  • 广场上上下班的过往旅客蜂如潮,而鸽子却无惧无恐地在人流之间大摇大摆地走来走去,到处觅食面包屑。
    Pigeons wandered unconcernedly about the concourse seeking the old crumb here and there while round them the tide of commuters ebbed and flowed.
  • 除非劳动者在开始工作以前,就有许多食物,或者能够从别人那里得到补给,其数量足以使他维持到生产完成,否则他只能断断续续地一边寻找食物一边劳动。
    Unless the labourer, before commencing his work, possesses a store of food, or can obtain access to the stores of some one else, in sufficient quantity to maintain him until the production is completed, he can undertake no labour but such as can be carried on at odd intervals, concurrently with the pursuit of his subsistence.
  • 更糟糕的是,一些人认为有志于艺术工作,因而没有能力有共管公寓的人,简直是在浪费生命。
    Worse, we think those who pursue art and have no condo to show for it are squandering their lives.
  • 没有压力或者有益于精神上的放松;有或者给予内心的宁静。
    free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind.
  • 以我们所有的有利条件,不难培育出这样一个人。
    There is no reason why Singapore cannot produce at least one such person in our highly conducive environment.
  •  毫无疑问,世界联盟和持久和平的观念是受到常识和宗教的护的。
    Unquestionably the idea of a universal confederation and a perpetual peace is commended both by common sense and religion.
  • 这一点我们在一个挤的电梯内可以一目了然。乘电梯的陌生人或是瞟来瞟去或是凝视天花板的细微之处,但决不彼此盯着看。
    This can readily be observed in the confines of a crowded lift where strangers glances fly from one spot to another or become absorbed in the finer points of the ceiling's construction.
  • 盒装雪茄;一个狭小的禁闭空间;感到交通挤。
    boxed cigars; a confining boxed-in space; felt boxed in by the traffic.
  • 直到现在,中国文化遗产中,仍旧受到世界戴和引起兴趣的有两方面:艺术和儒家思想。
    Two aspects of Chinese cultural heritage have achieved worldwide admiration and interest down to present time: art and Confucianism.
  • 可以这么说,直到现在,中国文化遗产中,仍旧受到世界戴和有兴趣学习的有两方面:艺术和儒家思想。
    Two aspects of Chinese cultural heritage have achieved worldwide interest and admiration down to present time: art and Confucianism.
  • 绿道医院有一个自己的心脏库,里面保存了1300多颗儿童心脏,这些心脏大部分来自于因先天性心脏病而夭折的儿童。
    The hospital has what it calls a heart library, which stores over 1300 hearts, mainly from children with congenital heart disease.
  • 公共汽车非常拥挤。
    The bus is much congested.
  • 街上经常拥挤。
    The streets are often congested.
  • 城市中心的街道总是很挤。
    The main streets in the centre of the city are always very congested.
  • 交通很拥挤。
    Traffic was very congested.
  • 牛津大道总是很挤。
    Oxford Street is always very congested.
  • 露营者摆脱了繁忙的生活,远离喧嚣塞的城市,投身到大自然母亲的怀抱中。
    Campers are freed from busy lives in the noisy and congested city, throwing themselves into the embrace of Mother Nature.
  • "这种情形犹如人群挤的地方传染感冒或流感的危险性更大一样。
    "It's the same as in congested places for humans that there's then greater risk of passing on colds or influenza.
  • 其缺点是较慢,在有大量无线电流量的挤城市中,传输距离有限。
    The drawback is that FHSS is relatively slow, and in congested cities with a lot of radio traffic, range can be reduced.
  • 外显路由的lsp根据qos的要求、安全的需要或其他准则,管理流量在网上的传输,避免挤区域。
    Explicitly routed LSPs allow traffic to be engineered to travel through the net and avoid congested areas, according to QoS requirement, security need or other criteria.
  • mancini帮助ikon的客户实现了基于政策的联网,他说他已注意到,“随着网络变得更加挤,管理工作将随之增长。”
    Mancini has helped deploy policy-based networking implementations for Ikon's customers and he says he has noticed that "as networks become more congested management will continue to increase."
  • 但他们认为,在汽车行驶不便或不能行驶的挤的城市闹区,它是出入便捷的交通工具,或对于中国那样的发展中国家是一种实用的载人工具。
    Rather, they see the machine as a handy way to get around congested urban areas where driving a car is inconvenient or impossible, or as a practical "people-mover" in developing nations such as China.
  • 我不喜欢驱车穿越伦敦,因为交通太挤。
    I don't like driving through London because there's too much congestion.
  • "在许多大城市里,高峰时的交通非常挤,这时乘公共汽车真是一场可怕的经历。"
    "In many big cities, congestion in the rush hour is so serious that taking a bus proves a dreaded ordeal."
  • 阻塞点塞或阻塞的地点
    A point of congestion or obstruction.
  • 交通瓶颈交通挤的地点或地区
    A point or an area of traffic congestion.
  • 一旦塞,控制话务量的流量
    control the flow of traffic in the event of congestion
  • 航班由于伦敦机场上的塞而推迟了。
    Flight have been delayed because of congestion at London airport.
  • 航班由于伦敦机场上的塞而推迟了。
    Flight have is delayed because of congestion at london airport.
  • 城市的上班时间必须错开,以缓和交通挤的状况。
    City business hours have to be staggered to relieve traffic congestion.
  • 在十分狭窄的街道上,行人车辆逐渐增多,形成了极其挤的状况。
    In very narrow streets the traffic builds up and great congestion is created.
  • 但当这些简单网络向上扩大时,广播信息流的数据量就增大,从而产生网络挤和性能下降。
    But as these flat networks scale upward, the volume of broadcast traffic increases and network congestion and performance degradation results.