  • 載菊一種屬於載菊鳥屬的頭冠上有黃斑或紅斑的帶灰的北部美洲的小鳥
    Any of several small, grayish North American birds of the genus Regulus, having a yellowish or reddish patch on the crown of the head.
  • 排練常在戲劇製作早期進行的短暫的排練,如關於某劇或某角的排練
    A brief rehearsal, as of a play or role, performed usually in an early stage of production.
  • 在大多數情況下演員要預演他們的角
    In most cases, cactors rehearse their parts.
  • 排練角色的演員
    An actor rehearsing a role.
  • 演員們排演他們的角
    The actors rehearsed their parts.
  • 儘管瓊對這個角衹排演過幾次,她卻演得出人意料地成功。
    Although she had only rehearsed the part a few times, Jean carried it off beyond all expectation.
  • 愛琴海北部的一個希臘島嶼;因為其紅褐黏土的醫用價值而出名。
    a Greek island in the northern Aegean Sea; famous for a reddish-brown clay that has medicinal properties.
  • 一種纖細的內陸腎蘭,與沿海腎蘭相似,但花呈淺黃緑
    slender inland rein orchid similar to coastal rein orchid but with pale greenish-yellow flowers.
  • 掩護下,援軍過了河。
    Reinforcements were set across the river under cover of darkness of night.
  • 車把式在榆樹陰下把他的慄馬勒住。
    The coachman reins his smoking bays beneath the elm - tree 's shade.
  • 廉署的4個諮詢委員會在監察和監督廉署工作方面擔當重要的角:貪污問題諮詢委員會負責嚮廉署提供政策方面的意見;
    The commission's four advisory committees play an important role in monitoring and supervising the work of the ICAC. At the policy level, it is guided by the Advisory Committee on Corruption.
  • 一種黃色素的衍生物
    Any of various related yellow pigments.
  • 屬於或關於譜法的。
    of or relating to chromatography.
  • 屬於或關於比(法)。
    of or relating to colorimetry.
  • 腎上腺素白到褐之間的晶體化合物,c9h13no3,由某些哺乳動物的腎上腺提取或人工合成,用作心髒興奮劑、血管收縮劑和支氣管肌鬆弛劑
    A white to brownish crystalline compound, C9H13NO3, isolated from the adrenal glands of certain mammals or synthesized and used in medicine as a heart stimulant, vasoconstrictor, and bronchial relaxant.
  • 這是一個驚人的故事——這個1962年始創於阿肯州鄉村地區的沃爾瑪百貨公司在今年一躍登上了《財富》500強的榜首。公司創始人薩姆·沃爾頓一面千方百計提高銷售額,一面以先進的信息技術降低成本。他以嚴格的“10英尺規則”(嚮在這距離之內的顧客致意)鼓勵員工提高銷售質量。換句話說,他是當今經濟戒律——服務規則——的第一位傳道者。事實上,沃爾瑪百貨公司是第一個躍居《財富》500強榜首的服務業公司。1955年,當《財富》雜志第一次公佈美國最大公司的排名時,沃爾瑪甚至尚未問世。那一年,通用汽車公司是美國最大的公司,此後不是通用汽車公司就是另一個大公司——埃剋森公司獨占鰲頭。
    It’s a stunning tale -- one that propelled Wal-Mart from rural Arkansas,where it was founded in 1962,to the top of the Fortune 500 this year.Sam Walton,Wal-Mart’s founder,pushed sales growth relentlessly while squeezing costs with sophisticated information technology.He exhorted employees to sell better with the“ten-foot rule”(greet customers if they are that close).He was,in other words,an early evangelist for the first commandment of today’s economy:Service rules.Wal-Mart,in fact,is the first service company to rise to the top of the Fortune 500.When Fortune first published its list of the largest companies in America in 1995,Wal-Mart didn’t even exist.That year General Motors was America’s biggest company,and in every year that followed,either GM or another mighty industrial,Exxon,was NO.1.
  • 用大量象徵手法表現宗教彩的詩篇
    Poetry full of religious symbolism
  • 我認為這就是宗教彩。
    I think that is getting religious.
  • 在日本,人們贊揚電影中的角在極大的災禍面前表現出的堅忍不拔精神。
    People in Japan praise perseverance of the characters in the face of extreme adversity.
  • 我從她那抓住不願意放的手裏奪過望遠鏡對準遠處的景看起來。
    I prised the glasses from her reluctant grasp and trained them on the distant scene.
  • 和平組織稱其最多是半緑,勉強.得塊“銅牌”。
    The Green and Peace Organization called it at most a half green, and it could only win a bronze medal reluctantly.
  • 兩人在1988年再度合演了一部糟糕的黑翻版影片《doa》後結為夫婦。
    the two subsequently became a couple when they reteamed for the botched 1988 noir remake D.
  • 一個生物工程林業的新時代正悄然而至,並且保證重塑每年7500億美元全球林業經營和景的新形象。
    A new age of bioengineered forestry is dawning, and it promises to completely remake the $ 750-billion-a-year global forestry business -- and, with it, landscapes all over the world.
  • 在紅區域,土地大部分配了,小部在分配中。
    In the Red areas the greater part of the land had been distributed and the remainder was being distributed.
  • 使用道路的乘客中,過半數乘搭專利巴士,其餘則由緑專綫小巴、公共小型巴士、的士及非專利巴士運載。
    More than half of public transport journeys made by road were on franchised buses, and the remainder on green minibuses, public light buses, taxis and non-franchised buses.
  • 風幹,褪暴露使褪、解體、消耗或負面受影響
    To discolor, disintegrate, wear, or otherwise affect adversely by exposure.
  • 另外,維納斯的旋轉球技能也非常出
    And her skills in spin were remarkable.
  • 這個地方以它的如畫的景著稱。
    The place is remarkable for its picturesque scenery.
  • 惹人註意的(通過顯得不平常或出而)惹人註意的;值得註意的
    Attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable.
  • 你幹得十分出,我佩服你!
    You've done a remarkably fine job--I take off my hat to you!
  • 語法;不實現與任何一個組成成分相同的語法角,例如用作副詞的“untillasteaster(直到上一個復活節)”。
    grammar; not fulfilling the same grammatical role of any of its constituents--as until last Easter--which serves as an adverb.
  • 一個追求塞尚風格的優秀配
    A forceful colorist whose idiom was reminiscent of C閦anne.