  • 适合收养或者符合收养的件。
    suitable or eligible for adoption.
  •   (x)通过第十三至第十七的修改;
    (x) adopt amendments to Articles 13 to 17;
  • 最近俄罗斯情报机构公布的一些以前属绝密档案的资料表明,当年克格勃为防止希特勒的遣骸成为新纳粹分子的膜拜物而将他的骨灰撒在东德一不知名的小河里。
    Previously closed files released recently by the Russian secret service reveal that the ashes of Adolf Hitler were scattered secretly by KGB agents in a narrow East German river to prevent his remains becoming an object of neo Nazi pilgrimage.
  •  ——捕前无职业或者不符合回原单位安置件的刑满释放人员,回城镇后和一般待业人员同样对待,由劳动部门或街道,按照现行就业政策积极予以安置。
    Someone who was jobless when arrested or is no longer suitable in some way to return to his or her former work unit is to be treated the same way as an ordinary person waiting for employment. In accordance with current employment policies, the labour department or neighbourhood committees in the city or town where the prisoner is released is to take positive steps to resettle the reformed criminal.
  •  依照本第二款的规定支付土地补偿费和安置补助费,尚不能使需要安置的农民保持原有生活水平的,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,可以增加安置补助费。
    Whereas the land compensation fees and resettlement fees paid according to the provisions of the second paragraph of this article are not enough to maintain the original level of living, the resettlement fees may be increased with the approval of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
  • 第五十一 大中型水利、水电工程建设征用土地的补偿费标准和移民安置办法,由国务院另行规定。
    Article 51 The standards for land compensation and method of resettlement for land requisitioned for building large and medium-sized water conservancy projects and hydroelectric power projects shall be determined separately by the State Council.
  • 为保障优抚安置对象的权益,国家陆续颁布了《革命烈士褒扬例》、《军人抚恤优待例》和《城镇退役士兵安置例》等法规。
    To ensure their rights and interests, the government has issued the Regulations on Honoring Revolutionary Martyrs, Regulations on Special Care and Treatment for Servicemen and Regulations on the Resettlement of Ex-Servicemen in Cities and Towns.
  • 第四十八 征地补偿安置方案确定后,有关地方人民政府应当公告,并听取被征地的农村集体经济组织和农民的意见。
    Article 48 After the plan for land compensation and resettlement fees is finalized, related local people's governments shall make an announcement and hear the opinions of the rural collective economic organizations and peasants whose land has been requisitioned.
  • 按照综合行动计划,凡根据《一九五一年联合国公约》和《一九六七年议定书》所载款被列为难民的越南船民,均可移居海外;被审定为非难民的人士,则须返回越南。
    The CPA provides that while those Vietnamese migrants who are classified as refugees under the terms of the 1951 United Nations Convention and 1967 Protocol are eligible for resettlement, those who are found not to be refugees should return to Vietnam.
  • 有关法律法规规定:对城市孤寡老人、符合供养件的残疾人和孤儿实行集中供养,对农村孤寡老人、符合供养件的残疾人和孤儿实行集中供养与分散供养相结合;
    The laws stipulate that in cities elderly widows and widowers who are childless and helpless and living alone, and eligible handicapped persons and orphans shall be supported and reside in special concentrated homes, while a combination of concentrated and scattered forms shall apply to those in the rural areas.
  • 对吸引人才来说,具有东方传统的良好的精神生活环境,是一个必须的件,精神生活是永久性的,外来的人才能否长期的定居下来,很多时候是取决于精神生活和文化环境,而不是单单依靠物质或者金钱的因素。
    To the talented, an intellectual environment steeped in eastern cultures is a prerequisite. Intellectual life is a long-term thing. Whether or not foreign talent are willing to reside permanently in a country is usually dependent on the intellectual life and cultural milieu of that country, not merely material gain and money.
  • 青春期是个难堪的中间年龄;在中间的位置;一线上的中间点。
    adolescence is an awkward in-between age; in a mediate position; the middle point on a line.
  • 斜坡上房屋间的街巷位于斜坡上或斜坡顶部的一两边为居住区的街道
    A residential street on top of or climbing a slope.
  • 按照规定,被教养者只是那些年满16周岁,在大中城市危害社会治安而屡教不改的,或有轻微犯罪行为尚不够刑事处罚,符合有关劳动教养法规规定的件的人。
    It is stipulated that those eligible for education through labor should meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. For example, they should be at or above the age of 16 and have upset the public order in a large or medium-sized city but refused to mend their ways despite repeated admonition, or they have committed an offense not serious enough for criminal punishment.
  • 剩余遗产的承受人、款、遗赠
    A residuary legatee, clause, bequest
  • 我们之所以在困难的时候,能够清晰地看到香港的光明前景,是因为香港有国家作为后盾,再加上本身雄厚的财政储备,运作良好的银行体系,以及香港全体市民一向善於应变的智慧和能力,在「港人治港」的件下,会得到更加淋漓尽致的发挥。
    One of the reasons that we are able to look beyond the hard times to a bright future for Hong Kong is that we have the powerful backing of our nation. In addition, we have ample fiscal reserves, sound banking systems, as well as the resilience and wisdom of the people of Hong Kong, which will be brought into fuller play under the principle of "Hong Kong people running Hong Kong".
  • 一种用弯曲的有弹力的木绑上紧张的绳索来发射箭的装置。
    curved piece of resilient wood with taut cord to propel arrows.
  • 那道门通往一小巷子。
    The door admitted to a bystreet.
  • 路恰巧只容得下三个人并排走。
    The path just admitted three.
  • 要敢字当头,横下一心。
    We must be daring and resolute.
  • 坚决地领导民主革命,是争取社会主义胜利的件。
    Resolute leadership of the democratic revolution is the prerequisite for the victory of socialism.
  • 如果坚决抗战出于真心,就不能忽略这一
    No one who is sincere about waging a resolute war of resistance can afford to ignore this point.
  • 统一域名争议解决政策
    Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
  • (1)在冬季高空切变风件下,卫星、上面级与运载火箭的特殊联结方式出现谐振,造成卫星局部结构破坏。
    Under the shear wind aloft conditions in the winter season, the resonance exerted due to the unique interface of the satellite and the upper stage with the launch vehicle caused local structural damage to the satellite.
  • 我很欣赏简,她这人真是有有理。
    I admire Jane; she's a really together person.
  • 瞬息间,贵族变贫民,富翁成乞丐,荷兰陷入一片萧
    Soon the nobles became poor and the rich became paupers. Cries of distress resounded everywhere in Holland.
  • 从青海省资源件看,青海盐湖钾资源储量丰富,不仅可以保证现有的生产能力,还可以满足本项目和后续项目建设的需要;
    From the point of view of resource condition in the province, the salt lake is enriched with abundant potash resource, which will not only provide enough resources to the current production capacity and also meet the needs of this project and follow up projects;
  • 正如声誉是可敬的前提件,无暇疵的品格是正直的晴雨表。
    Just as honor is a prerequisite for respectability , so is unblemished character a barometer of integrity.
  • 玛丽亚怀着羡慕的心情看着这裙子。
    Maria looked at the skirt with admiration.
  • 部长说:“国会才是辩论严肃课题的地方,任何人如果想针对如非法移民例或其他重要的课题进行辩论,就应该把它带到国会来。”这说词无意间让人直觉,谈严肃课题得进入国会殿堂,百万市民只有洗耳恭听的份了。
    A minister's reply inadvertently gave people the impression that discussion of serious issues could only be made in Parliament, the rest of us citizens needed only to listen with respectful attention.
  • 第一修正案国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止宗教活动自由;
    Article I.Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
  • 第九,概括地说就是“尊重知识,尊重人才”八个字,事情成败的关键就是能不能发现人才,能不能用人才。
    The ninth part can be summed up as "respecting knowledge and talented people". The key to success is to identify and employ talented people.