  • 情人节前后香水和古龙香水的销量攀升,这证明了像情人节这样的节日在香港人生活中有特别的意义。
    A surge in sales of perfumes and eau de colognes is affirmation of the role that special occasions such as Valentine's Day now have in the Hong Kong way of life.
  • 于是,我拿起一桶多未饱和烹饪油和一捆再生纸巾,皱眉头走向收款台。
    I gather up my polyunsaturated cooking oil and my recycled paper towels and head with furrowed brow to the checkout counter.
  • 他们通过高地农业维持人口密集的居住地的生存。高地农业技术可以改善贫瘠的热带土壤的排水和养分的循环利用。
    They sustained this dense settlement through raised field agriculture, a technique that improved drainage and recycled nutrients in the poor tropical soil.
  • 尽管还是个小学生,迈克却有不一般的爱好——垃圾车、垃圾堆、垃圾回收——和垃圾有关的都是他的最爱,而他的理想是:长大后成为一名垃圾搬运工。
    The grade schooler is passionately interested in garbage trucks, compost and recycling -- and dreams of being a trash hauler when he grows up.
  • 伯爵满脸通红,咬嘴唇。
    The Count reddened and bit his lip.
  • 脸红伴随发热、情感或用力的皮肤变红
    A reddening of the skin, as with fever, emotion, or exertion.
  • 闪烁点亮了的圣诞树的街道;日落时变红了的云;围绕营火的变红了的脸。
    streets ablaze with lighted Christmas trees; the inflamed clouds at sunset; reddened faces around the campfire.
  • 永不疲惫、永不气馁、永不完竭的信念,今天我们重树这样的目标:使我们的国家变得更加公正、更加慷慨,去验证我们每个人和所有人生命的尊严。
    Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life.
  • 装饰这间屋子要眼于将来其用作保育室
    Redecorated the room with an eye to its future use as a nursery.
  • 拔除杂草,疏通河道,清理垃圾。50年代初,从宫内清除出去的上百年的垃圾竟达250,000立方米,自此院容焕然一新。故宫博物院制定了“重保护、重点修缮、全面规划、逐步实施”的古建维修方针,经过几十年的努力,许多残破、渗漏、瀕临倒塌的大小殿堂楼阁得到了修复和油饰,愈显金碧辉煌。
    Where previously the dirty and dilapidated halls and courts lay under weeds and piles of rubbish, some 250,000 cubic metres of accumulated debris were now cleared out, giving the place a sparkling fresh look. A policy of comprehensive rehabilitation was also launched, and in time the crumbling palace buildings, repaired and redecorated, looked resplendent once more.
  • 中国各民族相互依存的政治、经济、文化联系,使其在长期的历史发展中有共同的命运和共同的利益,产生了强固的亲和力、凝聚力。
    Due to their interdependent political, economic and cultural connections, all ethnic groups in China have shared common destiny and interests in their long historical development, creating a strong force of affinity and cohesion.
  •  劳动教养机关对被劳动教养的人实行教育、感化、挽救的方针,眼于挽救。
    The education-through-labor institutions follow the policy of educating, persuading and redeeming the offenders, with the emphasis on redeeming.
  • 然而,随目前关于伊拉克战的报道铺天盖地,"记实电视"被赋予了新的定义。家长该怎样将孩子们的视线从暴力画面上移开呢?
    But now that coverage of the war in Iraq has redefined "reality television," how can parents best shield their children from the violent images?
  • 它可获取财富,它要剥夺竞争对手的财富。信息战争与权力有关。控制信息就控制了金钱。信息战争与恐惧有关。控制信息的人能让那些企图保住自己秘密的人感到恐惧。纽约银行就经历了这种恐惧,它在一天里就丢失了230亿美元。信息战争与政治有关。当德国政府支持情报机构对美国进行黑客活动时,盟友的含义就需要重新确定了。或者当为扰乱美国经济伊朗政府暗中支持向美国市场投放假币时,我们应该隐隐察觉到冲突已不同于以往。信息战争与生存有关。法国和以色列发展各自的经济,把全部所有的工业部门都建筑在偷窃美国的机密的基础上。日本和韩国,在他们政府的帮助下,只要美国的技术一离开设计图板就把它偷走了。信息战争与挑衅和侵犯公民权有关。无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,从网络空间的城堡里走来了不起眼的黑客,他们一无所有而不怕失去。他们了解进行信息战争的经济收益。信息战争就是要控制信息。随网络空间的扩展和电子无政府状态的蔓延,现实社会越来越失去控制。从80年代末和整个90年代的情况来看,信息战争不可避免。
    It's about the acquisition of wealth,and the denial of wealth to competitors. Information Warfare is about power. He who controls the information controls the money. Information Warfare is about fear. He who controls the information can instill fear in those who want to keep their secrets a secret.It's the fear that the Bank of New York felt when it found itself $ billion short of cash in only one day. Information Warfare is about politics. When the German government sponsors intelligence agency hacking against U.S. computers,the concept of ally needs to be redefined. Or when Iran takes aim at the U.S. economy by state sponsored counterfeiting,we should have a glimmer that conflict is not what it once was. Information Warfare is about survival.France and Israel developed their respective economies and based entire industries on stealing American secrets.Japan and Korea purloin American technology as it comes off the drawing boards with the help of their governments. Information Warfare is about defiance and disenfranchisement in both modern and Third World societies. From the inner cities of Cyberspace come fringe? element hackers with nothing to lose. They recognize the economic benefits of waging Information Warfare. Information Warfare is about the control of information.As a society we maintain less and less control as Cyberspace expands and electronic anarchy reigns.Given global conditions of the late 1980s and 1990s, Information Warfare is inevitable.
  • 便是“赎罪”的理论,这理论依然是由流行的牺牲的观念转变而来的;依这个理论,上帝是一个喜欢炙肉的嗅味的神,不能毫无代价地赦免人类的罪过。
    Then came the Redemption, still borrowing from the current conception of the sacrificial lamb, which went still farther back to the idea of a God Who desired the smell of roast meat and could not forgive for nothing.
  • 伯拉姆斯和德沃夏克在作曲的风格上有较明显的相似
    There is a discernible stylistic affinity between the compositions of Brahms and those of Dvo栣k.
  • 我们正手负责一项巨大的规划,进一步扩大中心区。
    We are just now taking in hand a massive programme for the redevelopment of the city center.
  • 市建局会采取全面综合的方式,藉重建、修复和保存文物古迹等方法,更新旧区面貌。
    The URA would adopt a comprehensive and holistic approach to rejuvenate older urban areas by way of redevelopment, rehabilitation and heritage preservation.
  • 当局在完成全港发展策略检讨后,现正手检讨都会计划,以期按最新的资料为都会区的发展及重建,制定一个新的规划大纲。
    With the completion of the TDS Review, the Metroplan is now under review to produce an updated planning framework for the development and redevelopment of the Metro Area.
  • 西班牙语和葡萄牙语有许多亲密的关系。
    The Spanish and Portuguese languages have many affinities.
  • 不知怎样,他这个片刻不离的匣子,后来走的时候,竟不带去,留到今天,给我重现
    The box was something which he would not part with at first. Yet when he departed, he would leave it behind for me to rediscover today.
  • 我不久就对这种游戏中重新发现的娱乐迷了。
    I soon lost myself in the rediscovered pleasures of the game.
  • 他心中又燃起对艾莉丝的爱,一心守这种美好的思念,彼得毫不松懈要活下来的意志。
    By rediscovering his love for Alice,and focusing on that positive image,he sustains his will to survive.
  • 我们到新区不调查不研究,简单地抱半年完成土改的意愿,不管敌情是否许可,不管群众的和干部的准备程度,忽视了群众工作的艰苦性,把少数勇敢分子的行动误认是大多数群众的行动,把大军进入后群众一时的热劲,误认是多数农民已经有了分配土地的觉悟和要求,因而不是有步骤有分别地去领导群众,取得胜利,而是轻率地决定实行土地改革。
    When we arrived in the new liberated areas, we did not investigate and study the situation, but simply planned to complete land reform in six months, without regard to whether or not the enemy's situation permitted it and whether or not the masses and cadres were prepared for it. We overlooked the arduousness of mass work, taking the action of a few reckless persons for that of the overwhelming majority of the masses, and the momentary popular enthusiasm upon the arrival of our army for the awakening of most peasants and their demands for the redistribution of land. Therefore, we did not try to lead the masses in attaining victory step by step and group after group, but just decided recklessly to undertake land reform.
  • 大厅里散发地板蜡的气味;散发啤酒和威士忌酒味道的空气。
    the hall was redolent of floor wax; air redolent with the fumes of beer and whiskey.
  • 饥饿只有加深我对现社会的认识,只有加强我生的勇气,从此我更要奋斗,为了自己,也为了万万千千和我同样在饥饿线上挣扎的青年男女。
    Hunger deepens my knowledge of the reality and gives me more courage to live. From now on, I'm going to redouble my efforts to struggle not only for myself, but also for thousands upon thousands of young men and women who, like me, are on the brink of starvation.
  • 我们面对敌人加强的攻势;尽管我们做出了加倍的努力。
    we faced redoubled attacks from the enemy; despite our redoubled efforts.
  • 不时,这声响,这喧哗,随涌向中央大台阶的人流的折回、混乱或旋转,益发振耳欲聋了。这是因为府衙的一名弓箭手在推人,或是一名捕头骑马横冲直撞,拼命维持秩序。
    From time to time the uproar redoubled, the current which bore the crowd towards the grand stairs was choked, thrown back, and formed into eddies, when some archer thrust back the crowd, or the horse of one of the provost’s men kicked out to restore order;
  • 大手术的可怕前景;比那穿长筒靴、脚跟登登作响的狂热分子更残暴、更可怕的对手——g·h·约翰斯顿;高大的灰墙周围可怕的、像监狱一样的情形。
    the formidable prospect of major surgery; a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic- G.H.Johnston; something unnerving and prisonlike about high gray wall.
  • 他穿上战服时雄姿勃勃——头戴插翎的盔甲,臂上套皮护袖,手持的铜矛咄咄逼人。
    In battle array he is resplendent, - on his head the gleaming helmet and floating plume, on his are the leather shield, in his had the redoubtable spear of bronze.
  • 贝达得:通过各种加工设备,脆簿鲜嫩的叶子体积缩小,紧接放入干燥器内烘制,之后进行分等挑选,最后的成品就是装入小袋出售的松脆小叶片。
    The tea is reduced from being a green, brittle leaf, and it is put through various machines which reduce its size.It is then fired in a tea dryer, and then sorted, and the finished product is what people see in their packet, a small brittle fragment.
  • 代际联系父母与后代之间亲密关系的形成过程,常常在孩子出生时就开始,是更深的感情联系的基础,影响孩子的生理和心理发育
    The attachment process occurring between a parent and offspring that usually begins at the time of birth, is the basis for further emotional affiliation, and influences the child's physical and psychological development.