  • 尽管东、苏联出了问题,尽管西方七国制裁我们,我们坚持一个方针:同苏联继续打交道,搞好关系;同美国继续打交道,搞好关系;同日本、洲国家也继续打交道,搞好关系。
    Despite the trouble that has arisen in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and despite the sanctions imposed by seven Western countries, we adhere to one principle: to maintain contacts and build good relations with the Soviet Union, with the United States, and also with Japan and the European countries.
  • 洲中部的一条河流,起源于捷克斯洛伐克西北,向北流过德国,流入北海。
    a river in central Europe that arises in northwestern Czechoslovakia and flows northward through Germany to empty into the North Sea.
  • 关于世袭贵族或古罗马、中世纪的洲的统治阶级的;在拜占庭帝国具有高贵的荣誉的。
    of the hereditary aristocracy or ruling class of ancient Rome or medieval Europe; of honorary nobility in the Byzantine empire.
  • 哥达德国中部一城市,埃尔富达的西面。第一次有该市名称是在10世纪,是工业和文学中心。哥达的建筑,一本对洲贵族和皇家建筑进行记载的书,于1763年第一次在这儿出版。人口57,662
    A city of central Germany west of Erfurt. First mentioned in the tenth century, it is an industrial and cultural center. The Almanach de Gotha, a record of Europe's aristocratic and royal houses, was first published here in1763. Population,57, 662.
  • 中世纪洲处于支配地位的哲学体系;建立于亚里士多德和神父们的教条之上。
    the system of philosophy dominant in medieval Europe; based on Aristotle and the Church Fathers.
  • 费耶特维尔美国阿肯色州西北的一个城市,位于史密斯堡东北部偏北扎克高原。阿肯色大学(建于1871年)就在该市。人口42,099
    A city of northwest Arkansas in the Ozark Plateau north-northeast of Fort Smith. The University of Arkansas(established1871) is here. Population,42, 099.
  • 不管怎样,阿肯色州监狱的血浆已设法运到了洲和日本,并起码有一批还送回到美国了。
    In any event, Arkansas prison blood products found their way to Europe and Japan, and in at least one instance were sent back to the United States itself.
  • 在这方面,我们远远落后于洲。
    In this we are much in arrear(s) of Europe.
  • 其余主要是来自洲、非洲及中东的旅客,达120万人次,跌幅为8%;
    Arrivals from the remaining major market regions were 1.2million from Europe, Africa and the Middle East down by 8.0per cent;
  • 红砷镍矿一种镍矿石,主要是砷化镍组成,元素符号nias,存在于美洲和
    A nickel ore, essentially nickel arsenide, NiAs, found in America and Europe.
  • 欧洲史前美术
    prehistoric art in Europe
  • 西欧洞窟美术
    cave art in Western Europe
  • 类似于天南星的洲海芋植物。
    European arum resembling the cuckoopint.
  • 洲的一种普通的疆南星,佛焰苞直立,披针形,佛焰花序短,紫色。
    common European arum with lanceolate spathe and short purple spadix; emerges in early spring; source of a sagolike starch called arum.
  • 洲疆南星一种洲的植物(疆南星属天南星科点纹疆南星),生箭状叶子、红绿色的佛焰苞并结鲜红色浆果
    A European plant(Arum maculatum) having arrow-shaped leaves, a yellow-green spathe, and scarlet berries.
  • 美国新闻工作者为杰西·文斯和其他黑人选手的胜利而喝彩,拜认为他们的胜利粉碎了纳粹关于亚利安人种高人一等的神话。
    American journalists hailed the victories of Jesse Owens and other Blacks as a blow to the Nazi myth of Aryan supremacy.
  • 经济中占支配地位的阶级;英国货币改为十进制被认为是洲战争中最重要的事件。
    the economically ascendant class; D-day is considered the dominating event of the war in Europe.
  • 亚一种高大的柏木,树皮薄且呈灰色,树枝朝上。
    tall Eurasian cypress with thin gray bark and ascending branches.
  • 产于洲到高加索的高大梣木,叶片上面是有光泽的深绿色,下面有苍白色的绒毛。
    tall ash of Europe to the Caucasus having leaves shiny dark-green above and pale downy beneath.
  • 产于洲东南部和亚洲中部。
    of southeast Europe and central Asia.
  • 产于洲和亚洲的水獭。
    otter found in Europe and Asia.
  • 产于北和亚洲的歌鸟。
    songbird of northern Europe and Asia.
  • 产于洲和亚洲东部的啄木鸟。
    woodpecker of Europe and western Asia.
  • 欧亚混血种的
    Of mixed European and Asian descent.
  • 一个混有洲人和亚洲人血统的人。
    a person of mixed European and Asian descent.
  • 天门冬属一种亚大陆植物的柔软的嫩芽(药用芦笋天门冬属)可作蔬菜食用
    The tender young shoots of a Eurasian plant(Asparagus officinalis), eaten as a vegetable.
  • 生长在树林和灌木丛中的普通洲紫罗兰。
    common European violet that grows in woods and hedgerows.
  • 洲的多年生植物,春季常开紫罗兰色或白色的花。
    European perennial having usually violet or white spring flowers.
  • 洲紫罗兰,一般开紫色、白色花;种植广泛。
    European violet typically having purple to white flowers; widely naturalized.
  • 因其蓝色紫色或白色的花而被广泛种植的洲两年生草本植物。
    European biennial widely cultivated for its blue or violet or white flowers.
  • 英国标准人寿保险公司是洲最大的相互型保险公司。
    in England they call life insurance life assurance.
  • 米堤亚亚洲西南部的一个古国,位于今天伊朗的西北处。该国居民为一印部落。该国于公元前550年被居鲁士大帝征服,从而被其并入波斯帝国之中
    An ancient country of southwest Asia in present-day northwest Iran. Settled by an Indo-European people, it became part of the Assyrian Empire and was conquered c.550 b.c. by Cyrus the Great, who added it to the Persian Empire.