  • 公平竞往往是贸易发展的促进因素。
    A fair rivalry is often a stimulus to trade.
  • 他们重逢时,昔日之明暗斗旋即死灰复燃。
    Their old rivalry soon surfaced when they met again.
  • 这次吵是两家不和引起的。
    The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two families.
  • 同…处于交战状态处于敌对或竞的状态;
    To be in a state of hostility or rivalry; contend.
  • 他设法从与对手的竞中获益。
    He has managed to benefit from the rivalry of his opponent.
  • 对抗竞行为,如为了利益或奖品;敌对
    The act of competing, as for profit or a prize; rivalry.
  • 两个或多个商人之间为了夺取同一消费者或市场的竞
    Rivalry between two or more businesses striving for the same customer or market.
  • 拉丁语的持续性遇到本国语言的竞而注定衰弱。
    The vitality of Latin was doomed to wane before the rivalry of the vernacular tongue.
  • 悬挂美国旗货轮兴挂外国旗轮船间之竞颇为激烈。
    The rivalry between U. S.-flag freighters and foreign-flag ships is rather keen.
  • 如果你了解一下的话,你就能发现在这儿工作的人中间有着很大竞性。
    There is quite a lot of rivalry between the people who work here, if you get the picture.
  • 当这两方开始竞起来,你将看到,这是一场各显神通的角斗。
    When these two come into rivalry, you will see it will be a case of pull devil, pull baker.
  • 现在各国都提倡发展知识经济,人才的竞更趋激烈。
    As every country is striving for a knowledge-based economy, the rivalry to win over people with expertise and skills has been intensifying.
  • 正像每个美国男孩儿都想成为美式足球场上的四分卫一样,每个女孩儿也都渴望在怀有恶意的真实竞中,成为啦啦队队长。
    Just as every American boy yearns to be a football quarter- back, so girls yearn to head the cheerleading squad,amidst vicious real-life rivalry.
  • 但必须看到,超级大国的夺日益加剧,苏联霸权主义加速推进全球战略部署,严重地威胁着世界的和平和我国的安全。
    But we must recognize that the intensified rivalry between the superpowers and the quickened pace of global strategic deployment by the Soviet hegemonists present a serious threat to world peace and to our own national security.
  • 以后整整一个多世纪,密密麻麻的房屋就在这盆子里互相挤压,堆积,像水在水库里那样不断上涨,因而开始向高空发展,楼上加楼,层层叠叠,宛如液流受压,不停向上喷射,先恐后,看谁有能耐把脑袋瓜伸得比别人高,好多呼吸点空气。
    For the period of more than a century,the houses press upon each other, accumulate, and raise their level in this basin, like water in a reservoir. They begin to deepen; they pile story upon story; they mount upon each other; they gush forth at the top, like all laterally compressed growth, and there is a rivalry as to which shall thrust its head above its neighbors, for the sake of getting a little air.
  • 爱狗的人和爱猫的人常常喜欢开玩笑地彼此辩。
    “ Dog people" and “ cat people" often enjoy friend ly rivalries.
  • 也许随着我们前经理的出任,就不会再发生去年部门间的敌对与吵了。
    Perhaps with the appointment of our new manager we would see an end of the interdepartmental rivalries and quarrels of the previous year.
  • 首先,执政了55年的中国国民党因为党内分裂,宋楚瑜和连战鹬蚌相,最终国民党输掉了大选,民进党候选人陈水扁以略微多数的优势当选,这是公认不的事实。
    First of all, the Nationalist Party of China which had ruled Taiwan for 55 years, was defeated in the election at last. It is now indisputable that the in-fighting between James Soong and Lien Chan within KMT made it possible for Chen Shui-bian, presidential candidate of the ro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), to come to power with a narrow margin of majority votes.
  • 后来赶象人和大象都向前走了,这六个盲人却坐在路旁,岩为大象的事吵了一整天。
    Then the driver and the elephant moved on, and the six blind men sat by the roadside all day quarrelling about the elephant.
  • 卢沟桥抗战的炮声,把这个论暂时地解决了。
    For a time, the roaring guns of the resistance at Lukouchiao decided the issue.
  • 第一只苹果说:“瞧瞧这些人吧,斗、抢劫、骚乱——似乎就没有人愿意与别的人好好相处。
    The first apple said," Look at all those people fighting, robbing, rioting -- no one seems willing to get along with his fellow man.
  • 翻开历史的篇章就不难发现,很多战都源于“一个国家去抢劫另一个国家”开始,继而“群起效尤”者不乏人在。
    History shows us that many wars have been waged because "one country was robbing another country", and there have certainly been no lack of subsequent imitators.
  • 墨西哥人就维拉到底是他自己所声称的劫富济贫的大侠不是只是一般的强盗而有过论。
    Maxi-cans have argued whether Villa was the Robin Hood he claimed to be or just an ordinary hood.
  • 1996年,她击败艾诗莉·贾德和劳伦·霍莉,得罗宾·威廉姆斯的《穿夹克的教师》中的配角。
    In 1996,she beat out Ashley Judd and Lauren Holly for the supporting role of Robin Williams' Teacher in Jack.
  • 虽然罗宾森有好小子之称呼,但他是一个强有力的竞者,在肘部飞舞、身体激烈碰撞中发挥着他的作用,他的位置——中锋——在比赛中是最难打的位置。
    For all his nice-guy image, though, Robinson is a fierce competitor amid the flying elbows and colliding bodies that make his position-center-the toughest in the game.
  • 我们必须确保香港拥有训练有素、适应力强、兼备多种技能的人才,以配合经济发展和增强香港整体竞力。
    We must review our manpower and training policies carefully so as to ensure that Hong Kong has a well-trained, adaptable and versatile workforce which can meet the needs of the economy and contribute to our overall competitiveness.
  • 香港特别行政区政府的方针,是确保本港拥有干劲十足、勤奋上进、适应力强且水准不断提升的工作人口,以提高本港经济的竞力。
    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government aims to ensure that there is a dynamic, well-motivated, adaptable and continuously upgraded workforce contributing to Hong Kong's economic competitiveness.
  • 香港特别行政区政府的方针,是确保本港拥有干劲十足、勤奋上进、适应力强且具备熟练技能的工作人口,以提高本港经济的竞力。
    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government aims to ensure that there is a dynamic, well-motivated, adaptable and skilful workforce contributing to Hong Kong's economic competitiveness.
  • 劳拉·多伊尔,33岁,来自加利福尼亚,一位金发壮实的妇女。抚养她的父母经常斗不止,教她懂得了婚姻双方应是平等的伙伴关系。
    Doyle, 33, a robust blond from Calif, was reared by battling parents who taught her that marriage should be an equal partnership.
  • 受雇查寻诺克斯的下落,查理的天使们将目光瞄准了他的竞对手罗杰·科温,他拥有世界上最大的卫星电信网络--红星系统。
    Hired to track down Knox,Charlie's Angels set their sights on his rival,Roger Corwin,who owns Red Star Systems,the world's largest telecommunications satellite network.
  • 正如幽默家威尔·罗杰斯所说:“在我们这一生中,美国从未输过一场战,或者赢一场谈判。
    As humourist Will Rogers put it, "America never lost a war and never won a conference in our lives.
  • 能动性在战争中