  • 肝素一种复合的机质性酸,尤指在肺、肝器官内的这种酸,具有防止血液凝块的作用,用于治血栓病
    A complex organic acid found especially in lung and liver tissue and having the ability to prevent the clotting of blood, used in the treatment of thrombosis.
  • 粉条儿菜属的几种多年生植物的任何一种,具有草状的叶和苦的根,其根通常用来治腹痛。
    any of several perennials of the genus Aletris having grasslike leaves and bitter roots reputed to cure colic.
  • 因为有联合会诊和专家门诊,内科医师们开始能从小乡村医院向主要的医中心播送复杂的医学图像。
    Physicians are on the threshold of being able to beam intricate medical images from small rural hospitals to major medical centers for collaborative diagnosis and expert consultation.
  • 服用足够量的胰岛素以导致抽搐和昏迷的休克法。
    the administration of sufficient insulin to induce convulsions and coma.
  • 服用足够量的卡地阿唑以导致抽搐和昏迷的休克法。
    the administration of sufficient Metrazol to induce convulsions and coma.
  • 用强电流刺激大脑,从而导致抽搐和休克的治方法。
    the administration of a strong electric current that passes through the brain to induce convulsions and coma.
  • 西藏医工作者在高原肺水肿、高山昏迷和慢性高原病的抢救和治方面,一直处于国内外领先地位。
    Tibetan medical workers are both domestic and international leaders in rescue and the treatment of plateau edema, mountain coma and chronic plateau sickness.
  • 西藏医工作者在高原肺水肿、高山昏迷和慢性高原病的抢救和治方面,一直处于国内外领先地位。
    Tibetan medical workers are both domestic and international leaders in rescue and the treatment of plateau pneumochysis, mountain coma and chronic plateau sickness.
  • 止痛膏,安慰剂有镇静、治或安慰作用的药剂或特性
    A soothing, healing, or comforting agent or quality.
  • 中国已建立了符合国情的妇幼卫生服务体系,为实现“2000年人人享有卫生保奖的全球战略目标,遍布于城乡的三级医预防保健网,向广大儿童提供卫生保健和计划免疫服务。
    In order to realize the global strategic target whereby everybody would enjoy health care by the year 2000, a maternity and child hygiene service system commensurate with its national conditions has been established in China and a three-level network of medical treatment, prevention and health care has been developed in its rural and urban areas, providing health care and planned immunity services for children.
  • 与此同时,中国进一步加强了和西亚、非洲、拉美、大洋洲等地区国家及东欧、独联体国家的军事关系,继续向有关发展中国家提供人员培训、装备器材、后勤物资、医卫生等方面的援助,并积极拓展新的交往领域。
    At the same time, China has further strengthened its military relations with countries in West Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania, as well as those in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Chinese armed forces have continued to provide assistance to their counterparts in developing countries in personnel training, equipment, logistical materials, and medical care, and will seek to widen the scope of contacts in the future.
  • 一艘船上夹板之间的隔间;通常它被用来做医室。
    a compartment on a ship between decks; often used as a hospital.
  • 医原性的,由医师诱发的在病人身上由医生的行为、方式或法引起的,特用于注射或其他医并发症
    Induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy. Used especially of an infection or other complication of treatment.
  • 的过程会引起致命的并发症,但是如今,这也是我仅存的希望。
    The procedure can have fatal complications,but now it was my only hope.
  • 他们必须长期接受治和经常覆诊,以控制病情和预防并发症。
    They need long-term treatments and regular follow-up care in order to have their conditions brought under control and to prevent complications.
  • 用关节、肌肉和韧带的处理手法来治疾病,基于坚信许多疾病由结缔组织的移位而引起。
    a drugless method of treatment based on the belief that disease symptoms arise from problems with ligaments and connective tissues.
  • 推拿法用关节、肌肉和韧带的处理手法来治疾病,基于坚信许多疾病由结缔组织的移位而引起
    Treatment of disease by manipulation of joints, muscles, and ligaments, based on the belief that many diseases are caused by displacement of connective tissues.
  • 通过发展经济、普及教育、发展医卫生保健事业等途径,引导人们自觉实行计划生育。
    By undertaking economic development, educational popularization and development of medicare cause, people should be encouraged to consciously practise family planning.
  • 一种镁盐,口服能治心痛、便秘,注射能防止疾病突发。
    a salt of magnesium that is taken orally to treat heartburn and constipation and injected to prevent seizures.
  • 需要接受专科治的犯人,则交由按时巡视各机构的医生诊治,或转送公立医院治理。
    Inmates requiring specialist treatment are either referred to a visiting consultant or to specialist clinics in public hospitals.
  • 这就是诊疗室。
    Here is the consulting-room.
  • 卫生员将老大娘搀进了诊室。
    The medical orderly helped the granny into the consulting room.
  • 完善基本养老保险、基本医保险、失业保险、城市居民最低生活保障制度,普遍建立职工工伤保险和生育保险制度,分散职业风险。
    We will consummate the basic insurance for the elderly, health care, unemployment insurance and the system of insuring basic living standard for city residents; widely set up working safety insurance and reproduction insurance to relieve the working risks;
  • 传染病医院专门治传染性疾病的医院
    A hospital treating contagious diseases.
  • 水平有了很大提高,自治区及地州的一些大医院已装备了一大批现代化诊设备,医专业分科日趋完善,很多疑难病症已能在区内得到诊治。全区有卫生防疫站207个,地方病等专科防治所(站)17个,历史上遗留下来的危害各族群众健康的地方病、传染病已基本被消灭。
    The medical treatment level has been greatly enhanced. Major hospitals at the regional or prefectural level are equipped with modern medical instruments, and the medical branches they can offer for disease treatment have grown more complete. Many difficult and complicated illnesses can be treated within the region, which has 207 sanitation and anti-epidemic stations, and 17 prevention and control centers (stations) specializing in the treatment of endemic diseases. Endemic and contagious diseases that afflicted people of all ethnic groups in the past have been basically wiped out.
  • 香港家庭计划指导会是政府补助机构,设有八间节育指导所、三间青少年保健中心及一部流动诊所车,提供有关性与生殖健康的服务,包括生育指导、避孕方法、男女绝育、妇科检查、婚前检查、怀孕前验身、激素补充治、更年期服务和青年辅导等服务。
    The government-subvented Family Planning Association of Hong Kong runs eight birth control clinics, three youth health care centres and a mobile clinic. Sexual and reproductive health services in fertility regulation, contraception, male and female sterilisation, gynaecological check-up, pre-marital check-up, pre-pregnancy check-up, hormone replacement therapy, menopause service and youth counselling are offered.
  • 全面推行医卫生和生殖健康服务,开展避孕措施的知情选择,孕产妇死亡率降低到42/10万左右,婴儿死亡率降低到31‰左右。
    Comprehensive medical and reproductive health services are to be offered. Informed choice of contraceptive measures is practiced.
  • 全面推行医卫生和生殖健康服务,开展避孕措施的知情选择,孕产妇死亡率降低到42/10万左右,婴儿死亡率降低到31‰左右。
    Comprehensive medical and reproductive health services are to be offered. Informed choice of contraceptive measures is practiced. The maternal mortality rate is to be reduced to 42 per 100,000 with infant mortality dropping to 31‰.
  • 人口素质明显提高,全国人口受教育年限达到发展中国家先进水平,群众享有基本的医保健和生殖健康服务,普遍实行避孕措施的知情选择,出生性别比趋于正常。
    With an obvious improvement of its population quality ,the period of time for the people to receive education would be among the longest in developing countries. The people would have access to basic medical health care and reproductive health services. Informed choice of contraceptive measures is to be practiced widely and the sex ratio at birth is expected to gradually become normal.
  • 用来治心力衰竭的药;提高心肌层收缩度的药物。
    a drug (trade name Inocor) used intravenously in heart failure; increases strength of contraction of myocardium.
  • 设备执行特种任务的应急装置
    A rig or device contrived for remedying an emergency situation or for doing a special task.
  • 她经过住院治後,前往海滨养病.
    She went to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital.