| - 基因中固定不變的部分——愛捨麗·蒙太古;不變的季節輪轉;生命中不可改變的事實之一。
a fixed and unchangeable part of the germ plasm-Ashley Montagu; the unchangeable seasons; one of the unchangeable facts of life. - 在一八四零年四月,當英國國會就這些事件進行辯論時,格萊斯頓曾經這樣說:「我不能估計這場戰爭會持續多久,但我可以這樣說,我不知道,也未曾閱讀過還有甚麽比這更不公義,比這更攻心計,緻令這個國傢永遠蒙羞的戰爭。」
Debating these very events in the British Parliament in April 1840, William Gladstone said, and I quote: "I am not competent to judge how long this war will last, but I can say this, a war more unjust in its origin, a war more calculated to cover this country with permanent disgrace, I do not know and have not read." Unquote. - “可是,”船主一邊說,一邊把眼光盯在了正在指揮拋錨的唐太斯身上,“在我看來,騰格拉爾,一個水手要幹得很內行,實在也不必象你所說的那樣的老海員纔行,因為你看,我們這位朋友愛德蒙,不需任何人的指示,似乎也幹得很不錯,完全可以稱職了。”
"But," replied the owner, glancing after Dantès, who was watching the anchoring of his vessel, "it seems to me that a sailor needs not be so old as you say, Danglars, to understand his business, for our friend Edmond seems to understand it thoroughly, and not to require instruction from any one." - 體積過大;由於過量分泌荷爾蒙所至。
excessive size; usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. - 她的眼鏡蒙上了一層水汽。
Her glasses have misted up. - 他的眼鏡蒙上了一層水氣。
His glasses have misted up. - 戰敗的消息給小城蒙上了一層憂鬱。
The news of defeat cast a gloom over the town. - 馬丁尼,西蒙尼1283?-1344意大利畫傢,錫耶納的哥特式繪畫的代表人物
Italian painter whose work is representative of the Sienese Gothic style. - 如蒙光臨,不勝榮幸。
Will you grace our party with your presence? - 承蒙光臨。
It's gracious of you to come. - 如蒙光臨,不勝榮幸。
We shall be greatly honored by your gracious presence. - 拉合爾巴基斯坦東北部一座城市,位於靠近印度邊界的拉瓦爾品第東南。它作為蒙兀兒王朝的首都於16世紀達到鼎盛時期,並且留有許多那個時期的傑出建築。人口2,685,000
A city of northeast Pakistan near the Indian border southeast of Rawalpindi. The city reached the height of its grandeur as a Mogul capital in the16th century and retains many splendid architectural examples from that period. Population,2, 685, 000. - 我祖父是蒙哥馬利的部下。
My grandfather served under Montgomery. - 近年來,內蒙古、雲南、廣西、貴州等盛自治區,從開展社會幫教工作,發展到創建“無毒社區”活動,逐步探索出一條從最基層社區抓起,以禁吸戒毒為重點,帶動整個禁毒工作的新路子。
In recent years, the Inner Mongolia and Guangxi autonomous regions and Yunnan, and Guizhou provinces have gradually probed a new way of motivating the drug control work as a whole-starting with the grassroots units (communities), and stressing drug prohibition and the rehabilitation of addicts, to establish "drug-free communities." - 似乎沒有任何辦法能擺脫圍繞着我們的灰蒙蒙色調的生活。
There seemed to be no escape from the greyness of our everyday life which was the only colour that surrounded us. - 他們被蒙面的持槍歹徒劫持了.
They were held captive by masked gunmen. - 卡德魯斯繼續喊道,並用拳頭撐住桌子,擡起了半個身子——“喂,愛德蒙!
continued Caderousse, half-rising, and with his fist on the table, "hallo, Edmond! - 根據《蒙特利爾議定書》,到2005年,發展中國傢氟裏昂産品的消耗量和生産量都將減半,到2007年則減少85%,以此來保護我們的大氣層。
Under the Montreal Protocol, developing countries committed themselves to halving consumption and production of CFCs by 2005 and achieving an 85 per cent cut by 2007. - 西蒙助選團為了增強(選民)支持,藉貸11萬元購買波士頓和新罕普什爾無綫電和電視臺的時段。
In an effort to shore up support, Simon's campaign has borrowed$110, 000 to buy time on Boston and New Hampshire radio and television stations. - 愛德蒙,你的這位小情婦可真漂亮啊!”
Edmond, you have a very handsome mistress!" - 無法蒙騙哈羅德,他洞察力太強了。
It's no good trying to pull the wool over Harold's eyes, he's far too perceptive. - 而蒙代爾實際上是暗示哈特的主張缺乏實質性內容。
Mondale,in effect,suggested that Hart's ideas were short on substance. - 另外還有一個例子。在1984年的民主黨初選中,副總統沃爾特·蒙代爾嚮他的主要競選對手,參議員加裏·哈特提出了一個致命的問題:"where'sthebeef?"
Another example was Vice President Walter Mondale's deadly question to Senator Gary Hart,his main competitor in the 1984 Democratic primaries,“ Where's the beef?” - 剛一觸到愛德蒙的手,他就覺得再也無法忍受了,於是便一下子衝出屋子去了。
Scarcely, however, had he touched Edmond's hand than he felt he had done all he could do, and rushed hastily out of the house. - 傑剋遜競選好像蒙代爾一樣,在一個自信富有(不論這種自信正確與否)的國傢裏,以窮人為目標。
Jackson's campaign, like Mondale's, is targeted on the Have-Nots in a nation that, rightly or wrongly, believes itself to be Haves. - 因為是霧蒙蒙的,所以我們看不見山脈。
Since it was hazy, we couldn't see the mountains. - 朦朧的蒙了薄霧的或似蒙了一層薄膜的;朦朧的
Covered by or as if by a film; hazy. - 煙霧彌漫的煙、霧或汽濃重的;霧蒙蒙的
Heavy and thick with smoke, mist, or fog; hazy. - 在迷蒙的過去,當中石器時代讓位於新石器時代時,有一些在地理上相隔遙遠的地區,突然出現了人類迄今所瞭解的最為成功的發明群體和革命者。
In the misty, hazy past, as the Mesolithic Age gave way to the Neolithic, there suddenly appeared in widely separated geographic areas the most highly successful group of inventors and revolutionaries that the world has ever known. - 現在工農兵面前的問題,是他們正在和敵人作殘酷的流血鬥爭,而他們由於長時期的封建階級和資産階級的統治,不識字,無文化,所以他們迫切要求一個普遍的啓蒙運動,迫切要求得到他們所急需的和容易接受的文化知識和文藝作品,去提高他們的鬥爭熱情和勝利信心,加強他們的團结,便於他們同心同德地去和敵人作鬥爭。
The problem facing the workers, peasants and soldiers is this: they are now engaged in a bitter and bloody struggle with the enemy but are illiterate and uneducated as a result of long years of rule by the feudal and bourgeois classes, and therefore they are eagerly demanding enlightenment, education and works of literature and art which meet their urgent needs and which are easy to absorb, in order to heighten their enthusiasm in struggle and confidence in victory, strengthen their unity and fight the enemy with one heart and one mind. - 密蘇拉美國蒙大拿州西部赫勒拿西北偏西方的城市。是位於農業和林業區的加工業和貿易中心。蒙大拿大學(建於1893年)的所在地。人口42,918
A city of western Montana west-northwest of Helena. It is a processing and trade center in a farming and lumbering region and the seat of the University of Montana(founded1893). Population,42, 918. - 比尤特美國蒙大納西南部一個城市,位於赫勒拿西南偏南。自19世紀60年代建立後,一直是一個礦業中心,自1880年發現銅礦藏之後,占有極重要地位。人口33,336
A city of southwest Montana south-southwest of Helena. It has been a mining center since its settlement in the1860's and enjoyed its greatest importance after the discovery of copper deposits in1880. Population,33, 336.