  • 讲演者刚开始说话,只小狗从过道里跑过,吸引了听众的注意力。
    Just as the speaker began, a little dog ran up the aisle, and stole the spotlight from him.
  • 沿这通道直走,到了第七行,那右面近窗的座位就是了。
    Go down this aisle, seven rows down on your right. It's the seat by the window.
  • 炮兵或迫击炮在几个信号区内从同个方向发射。
    artillery or mortar fire delivered in a constant direction at several quadrant elevations.
  • 当这行人开始走下教堂里的侧廊时,在坐靠背长椅的人中间有了点骚动。
    There was a slight flutter among those in the pew, as the procession began to ascend the aisle.
  • 金在第二轮(共四轮)中连中三个`10环,但弗朗西利路奋力拼搏,在比赛进行到半时将比分拉平至各方84分。
    Kim fired three consecutive bull's-eyes in his second quadrant but Frangilli pegged the score's level at 84 apiece at the halfway stage.
  • 他所说的话与事实不致。
    What he said did not quadrate with the facts.
  • 由于第次世界大战,原定于1916年在柏林举行的四年度的奥林匹克运动会被迫中断。这次战争历时4年,28个国家卷入其中,近1000万军人在战火中丧生。
    The Olympic quadrennial,scheduled for Berlin in 1916,was interrupted by World War I which had involved 28 countries and killed nearly 10 million troops in four years.
  • 双曲面两个二次曲面的任何个,通过使个双曲线绕其任何根中轴旋转而成,而且旋转时有个有定双曲线平面切面的中心,而其他切面是椭圆或圆周
    Either of two quadric surfaces generated by rotating a hyperbola about either of its main axes and having a finite center with certain plane sections that are hyperbolas and others that are ellipses or circles.
  • 梯形个有两条平行边的四边形
    A quadrilateral having two parallel sides.
  • 斜桁四角帆没有帆杠,脚比头大,斜挂在桅杆上的桁弯曲的种平面四角帆
    A quadrilateral sail that lacks a boom, has the foot larger than the head, and is bent to a yard hanging obliquely on the mast.
  • 双桅横帆船有两根桅杆的帆船,每个桅杆上都有横帆,载有两个或更多的前帆和个四边形的斜桁帆或在后桅的尾部装有后樯纵帆
    A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts, carrying two or more headsails and a quadrilateral gaff sail or spanker aft of the mizzenmast.
  • 兰谢舞一种四方舞
    A form of quadrille.
  • 种有八对或十六对的方形舞。
    a quadrille for 8 or 16 couples.
  • 百万的四次幂的均等部分之
    One of a quadrillion equal parts.
  • 系列数中相当于百万的四次乘方的序数
    The ordinal number matching the number quadrillion in a series.
  • 公制长度单位等于的次方分之
    a metric unit of length equal to one quadrillionth of a meter.
  • 白人与半白人之混血种人与白人结合而产生的婴儿;黑人血统占八分之的人。
    an offspring of a Quadroon and a White parent; a person who is one-eighth Black.
  • 前足四足动物的前足的任
    Either of the front feet of a quadruped.
  • 迪伯还向机舱的过道扔出了枚手榴弹,当场炸伤15人。
    Deeb also tossed a grenade down the aisle, wounding 15 people.
  • 我们在营地附近看见些四足兽的足迹。
    We saw some quadruped tracks near our camp.
  • 膝四足脊椎动物的类似的关节或腿的部分
    An analogous joint or part of a leg of a quadruped vertebrate.
  • 后腿腱四足动物跗关节后的个大肌腱
    The large tendon in the back of the hock of a quadruped.
  • 您的座位是2-c,是个靠过道的座位。
    Your seat is 2-C.It's an aisle seat.
  • 个空间去过道检查了。
    One of the hostesses went along the aisle to check
  • 侏罗纪和白垩纪的种四足有甲食草动物。
    quadrupedal armored herbivore of the Jurassic and Cretaceous.
  • 我要个靠走道的座位。
    I want a aisle seat.
  • 商店的每条通道都引发着情感上的矛盾。
    Controversy looms in every aisle.
  • 种四拍子的老式法国舞蹈。
    an old formal French dance in quadruple time.
  • 这么点进出口,就能实现翻两番呀?
    How can we quadruple the GNP with such meagre imports and exports?
  • 梅特涅,克莱蒙·温泽尔·内波姆·洛泰尔·冯1773-1859奥地利政治家,帮助组织神圣同盟,最终打败拿破仑
    Austrian politician who helped form the Quadruple Alliance that ultimately defeated Napoleon I.
  • “那么,就该把这切闹个底朝天!”约翰·弗罗洛接着说。
    “Very good,” returned Jehan Frollo, “we’ll quadruple the devil for them.
  • 种四拍的舞厅舞蹈;由短和快和慢和快固定的顺序组成。
    a ballroom dance in quadruple time; combines short and long and fast and slow steps fixed sequences.