  • 而这里,在大都会博物馆那敞的大厅里,在我们面前展示了通过艺术形式表达出来的古埃及、古希腊和古罗马的精神世界。
    And here, in the vast chambers of the Metropolitan Museum, is unfolded before me the spirit of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, as expressed in their art.
  • 其中一切都具有豪华的气派,主教的私邸,大小客厅,各种房间,相当敞的院子,具有佛罗伦萨古代风格的穹窿的回廊,树木苍翠的园子。
    Everything about it had a grand air,--the apartments of the Bishop, the drawing-rooms, the chambers, the principal courtyard, which was very large, with walks encircling it under arcades in the old Florentine fashion, and gardens planted with magnificent trees.
  • 鸭鸭科的一种野生或家养游禽,其特点是有大扁平的喙,短腿和带蹼的足
    Any of various wild or domesticated swimming birds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad, flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet.
  • 你应该对他容些,毕竟他还是个孩子。
    You should be charitable with him; he is a child after all.
  • 他对于个性的判断很容。
    He is a charitable judge of character.
  • 恕他的品行不端。
    She regards his moral faults with charity.
  • 慈善的,行善的具有仁慈或容的特征的或表现出仁慈或容的
    Characterized by or performing acts of kindness or charity.
  • 阿什维尔北卡罗来纳州西部的一座城市,位于夏洛特西北偏西的蓝桥,是一个大众化的旅游中心,托马斯·伍尔夫的和比尔特莫的故居,有着阔的公园与花园的豪华宅第,由乔治·华盛顿·范德比尔特所建。人口61,607
    A city of western North Carolina in the Blue Ridge west-northwest of Charlotte. A popular tourist center, it is the site of Thomas Wolfe's home and of Biltmore, a magnificent mansion with extensive parks and gardens built by George Washington Vanderbilt. Population,61, 607.
  • 大学行政部门不会恕欺骗行为
    The college administration will not countenance cheating.
  • 我喜欢穿松连衣裙。
    I like to wear chemise.
  • 几分钟后,我在笔记本上记下了所有的细节,并将一张三寸五寸长的照片装进了我的上衣口袋,照片上是那个胖乎乎天真无邪的孩子。随后,我向厨房走去,警察说那个孩子的尸体在那儿。
    A few minutes later, with all the details in my notebook and a three?by?five studio portrait of the cherubic child tucked in my jacket pocket, I went toward the kitchen where the police had said the body was.
  • 在这一点上,没有什么地方能比国王林荫大道更为突出。国王林荫大道是一条广的象征成功的大街,一条小运河将其分为两部分。在小运河的妆点下,林荫大道更显魅力,路两旁有120棵栗树荫蔽。
    Nowhere is this more evident than on the Konigsallee, a broad triumphal avenue divided by a pretty ornamental canal and shaded by 120 chestnut trees.
  • 细电线;一层薄纱的松的上衣;一本薄书;一层薄漆。
    thin wire; a thin chiffon blouse; a thin book; a thin layer of paint.
  • 对少数民族实行于汉族的生育政策。
    Implementing a More Lenient Childbirth Policy with Minority Peoples Than with the Han People
  • 对少数民族实行于汉族的生育政策。
    Implementing a more liberal childbirth policy for ethnic minorities than for the Han people.
  • 智利的一座主要的港口城市,全国第二大城市;位于智利中部的一个阔的海港。
    the chief port and second largest city of Chile; located on a wide harbor in central Chile.
  • 数据通信网、多媒体通信网发展迅速,相继建成了覆盖各地州市的atm带网,并开展了ip带网城域网的建设。
    The local data communications network and multi-media communications network have developed rapidly, and an ATM wide-band network covers all prefectures and cities. The construction of an IP-based citywide LAN has been started.
  • 当时又盛行养“美髯”,男人穿着大的长袍,大摇大摆地走着。
    There was a fashion for growing " beautiful beards, " and men learned to wabble about clad in extremely loose gowns.
  • 松树因为具有这种古色古香之美,所以在树木中占据着一个特殊的地位,有如一个态度悠逸的退隐的学士,穿着一件大的外衣,拿着一根竹杖在山中的小道上走着,而被人们视为最崇高的理想那样。
    It is this antique manner of the pine tree that gives the pine a special position among the trees, as it is the antique manner of a recluse scholar, clad in a loose-fitting gown, holding a bamboo cane and walking on a mountain path, that sets him off as the highest ideal among men.
  • 但是,在公司网上传送图像的清晰度和伴音的改进可能被带要求抵消掉。
    But the improvements in clarity and sound of images sent over a corporate network can be offset by bandwidth requirements.
  • 行驶缓慢的船大、笨拙、速度缓慢的船只
    A wide, clumsy, slow-moving boat.
  • 光缆/同轴电缆混合方式用光缆将高带送进社区,然后在接到客户电话的最后一段距离上转换到同轴电缆。
    Fiber/coaxial cable hybrids use fiber to bring high bandwidth to the neighborhood and then switches to coaxial cable for the last few feet to the customer's phone.
  • 在减少空间和时间消耗、缩小频带度、压缩存储量和传输量、降低成本等方面采用的一系列技术。如消除重复、去掉无关项、使用特殊编码技术等。
    A series of techniques used for the reduction of space, bandwidth, cost, transmission, generating time, and the storage of data.These techniques are designed to eliminate repetition, remove irrelevances, and employ special coding techniques.
  • 我们仍然把被俘的日本士兵和某些被迫作战的下级干部给以大待遇,不加侮辱,不施责骂,向他们说明两国人民利益的一致,释放他们回去。
    We shall go on giving lenient treatment to captured Japanese soldiers and to those captured junior officers who have fought us under coercion; we shall not insult or abuse them, but shall set them free after explaining to them the identity of the interests of the people of the two countries.
  • 为了与他人和平共处,你需要学会容。
    You will need to learn tolerance in order to coexist peacefully with others.
  • 会有什么情况发生呢?比如,10年内大学生文化(目前崇尚带并且在少年聊天室生活的年轻人)是否会退化成在线群体和同伴的虚拟存在?
    What would happen,for instance,if in 10 years,the college student culture (those current youths who now worship the WB and live in pre- teen chat rooms) were to degenerate into a virtual existence of online communities and cohorts?
  • 阔的房间似乎装不下他那晃动的脚步,心里还暗自紧张,怕他那巨大的肩膀会撞上门框或是把矮架上的小摆设拂到地上。
    The wide rooms seemed too narrow for his rolling gait, and to himself he was in terror lest his broad shoulders should collide with the doorways or sweep the bric-a-brac from the low mantel.
  • 她会恕的, 她已经心软了。
    She'll relent; she's -ming.
  • 容纳,提供空间绰而不拥挤
    To hold comfortably without crowding.
  • 我经济宽裕。
    I'm comfortably fixed for money.
  • 你那些慰的话在那段黑暗的日子里帮助我坚定了信念。
    Your comforting words helped to sustain me in my faith during those dark days.
  • 乌云背後总有一线光芒(在逆境中总有值得慰的或有希望的一面)。
    There is always a comforting or more hopeful side to a sad or difficult situation.