  • 玫瑰饰一种形似玫瑰的装饰品,如装饰结;玫瑰
    An ornament, such as a decorative knot, resembling a rose in form; a rosette.
  • 玫瑰花盛开了。
    The roses are in full bloom.
  • 带在帽子上的装饰品(比如缎带的节或园饰)。
    an ornament (such as a knot of ribbon or a rosette) usually worn on the hat.
  • 热带的飘浮水生草本属,叶片数枚聚生而成一杯状体,有少数组成肉穗序;在河流、湖泊中广泛生长的一种野草。
    pantropical floating plant forming a rosette of wedge-shaped leaves; a widespread weed in rivers and lakes.
  • 四周的墙上长满了玫瑰
    The roses trailed over the walls.
  • 一种十字科的小的水生植物,具有簇生的锥状叶和微小的白;遍及北部地区。
    small aquatic plant having tufted awl-shaped leaves in a basal rosette and minute white flowers; circumboreal.
  • 玫瑰的芳香在四周飘荡。
    The smell of roses floated around.
  • 帽章一种装饰品,例如玫瑰饰或锻带的结,通常戴在帽子上作为徽章
    An ornament, such as a rosette or knot of ribbon, usually worn on the hat as a badge.
  • 长有球茎的小型多年生植物,玫瑰形,多汁的叶片和序以及略带粉红的白;分布于北美东部。
    small cormous perennial grown for its low rosette of succulent foliage and racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; eastern North America.
  • 欧洲和北美洲的一年生杂草,基生叶莲座状,微小,继之是长圆形的荚果。
    annual weed of Europe and North America having a rosette of basal leaves and tiny flowers followed by oblong seed capsules.
  • 匍匐风铃草,牧根草一种两年生欧亚植物(匍匐风铃草风铃草属),叶呈玫瑰状,茎上生翼,开丁香紫色和圆锥序,根可食,用于色拉
    A biennial Eurasian plant(Campanula rapunculus) having rosette leaves with winged stalks, panicles of lilac-colored flowers, and an edible root used in salads.
  • 有柄的高脚杯;长柄玫瑰
    stemmed goblets; long-stemmed roses.
  • 加莱草一种产于美国东部的多年生的无茎常绿植物(加腊克斯加腊克斯属),具有带光泽的心形叶子的蔷薇叶丛和穗状小白
    A stemless, evergreen, perennial plant(Galax urceolata) of the eastern United States, having a rosette of glossy, heart-shaped leaves and small, white flowers in spikelike clusters.
  • 这玫瑰花真香!
    Don't the roses smell sweet!
  • 矮生、簇状、无柄草本植物,叶子呈线形或线状倒披针形,呈莲座状,开头状白色,结有刚毛的瘦果;分布在加拿大中部和美国的亚利桑纳州西部。
    dwarf tufted nearly stemless herb having a rosette of woolly leaves and large white-rayed flower heads and bristly achenes; central Canada and United States west to Arizona.
  • 捕虫堇属植物一种捕虫堇属食虫植物,生有蔷薇形基叶,上面覆有用以捕捉并消化小昆虫的粘性分泌物
    Any of numerous carnivorous plants of the genus Pinguicula, having a rosette of basal leaves that are coated with a sticky secretion that traps small insects for digestion.
  • 无干的多年生草本植物,叶子带刺下边长绒毛,莲座丛中开有白色或紫棕色单个组成的大;阿尔卑斯山地区或欧洲东部。
    stemless perennial having large flowers with white or purple-brown florets nestled in a rosette of long spiny leaves hairy beneath; of alpine regions of southern and eastern Europe.
  • 十字科的一个大属,簇生矮草本,产温带和寒带地区,小,角果长圆形或线性。
    any of numerous low-growing cushion-forming plants of the genus Draba having rosette-forming leaves and terminal racemes of small flowers with scapose or leafy stems; fruit is a dehiscent oblong or linear silique.
  • 他送我玫瑰来庆贺我的生日。
    He gave me roses for my birthday.
  • 二年生植物一般需要两个生长季来完成其生命周期的植物,通常是第一季生长为莲座丛,第二季开、结果,后死亡
    A plant that normally requires two seasons to complete its life cycle, growing usually as a rosette in the first season and producing flowers and fruits and then dying in the second season.
  • 我想要一种玫瑰图案的墙纸。
    I want a wallpaper patterned with roses.
  • pterostylis属的任何一种兰,基生莲座叶丛,绿色、常有紫色、褐色或红色条纹,萼片背部向内弯曲成盔状。
    any of numerous orchids of the genus Pterostylis having leaves in a basal rosette and green flowers often striped purple or brown or red with the dorsal sepal incurved to form a hood.
  • 长生草属植物长生草属植物,产于欧洲大陆,尤指屋顶长生草,叶子肥厚,常绿,底部呈圆型,开有带分支的淡粉色或淡紫色
    Any of various plants of the genus Sempervivum native to the Old World, especially S. tectorum, having a persistent, basal rosette of fleshy leaves and a branching cluster of pinkish or purplish flowers.
  • 四季生常绿植物,有密集的基生莲座叶丛,叶子呈抹刀状,圆锥序,粉色、粉紫色或有白色和红色的斑纹。
    evergreen perennial having a dense basal rosette of long spatula-shaped leaves and panicles of pink or white-and-red-striped or pink-purple flowers; found on cliffs and in rock crevices in mountains of southwestern Oregon and northern California.
  • 有莲座状叶子的肉质植物有像大麻的纤维和美丽的穗状序;主要在非洲。
    succulent plants having rosettes of leaves usually with hemp-like fiber and spikes of showy flowers; chiefly Africa.
  • 矮生的高山植物,因其基生、平滑的墨绿色叶子和单生、钟状的蓝色而常被栽培。
    low-growing alpine plant cultivated for its dark glossy green leaves in basal rosettes and showy solitary bell-shaped blue flowers.
  • 美洲的一种热带植物,具很硬直而尖的永存叶,大多数生着莲座状基部,高的总状或穗状的序;有些被栽种是为了用于装饰或获取纤维。
    tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fiber.
  • 美洲虎一种产自中美及南美地区的大型猫科哺乳动物(美洲虎猫科),与豹有很近的血缘关系,长有黄褐色带黑色斑的皮毛
    A large feline mammal(Panthera onca) of Central and South America, closely related to the leopard and having a tawny coat spotted with black rosettes.
  • 仅在夏威夷的火山口可见的矮的植物,有圆饰的窄的尖的银绿色的叶子,和在高高的茎干上的密集的红紫色的
    low-growing plant found only in volcanic craters on Hawaii having rosettes of narrow pointed silver-green leaves and clusters of profuse red-purple flowers on a tall stem.
  • 芦荟一种主要产于的非洲芦荟属植物,有肉质多浆的莲座丛,通常叶的边缘带刺并有黄、桔黄或红色管形的长茎,
    Any of various chiefly African plants of the genus Aloe, having rosettes of succulent, often spiny-margined leaves and long stalks bearing yellow, orange, or red tubular flowers.
  • 房间陈设富丽堂皇,布尔雕刻的和玫瑰木的家具、塞弗尔和中国的瓶、萨克森的小塑像、绸缎、天鹅绒和边绣品;真是目不暇接,应有尽有。
    The furniture was superb. Rosewood and Buhl-work pieces, Severs vases and blue china porcelain, Dresden figurines, satins, velvet and lace, everything in fact.
  • 花名册
    A roll call or roster of names.