  • 胎儿学尤指对子宫内的胎儿的医学研和治疗
    The medical study and treatment of the fetus, especially within the uterus.
  • 85.树獭即不讲卫生,以至于它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。
    85. The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair.
  • 经济政策研所研劳工问题的经济学家贾里德·伯恩斯坦说:“30年内最理想的经济应当是减少不平等,而非仅仅减慢不平等的增长速度。”
    "The best economy in 30 years ought to have lessened inequality instead of just slowing its growth," says Jared Bernstein, a labor economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a union-backed think tank.
  • 谎言终究是谎言。
    Lies can never changes fact.
  • 伏案10年潜心研,他的背都有点驼了。
    After10years at study slumping over a desk, his back is a little bent.
  • 重点开展清洁煤技术(水煤浆、微煤粉、硫化床等)研与示范;锅炉烟气净化技术开发与示范应用;天然气冷热电联供系统研与示范等。
    We emphasize to study and demonstrate the clean coal technology (including water coal slurry, micro coal powder and sulfurization bed etc.), develop, demonstrate and apply the cleaning technology of boiler smoke and exhaust, and natural gas cool and thermal power union supply system.
  • 很可能,人类克隆研人员也会背地里偷偷地工作,直到成功时才露面。
    Presumably, human-cloning researchers could also do their work on the sly, emerging only when they succeed.
  • 因此,虽然中国无产阶级有其不可避免的弱点,例如人数较少(和农民比较),年龄较轻(和资本主义国家的无产阶级比较),文化水准较低(和资产阶级比较);然而,他们终成为中国革命的最基本的动力。
    Therefore, in spite of certain unavoidable weaknesses, for instance, its smallness (as compared with the peasantry), its youth (as compared with the proletariat in the capitalist countries) and its low educational level (as compared with the bourgeoisie), the Chinese proletariat is nonetheless the basic motive force of the Chinese revolution.
  • 萨达姆·侯赛因研了几十种能引起气体坏疽、瘟疫、斑症伤寒、破伤风、出血热等疾病生物原素。他拿出资金来发展天花。
    Saddam Hussein has investigated dozens of biological agents causing diseases such as gas gangrene, plague, typhus (ph), tetanus, cholera, camelpox and hemorrhagic fever, and he also has the wherewithal to develop smallpox.
  • 我还是做我的梦,总比研化学好。
    I'd rather dream than study my chemistry.
  • 他过去衣著讲,现在却是衣衫褴褛
    He used to dress quite smartly, but he looks very down at heel nowadays.
  • 美国人生活中最显著而又有益的事情莫过于对法律的广泛研了。(法国法官托克维尔 A)
    One of the most striking and salutary thing in Ameican life is the widespread study of law. (Alexis de Tocqueville ,French judge)
  • 行为科学研提示,工作中人与人之间较好相处。这或许是因为工作上的人际关系较有规律,而在社会上,人与人之间的关系是断断续续的,比较紧张,而且也较少有规律可循。(英国作家 伦纳德.R.S.)
    Behavioral research discloses that human relations at work are just easier, perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and thus simpler to adjust to than the sporadic, the more intense and less regular relationship in the community. (R.Sayles Leonard, British writer)
  • 第二十六条 银行、冶炼厂、造纸厂以及废旧物资回收部门,应与文化行政管理部门共同负责拣选出掺杂在金银器和废旧物资中的文物,除供银行研所必需的历史货币可以由银行留用外,其余移交给文化行政管理部门处理。
    Article 26 Banks, smelteries, paper mills and departments for the recovery of old and waste materials shall assume responsibility, jointly with the departments for cultural administration, for sorting out cultural relics from among gold and silver articles and waste materials. The cultural relics thus obtained, except for coins and other kinds of currency of past ages which are needed by research institutes of the banks and which may be kept by the banks, shall be turned over to and placed at the disposal of the departments for cultural administration.
  • 科学家们通过飞船、飞机和卫星发回的1995年到2000年亚洲北部冬季期间的有关气象数据来对亚洲脏雾进行分析研。研发现,这片烟雾不仅仅能阻断阳光射入和引起大气层升温,而且还能够引起酸雨,这就对农作物和树木构成了威胁,而且还会对海洋造成污染,对农业造成伤害。
    Using data from ships, planes and satellites to study Asia's haze during the northern winter months of 1995 to 2000, scientists discovered not only that the smog cut sunlight,heating the atmosphere, but also that it created acid rain, a serious threat to crops and trees, as well as contaminating oceans and hurting agriculture.
  • [28]尽管有关吸烟带来疾病的资料让人不可小视,但是研还表明了吸烟会给人带来一些偶然的益处。
    [28] Despite the weight of the data about the ills of tobacco smoke, research also shows some occasional benefit from smoking.
  • 该项研的作者之一,威斯康星医学院的史蒂文·阿伦特说:“很明显,抽烟是主要因素,但酒会加重吸烟的致癌性。”
    “ Clearly smoking is the major factor,” says Steven Ahrendt of the Medical College of Wisconsin, one of the study's authors, “ but alcohol may increase the carcinogenicity of cigarette smoke.
  • [8]统计数据研早就表明,不吸烟的人比烟民长寿,而且自20世纪50年代以来,科学家们通过统计资料,已经发现了吸烟和肺癌发病率之间的相互关系。
    [8] Statistical studies have long shown that people who don't smoke live longer than people who do and scientists have seen statistically the correlation between smoking and incidences of lung cancer since the 1950s.
  • 最新的研发现,吸烟人士离婚的可能性比不吸烟的人要高53%。
    New research finds smokers are 53% more likely to divorce than nonsmokers.
  • 《癌症研》发表的一项新研表明,经常喝酒的吸烟者与不喝酒的吸烟者相比,前者发生与肺癌有关的基因突变的可能性几乎是后者的两倍。
    Smokers who regularly drink are nearly twice as likely to have genetic mutations associated with lung cancer as are smokers who don't drink, according to a new study in Cancer Research.
  • 不久他们发现,他们的研工作进展不太顺利。
    Soon they found their studies were not progressing smoothly.
  • 阿马托和罗素所从事的遗传学研的副产品是可以遏制走私野生圣文森特鹦鹉的活动。
    A byproduct of the genetic research Amato and Russello conducted is a potential tool to stop the smuggling of wild St. Vincents.
  • 其二,对走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品,无论数量多少,都规定要追刑事责任,予以刑事处罚。
    Second, the law specifies that the criminal responsibility of a person for smuggling, trafficking, transporting or manufacturing narcotic drugs, regardless of their quantity, be legally pursued and punished.
  • 逃避海关监管,构成走私罪的,依法追刑事责任。
    Whoever tries to avoid the supervision and control of the Customs, if the act constitutes a crime of smuggling, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
  • 情节严重、构成犯罪的,依照刑法关于走私罪的规定追刑事责任。
    if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law on the crimes of smuggling.
  • 8.吃零食研表明如果人们吃零食,就很少会在正式用餐时过量饱食。
    8.Have a Snack Research shows that when people snack, they are less likely to overeat at meals.
  • 他集中精力研那条蛇。
    he studied the snake intensively.
  • 他详细地研了那条蛇。
    he studied the snake in detail.
  • 瑞士、丹麦和瑞典除了拥有本国健全的政策外,也吸纳了其他欧洲国家的优秀人才,例如:出生在德国的爱因斯坦,在瑞士受教育并做出惊天动地的物理研
    Besides having sound national policies of their own, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden also absorbed talent from other European countries. For instance,German-born Albert Einstein was educated in Switzerland. His subsequent research into physics was nothing short of earth-shattering.
  • 瑞士、丹麦和瑞典除了拥有本国健全的政策外,也吸纳了其他欧洲国家的优秀人才,例如:出生在德国的爱因斯坦,在瑞士受教育并做出惊天动地的物理研
    Besides having sound national policies of their own, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden also absorbed talent from other European countries. For instance, German-born Albert Einstein was educated in Switzerland. His subsequent research into physics was nothing short of earth-shattering.
  • 数年前,我曾在白洛克林兹术科学研院,举办一种小说著述的课程,我们希望当时名作家诺里斯、赫司德、塔勃尔、许士等来我们班上,讲述他们写作的经验。
    Years ago I conducted a course in fiction writing at the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and we wanted such distinguished and busy authors as Kathleen Norris,Fannie Hurst, Ida Tarbell, Albert Payson Terhune and Rupert Hughes to come to Brooklyn and give us the benefit of their experiences.
  • 这本画册装订得很考
    This album is beautifully bound.