  • 长须鲸温鲸,尤指大西洋和太平洋沿岸的须鲸,体长大约21米(70尺)
    A rorqual, especially Balaenoptera physalus of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, that attains a length of about21 meters(70 feet).
  • 罗莎琳德将蒲公叶的提取物与其它草药混合用于缓解有关膀胱的病症,因为蒲公还是极好的利尿剂,能有助于排出体内的病菌。
    Rosalind mixes extract of dandelion leaves with other herbs to alleviate bladder problems as dandelion is also a powerful diuretic which helps to flush out bacteria.
  • 玫瑰花是格兰的象徵。
    The rose represents England.
  • 约克王朝国统治王朝(1461—1485年),包括爱德华四世、爱德华五世和理查德三世,在玫瑰战争期间其标志是白玫瑰
    Ruling house of England(1461-1485), including Edward IV, Edward V, and Richard III. During the Wars of the Roses its symbol was a white rose.
  • 兰开斯特王朝从1399年至1461年的格兰王朝,产生过格兰三个国王:亨利四世、亨利五世和亨利六世。在蔷薇战争期间它的标志是一朵红蔷薇
    English royal house that from1399 to1461 produced three kings of England桯enry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI. During the Wars of the Roses its symbol was a red rose.
  • )表明人们应该履行某种责任的顺序的花名册。
    (British) a roster of names showing the order in which people should perform certain duties.
  • 他能把整本语《圣经》硬背出来。
    He can say the whole of the English Bible by rote.
  • 有关华文教学法这一类,我该补充说,许多文教育者一向以为华文老师都是严肃的、呆板的,只会命令学生死背书的一群老古板教师。
    On the issue of teaching methods, many English-educated people seemed to think that Chinese teachers are an old-fashioned lot of strict disciplinarians who only make students learn by rote methods.
  • 大致说来,约四十
    About forty miles, roughly speaking
  • 该项目的开发费用大约是25,000镑。
    The development cost of the project will be roughly 25,000.
  • 该项目的开发费用大约是25,000镑。
    The development cost of the project will is roughly 25, 000.
  • 这种过渡性的华语加强课程,并不要求全面提升华语的一般语言技能,只需着重在华语对译能力的提升,利用这些年轻官员原已具备的基本语专业概念,通过华语并用的双语教学法,训练成人学习者积极调动元认知与语的潜存知识,让他们在最短时间成为在专业领域内华兼通的双语人。
    Such courses should be specially customised for selected civil service officials. The proposed intensive CL course focuses on the mastery of English-Chinese translating skills through a bilingual approach to the teaching of CL. It will not only make full use of learners’ fundamental professional concepts but also actively activate their metacognition and background knowledge in English, thereby enabling them to be a bilingual in their own professional area within a short period.
  • 她以九十五里的时速驶过转弯处。
    She rounded the corner at 95 miles per hour.
  • 议会党人在国内战和伦三岛共和国时期长期议员的支持者;圆颅党人
    A supporter of the Long Parliament during the English Civil War and the Commonwealth; a Roundhead.
  • 从“大同和小康”的理想社会,《三字经》的教育哲学,“送元二使安西“送别挚友的感情,《正气歌》的慷慨激昂,《水浒传》生动的人物刻划,《三国演义》的奸雄侠义,到《背影》的父子之情,《与妻诀别书》雄儿女的矛盾,《阿q正传》笑在嘴里哭在心里的民族悲哀。
    From the ideal society of "the Great Harmony and Minor Prosperity", the educational philosophy encapsulated in the "Three Character Classic", the emotions of bidding farewell to a close friend in "Farewell to Yuan Er", the rousing passions of "An Ode to Integrity", the vivid characterization of "The Water Margin", the evil men and gallant heroes of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms";to the father-son bond portrayed in "The View of His Back", the conflicts of heroic men and women in "A Letter of Farewell to My Wife", the poignant comedy of a nation's sorrow in "The Story of Ah Q";
  • 有些诡辩学家以为人性本善,有些则以为人性本恶,可是他们的理论终究有象霍布斯(hobbes——十五世纪国哲学家)和卢骚(十六世纪法国哲学家)的理论那么互相背驰。
    Some of the Sophists thought man's nature good,and some thought man's nature bad, but there wasn't the sharp contradiction of Hobbes and Rousseau.
  • 有人在议论,说要把国海外航空公司的几条有利可图的航线分出来,交给一家私营航空公司去经营。
    There were discussions about hiving off profitable BOAC routes to a private airline.
  • 英属北美法
    British North America Act
  • 把学习语当成是你的例行公事。
    Make English study a part of your daily routine.
  • 当船遇险时, 营救乘客脱离危险是一种勇的行为。
    While a ship is in distress, rescuing passengers from danger is a heroic action.
  • 这个房间宽25英尺。
    This room measures 25 feet across.
  • 欧娜.哈特准备明天游泳横渡吉利海峡。
    Erna Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.
  • 国式敞开划桨船国海关官员从前使用的一种划桨大船
    A large rowboat formerly used by British customs officers.
  • 这块地被犁成二十九寸宽的垄条,准备种大豆。
    The field was laid up in twenty-nine-inch rows for soybeans.
  • 英国皇家哲学研究所
    Royal Institute of Philosophy
  •  参与活动的还有42年来一直为国女王伊丽莎白二世服务的lionelmann。他描述白金汉宫主人的口味是经典的法国式和传统的国式。他即将在本月退休。
    Lionel Mann, the long-time chef to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, described the food eaten by the royals in Buckingham Palace as classical French and traditional English. Mann is retiring this month after 42 years of feeding the royal family.
  • 从1917开始的国的皇室。
    the British royal family since 1917.
  • 德裔国在国内战中保皇军的领导(1619-1682)。
    a German-born English leader of the Royalist forces during the English Civil War (1619-1682).
  • 内斯比国中部靠近北安普敦的一个小村庄。1645年7月14日,奥利弗·克伦威尔率领的议会武装在内斯比附近决定性地击败了由查理一世和鲁伯特王子率领的皇家军队
    A village of central England near Northampton. Nearby on June14,1645, Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentarian forces decisively defeated Royalist troops led by Charles I and Prince Rupert.
  • 普赖德,托马斯卒于1658国国会军军官,曾领导军队进入国会,并驱逐了反对给查理一世定罪的长老派和保皇派议员(1648年),他签署了查理一世的死刑执行令
    English Parliamentarian who led a regiment to Parliament and expelled Presbyterian and Royalist members who opposed the condemnation of Charles I(1648). He was a signatory of Charles's death warrant.
  • (指橄榄球的发起者—橄榄球学校—已将式足球列入体育课程)我们该怎么办呢?我们不得不跟着老大哥走呀。
    (reaction to Rugby School, originator of Rugby football, having introduced Association football into their sports curriculum) What is one to do? One must not be more royalist than the king.
  • 国历史;查尔斯一世领导下的保皇党人跟国会议员的战争;1644年到1648年。
    English history: war between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I; 1644-1648.