  • 布特定的过错或者罪行是无罪的;按照法律布无罪。
    declared not guilty of a specific offense or crime; legally blameless.
  • 伊朗也已展开传攻势,责备伊拉克领导人陷国家于战争,以争取伊拉克的民心。
    Iran has also begun a campaign for the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people, blaming Iraq's leaders for plunging their country into war, ……
  • 据敌酋布:“华北封锁沟的长径等于长城的六倍,环绕地球一周的四分之一”。
    An enemy commander announced, "The length of blockade trenches in north China is six times that of the Great Wall, or one-fourth of the circumference of the earth."
  • 冗长而毫无生气的
    A long, bloodless speech.
  • 双方布停战以避免再有伤亡。
    The two sides called a truce to avoid further bloodshed.
  • 双方布停战以避免再有伤亡。
    The two sides call a truce to avoid further bloodshed.
  • 双方布停战以避免再有伤亡
    The two sides call a truce to avoid further bloodshed
  • 在经济领域竞争外,文化范畴里也几乎同时布要成为“国际文化中心”。
    Almost simultaneously, each announced a blueprint recently for its future as "one of the world's cultural centres".
  • 我们的计划尚在酝酿阶段,我们的竞争者竟抢先布了他们的新模型。
    While all out plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new models.
  • 去年秋天,在佐治亚州和犹他州边境交界处一个遍地红色悬崖的偏远地区,却有将近1000名一夫多妻家庭的子女拒绝上公立学校,因为宗教领袖称学校反对教堂长者(及市长)丹·巴洛所谓的“我们的传统”。
    Last fall, amid the remote red-rock cliffs along the Arizona-Utah border, nearly 1,000 children of polygamy bolted the public schools after religious leaders preached that the schools blocked the teaching of what church elder (and town mayor) Dan Barlow called" our heritage.
  • 1997年麦克维被指控犯有与爆炸有关的谋杀罪并被判死刑。
    In June 1997 McVeigh was found guilty of murder in connection with the bombing and sentenced to death.
  • 国际商业机器有限公司昨天又在华尔街布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告分析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百分之八十。
    IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an 80% slide in second-quarter earnings.
  • 校长布取消舞会以作为惩罚令学生们吃惊。
    The principal exploded a bombshell by cancelling the dance as a penalty (=calling off the dance came as a shock to the pupils).
  • 为鼓励更多青年团体和个别人士签署《青年约章》,委员会继续推行一连串传计划,包括播放电视传短片、设立互联网网站和印制新设计的《青年约章》小册子。
    To encourage more youth organisations and individuals to subscribe to the charter, the commission continued to promote the charter through a series of publicity programmes including a television Announcement in the Public Interest, a home page on the Internet and a new booklet.
  • 图书宣传推广
    publicity and promotion for books
  • 这当儿,大学城过誓的书商安德里·缪斯尼埃老公欠身,贴着王室皮货商吉尔·勒科尼老公的耳朵悄悄说:
    Meanwhile the bookseller of the University, Matre Andry Musnier, leaned over and whispered to the Court furrier, Matre Gilles Lecornu:
  • 制造商们努力传他们的货物。
    Manufacturers try to boom their goods.
  • 为向国外推销地方产品而大肆传的一套广告
    an advertising program to boost local products abroad
  • 公司正在大事传新产品。
    The firm is boosting the new product.
  • 林彪、“四人帮”传什么“全面专政”,对人民实行封建法西斯专政,我们已彻底粉碎了这个专政。
    Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, while boosting their so-called "all-round dictatorship", exercised a feudal fascist dictatorship over the people.
  • 有争议的边界地区两国都称拥有主权的两国之间的一块土地
    A tract of land bordering on two countries and claimed by both.
  • 经过两年的研制,经过顶尖女运动员的测试(一般认为她们的跳动比我们其他人要多),凯瑟琳·里思在俄勒冈州比弗顿的耐克总部布了实验结果,胸衣“被科学地证明,可以比其他衣着平均减少30%的垂直运动”。
    After two years of research and development, with testing by top women athletes who, presumably, bounce around more than the rest of us, the result is a bra“ scientifically proven to reduce vertical motion by an average 30% compared to others",claims Kathryn Reith at Nike's headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon.
  • 受誓言约束的或誓的。
    bound by or stated on oath.
  • 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑进房间里, 布他要结婚了.
    He bounded into the room and announced that he was getting married.
  • 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑进房间里,布他要结婚了
    He bounded into the room and announced that he was getting married
  • 他们布该地区为禁区。
    They declared this area out-of-bounds.
  • 霍然间,那道专用看台的门一下子打开了——这道门本来一直关闭着就很不合时宜,此时此刻打开了就更不合时宜了——监门猛然响亮地布:“波旁红衣主教大人驾到!”
    the door of the reserved platform which up till then had remained inopportunely closed, now opened still more inopportunely, and the stentorian voice of the usher announced “His Eminence Monseigneur the Cardinal de Bourbon!
  • 他们很容易受资产阶级传的骗。
    They are easily taken in by bourgeois propaganda.
  • 老夫人的儿子的公司布破产的消息使她完全不知所措。
    The old lady was completely bowled over by the news of the announcement of the bankrupcy of her son's company.
  • 那个拳击手在第一回合中就被告失败。
    That boxer was counted out in the first round.
  • 在拳击中布输的一方。
    declare the loser, in boxing.
  • 不要受广告的传影响。
    Don't let advertisements brainwash you.