  • 一个具绵毛的多年生小型草本属,具小白色盘状花的头状花序,有棒状毛形成的冠毛。
    small woolly perennial herbs having small whitish discoid flowers surrounded by a ring of club-shaped bristles.
  • 这两个人开始向海岸游去,就惊愕地看到快艇正在打着转。
    Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay that the speed-boat was moving in a circle.
  • 听到他遭解雇的事。
    I've only just heard about his dismissal.
  • 听说他被解雇了。
    I have just heard about his dismissal.
  • 我要否认与说的话有关。
    I wish to dissociate myself from what has just been said.
  • 她桌子上杂乱的书和纸;纷乱的草地表明马从这里经过。
    the disturbed books and papers on her desk; disturbed grass showed where the horse had passed.
  • 正好,莫斯科和雅加达通航。赫鲁晓夫便给在莫斯科的主度团委员每人航寄了一份。
    So he sent via the air route that had just opened between Moscow and Djakarta one portion for each member of the Presidium.
  • 这时,大家又围住了爱丽丝,渡渡鸟接过顶针后兑严肃地递给了她,说:“我们请求你接受这只精致的顶针,”它结束这句简短的讲演,大家全都欢呼起来了。
    Then they all crowded round her once more, while the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying `We beg your acceptance of this elegant thimble'; and, when it had finished this short speech, they all cheered.
  • 向该基金会捐款10英镑吗?那符合要求!
    A ten pound donation to the fund? That’s just the business!
  • 几年前,唐娜曾一度萎靡不振,因为她与交往了两年的男友分手,非常难以接受这种失去的现实。
    Several years ago,Donna had been feeling very depressed.She had just broken up with her boyfriend of two years,and she was having a very difficult time accepting the loss.
  • 桑德拉对该片剧本一见钟情,它来的恰是时候:她经历了与演员泰特·多诺万分手的痛苦,正好将此与片中角色的悲伤相呼应,他们是四年前桑德拉出演她的处女作时相识的。
    When Sandra read the script, she fell in love with it at once. It came to her at a time when she could relate to the sadness of the character. She had just come out of a painful break-up with actor Tate Donovan, whom she had met four years earlier on her debut film.
  • 把电话放下,门铃就响了。
    Just as I placed the telephone receiver down , the doorbell rang.
  • 地上芽植物一种低矮的多年生植物,其冬眠越冬的芽长于地表或高出地面
    A low-growing perennial plant whose dormant overwintering buds are borne at or just above the surface of the ground.
  • 我把信还给了阿尔芒。他才一定在我看信的时候,又在心里把它背诵了一遍。因为他一面把信拿回去一面对我说:
    I gave the letter back to Armand who had doubtless read it over in his thoughts while I had been reading it on the paper, for as he took it he said:
  • 才收到了您那封写得那么感人的信,可是我没福再握一握写信人的手了。如果有什么东西可以医好我的病,那么,这封信里的话就是。
    I expect I shall doubtless not live long enough to have the happiness of grasping the hand which wrote the kindly letter I have just received; its words would cure me, if anything could.
  • 经济衰退中精心料理起步的生意
    Nursed the fledgling business through an economic downturn.
  • 酒坛喝空,朋友各西东。
    Friend scatter as soon as they have drain our wine-jar.
  • 火车刚进站。
    The train was just drawing in.
  • 孩子才淌口水弄湿了我的领带.
    The baby's just dribbled down my tie.
  • 普罗迪:就是那些烘干的?
    Which has just been dried?
  • 一种次等的黑色金石,工业中用于钻孔和打磨。
    an inferior dark diamond used in industry for drilling and polishing.
  • 收悉你方...月...日来信。
    We have duly received(have just received) your letter of...
  • 而我呢,虽然玛格丽特任何一件用品上都没有我姓名的开头字母,可是我才承认过的那种出于本能的宽容和那种天生的怜悯,使我对她的死久久不能忘怀,虽说她也许并不值得我如此想念。
    For my own part, though my monogram figured on none of Marguerite's dressing-cases, the instinctive forbearance and natural pity to which I have just admitted led me to dwell on her death for much longer than it perhaps warranted.
  • 尤指错误地急于反对的;愎自用的
    Eager to oppose, especially wrongly; perverse.
  • 我是才打电话给brown先生的人。
    I called Mr. Brown earlier.
  • 沿街的树木在植树季节到的时候就种下了。
    The trees along the streets were planted early on in the season.
  • 球队一上场,球迷的欢呼声立即响遍全场。
    The cheer of the fan echo round the grind as the team appear.
  • 普里姆重复了比尔·盖茨去年在达沃斯的言论,认为"人才大战"拉开帷幕。
    Echoing Bill Gates' comments at Davos last year, Mr. Priem said that the "war for talent" was just beginning.
  • 它刚出版了第七版。
    It has just entered the seventh edition.
  • 我打电话给爱德华,他妈告诉我他出门。
    When I telephoned, his mother told me that Edward had just gone out.
  • 一个在公元前八百年死去的埃及女木乃伊被动过手术。
    The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B. C. has just had an operation.
  • 才是以每小时八十英里的速度追上你的。
    I was doing eighty when I overtook you.