno, and Philip Costa.
  • 琼斯政务员允,如果他再次当选,他将在福利事业方面花更多的钱,可是当我问他打算如何筹措时,他却被完全难住了。
    Councillor Jones promised to spend more on welfare services if he was re-elected but he was completely floored when I asked him how he was going to pay for it.
  • 教育部心理咨询服务的负责人比尔哈·伊说:"孩子们有机会练习使用士兵们带来的防毒面具,等他们回到家,就可以告诉他们的父母甚至祖父母那是怎么回事了。
    "The kids get a chance to practice with the gas mask kits brought into the schools and then can go home and explain to their parents and even grandparents," said Bilha Noy, head of the Education Ministry's psychological and counseling service.
  • 祖先生:中国对wto的承将有助于增加各个经济领域中的竞争。
    Mr. Minister Counselor: China's WTO commitments will facilitate increased competition in every sector of the economy.
  • 在朝大人物的两项处世原则是——始终喜怒不形于色,而且决不遵守言。
    The two maxims of any great man at court are—always to keep his countenance and never to keep his word.
  • 他的行动与他的言相反。
    He acted counter to his promise.
  • 电信公司和他们的数据联网的同行们已经开始联手工作,提供语音、数据和视频图形传输服务,而这些传输服务利用了因特网允的另一个更便宜的方法。
    Telecommunications and their data networking counterparts have already begun working together to provide voice, data and video transmission offerings that leverage on the Internet's promise as a cheaper alternative to doing things.
  • 多数先进和发展中国家都渴望能够培育出一个贝尔得奖人为国争光。
    To have a native-born Nobel Laureate is what most developing and developed countries crave for as an unparalleled honour.
  • 但也不能不指出,有的国家竟不顾国际信誉,违反与中华人民共和国建交时所作的承,同台湾发展官方关系,从而给中国统一事业设置障碍。
    On the other hand, it should be pointed out that, in disregard of their international credibility, certain countries have breached the undertaking made at the time of the establishment of diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China by evolving official relations with Taiwan, thereby putting a spoke in the wheel of China's reunification.
  • 丧钟悲鸣,城市披上黑纱,人们含着泪水脱帽默哀。由红橡木制成的灵车在七个州的主要城市停留,最后停在依利斯州的斯普林菲尔德,林肯的故乡。
    Bells sobbed, cities wore crepe, people stood in tears and with hats off as the red oak burial car paused in the leading cities of seven states, ending its journey at Springfield, Illinois, the hometown.
  • 陶洛斯半人半牛的怪物。它住在克里特岛的迷宫中并吃掉雅典进贡的童男童女直至被忒修斯杀死
    A monster who was half man and half bull, to whom young Athenian men and women were sacrificed in the Cretan labyrinth until Theseus killed him.
  • 斯克里特岛之王,宙斯和欧罗巴之子,死后成为地府的三个法官之一
    A king of Crete, the son of Zeus and Europa, who was made one of the three judges in the underworld after his death.
  • 欧罗巴腓尼基公主,被宙斯化作白牛,将其劫至克里特岛,是迈斯,拉达曼西斯,薛尔泊冬的母亲
    A Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus, who had assumed the form of a white bull, and by him the mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon.
  • 斯人,克里特人古克里特的居民,古克里特人
    A native or inhabitant of ancient Crete.
  • 赫拉的孪生兄弟宙斯在驱逐了父亲克洛斯以后到克里特的塞斯(一说是阿尔戈利斯的索那克斯山,现称杜鹃山)找到了她,并向她求爱,但最初并未成功。
    After banishing their father Cronus, Hera`s twin-brother Zeus sought her out at Gnossus in Crete or, some say, on Mount Thornax(now called Cuckoo Mountain) in Argolis, where he courted her, at first unsuccessfully.
  • 索斯克里特北部的一个古城,位于现在的伊腊克林附近。青铜时代文明的中心,它可能是从公元前2000年到1400年很繁盛,它是代达罗斯迷宫和米斯国王宫殿传说的所在地
    An ancient city of northern Crete near present-day Ir醟lion. The center of a Bronze Age culture that probably flourished from c.2000 to1400 b.c., it is the traditional site of the labyrinth of Daedalus and the palace of King Minos.