Chinese English Sentence:
  • 次日,属于苏军第三突击队的反间谋人员赶到柏林,准备将希特勒等尸体的搬动过程全部记录下来。但到5月5日苏军第五突击队接管了柏林,而第三突击队的反间谋人员不大愿意将发现希特勒尸体的功让给第五突击队,于是他们在两个突击队指挥交班之间,趁夜深人静之际将希特勒等人的尸体偷运走。
    The next day, Smersh counter?espionage agents attached to the Third Shock Army arrived to prepare the documentation for removing the bodies, but, by May 5, the area around the bunker was passed on to the Fifth Shock Army. The Smersh agents were reluctant to surrender such a prize and snatched the bodies at night before the handover between Red Army commaders.
  • 过多过长的会议,不但使党的专职工作人员缺少深入群众和进行具体领导的时间,助长官僚主义和文牍主义,而且妨碍许多党员和群众的动和休息。
    This not only takes up time that full-time Party workers ought to be spending in getting into close contact with the masses and exercising practical leadership, thus encouraging bureaucratism and red tape, but also affects the work and leisure time of many Party members and non-Party people.
  • 英国牛津大学的一些科学家和由英国食品工业中的超市巨头泰斯克以及麦当共同资助的一些农民共同制定了这项名为"食用动物权力"的计划。
    The Food Animal Initiative combines scientists from Oxford University and farmers funded by British food industry giants supermarket Tesco and burger chain McDonalds UK.
  • 贱民,下等人在南印度和缅甸从事农业和家务动的低等阶层的成员
    A member of a low caste of agricultural and domestic workers in southern India and Burma.
  • 过份累(不顾身体)
    Burn the candle at both ends
  • 目前年轻国人为生活而碌奔波,为求生存的需要而有了各自看世界的眼睛,但是当有一天大家的物欲都已经基本满足了呢?
    For young Singaporeans who are preoccupied with making a living or establishing a career, other things can be placed on the back burner. But what happens when they have more or less satisfied all their basic material needs?
  • 专家警告说,如果没有时间放松,没有娱乐,孩子会像大人一样感到过分的紧张,据说,每4个孩子中就有一个有过于疲的症状。
    Without time to relax and have fun,kids can suffer stress just like adults,warn experts--who say as many as one in four youngsters have symptoms of burnout.
  • 在一天结束时非常的疲;如此的累以致于无论在何处我都可以趴下睡着;锻炼完之后非常的疲;长途旅行之后我感到非常的疲
    was all in at the end of the day; so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere; bushed after all that exercise; I'm dead after that long trip.
  • 挑选领导干部,不管老中青,都要看他是不是肯干,是不是能带头吃大苦耐大
    In choosing a leading cadre, be he old, young or middle-aged, we have to make sure that he is willing to work hard and to set an example in bearing hardships.
  • 所以,世间只有这个苦工作着的人类,驯服地关在笼子里,可是没有食物的供养,被这个文化及复杂的社会强迫着去工作,去为自己的供养问题而烦虑着。
    So, then, we have this toiling humanity alone, caged and domesticated, but not fed,forced by this civilization and complex society to work and worry about the matter of feeding itself.
  • 相当多的监狱、改场所还组织罪犯参加学习书法、绘画等习艺性活动,配备了专门教师、画室、作画工具及原材料。
    Many prisons and reform-through-labour institutions provide the prisoners with special teachers, painting rooms, and painting tools and materials and offer calligraphy, painting and other art classes.
  • 骆驼是耐劳的动物。
    A camel is an endurant animal.
  • 劳资对抗
    the antagonism between labour andcapital
  • 资本主义的生产动与非生产
    productive labour and unproductive labour under capitalism
  • 在资本主义国家里赋税沉重地压在动人民头上。
    Taxation bears hard on the laboring people in capitalist countries.
  • 他们叫他耶稣;武力…安培多克莱称之为‘爱’与‘恨’;一个名叫哈里德.埃德的演员;一个在加的夫的建筑被人们称为和平的神殿。
    they called his name Jesus; forces...which Empedocles called `love' and `hate'; an actor named Harold Lloyd; a building in Cardiff named the Temple of Peace.
  • 政府的输入工政策遵循下列两项主要原则:
    The Government's policy on importation of labour is based on two cardinal principles:
  • “这将是自由的写作,因为把一批又一批新生力量吸引到写作队伍中来的,不是私利贪欲,也不是名誉地位,而是社会主义思想和对动人民的同情。
    It will be a free literature, because the idea of socialism and sympathy with the working people, and not greed or careerism, will bring ever new forces to its ranks.
  • 看到那贫穷的一大家子的母亲忧憔悴的脸庞心里真是难受。
    It's sad to see the careworn face of the mother of a large poor family.
  • 克劳塞维茨,c.p.g.von
    Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz (1780~1831)
  • 太平洋西部加罗林群岛中的一组火山岛和小岛。当加罗林群岛在1978年成为密克罗尼西亚联邦一部分时,贝人决定与美国建立一个有自由联盟关系的共和国,美国将在1996年之前负责它的防卫
    A group of volcanic islands and islets in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean. When the Carolines became part of the Federated States of Micronesia in1978, Belau chose to form a republic in free association with the United States, which is responsible for its defense until1996.
  • 靠经营工人的雇佣动而得利的地方。
    buildings for carrying on industrial labor.
  • 1959年,身为囚犯的詹姆斯·卡特正在密西西比河畔服役。
    In 1959, James Carter was working on a chain gang in Mississippi.
  • 有些人认为要使犯人遵纪守法动是比镣铐和惩罚更有效的手段。
    Some people believe that work is a better means of order and discipline than chain and castigation for criminal.
  • 德被任命为代理院长,这使他身价百倍。
    Claud's appointment as acting dean put him in the catbird seat.
  • 资协商促进组的协助下,饮食业、建造业、戏院业、仓库业、货运业及物业管理业均已成立三方小组。
    With the assistance of the unit, tripartite committees have been formed in the catering, construction, theatre, warehouse and cargo transport as well as property management trades.
  • 血液循环不良会引起人体疲
    Bad circulation can cause tiredness.
  • 我们什么时候才能免除役之苦?
    When can we cease from our labours?
  • 面对封建农奴制度的残酷统治,西藏动人民从未停止过反抗斗争。
    Despite the cruel rule of the feudal serfdom, Tibetan laboring people never ceased their resistance struggles.
  • 这是他们十年不懈动所取得的成果。
    This was what they achieved after ten years of ceaseless labour.
  • 在五千多年的发展中,中华民族形成了以爱国主义为核心的团结统一、爱好和平、勤勇敢、自强不息的伟大民族精神。
    For more than 5,000 years, the Chinese nation has evolved a great national spirit centering on patriotism and featuring unity and solidarity, love of peace, industry, courage and ceaseless self-improvement.
  • 目前,中国已初步形成了以《中华人民共和国动法》为核心,内容涉及工时、休息休假、工资、禁止使用童工、女职工和未成年工特殊动保护、动定额、职业安全卫生等方面的动标准体系,并根据经济和社会的发展不断调整和完善。
    At present, a labor standard system is basically in place, centering on the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and covering areas such as working hours, rest and vacation, wage, prohibition of the use of child labor, special labor protection for women employees and under-age workers, work quotas and job safety and hygiene. The system has been adjusted and improved along with the country's economic and social development.