  • (商标称)一种轻而透明、防风雨的热塑性塑料。
    (trademark) a light transparent weather resistant thermoplastic.
  • 代纳尔一种用于氯乙烯和丙烯腈共聚纤维商标,该产品用于制造防火、防虫和容易染色的纺织纤维
    A trademark used for a copolymer of vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile employed in making fire-resistant, insect-resistant, easily dyed textile fiber.
  • 我想,大概没有几个人会认为这些字很有品味。
    Not terribly sophisticated, one must admit.
  • 作不可数词或可数词,後者通常作单数
    Window or opening to admit light
  • 男子自我介绍说,'我是梅尔西恩公墓总监,叫雷西特。'
    The man introduced himself saying, 'I am the Mersin Cemetery Director, Resit."
  • 这一套为着实现坚决抗战的办法,可以为八大纲领。
    The set of measures for resolute armed resistance described above may be called the Eight-Point Programme.
  • 统一域争议解决政策条例
    Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
  • 一个享有盛的空战部队男飞行员们称赞道:“即使我们在你们的脚下铺满鲜花,也远不能表达对你们英勇事迹的一片敬意”。
    "Even if we were to place at your feet all the flowers of the earth," eulogized an admiring group of male combat pilots, "they would not be a big enough tribute to your valor."
  • 风景名胜区规划
    planning of scenic resort
  • 布赖顿是著的海滨胜地。
    Brighton is a famous seaside resort.
  • “我不能把你算作一仰慕者”(纳撒尼尔·霍桑)
    "I cannot reckon you as an admirer?Nathaniel Hawthorne).
  • 中国风景名胜区
    scenic resort and historic site in China
  • 布赖顿是南部地区最着的海滨胜地.
    Brighton is a leading south coast resort.
  • 从一个不知其的敬慕者那儿收到鲜花
    Received flowers from an unknown admirer.
  • 那是一个以温泉出的观光胜地吗?
    Is that a resort noted for its hot springs?
  • 他的字将万古流芳。
    His name will resound through ages.
  • 他的字将被整个时代称颂。
    His name will resound through the ages.
  • 久闻大,如雷贯耳。
    Your name has tong resounded in my ears.
  • 因此,庄则栋的字才变得响亮,被写进了历史。
    Thus the name of Zhuang Zedong could become resounding and was written into history.
  • 这位年轻歌手的字传遍了全国。
    The name of the young singer resounded throughout the country.
  • 为了让activedirectory客户机和应用程序确定这些资源的位置,windows2000只依靠域系统(dns)来提供字解析和资源定位服务。
    In order for Active Directory clients and application to locate these resources, Windows 2000 relies solely on the Domain Name System (DNS) to provide name resolution and resource location services.
  • 他在大半个世纪中,指挥了无数次战役战斗,九处负伤,屡建战功,以足智多谋的“独目将军”闻于世。
    Later he commanded countless campaigns and engagements and was wounded at least nine more times. He performed outstanding military exploits and became famous as the resourceful one-eyed general.
  • 声不好的人声或地位令人怀疑的人
    A person of doubtful reputation or respectability.
  • 渴求利的执迷于社会地位和物质财富的
    Held to be preoccupied with respectability and material values.
  • 邋遢的,不誉的不体面的,声不好的,如在品质、行为或外貌上
    Lacking respectability, as in character, behavior, or appearance.
  • 不受尊敬或没有好声。
    dishonorableness by virtue of lacking respectability or a good reputation.
  • 所有信誉良好的公司都给于保证;毁坏了这个家的好声。
    all respectable companies give guarantees; ruined the family's good name.
  • 望有声誉而值得尊敬。
    honorableness by virtue of being respectable and having a good reputation.
  • 谁也没料到表面上很有望的实业家竟会是一个罪犯。
    No one imagined that the apparently respectable business man was really a criminal.
  • 出身门的人;上流人士
    People belonging to respected upper-class families
  • 建议被高度重视的人。
    any influential person whose advice is highly respected.
  • 三月份,大卫和他的小帆船闲逛者号代表美国参加了在英国举行的著的夏季海军上将杯帆船竞赛。
    In March, David and his sloop, Idler, qualified to represent the United States at this summer's prestigious Admiral's Cup in Britain.