  • 颜色朴素淡雅的房间
    A room decorated in quiet colors.
  • 她把房装饰得漂亮极了。
    She decorated the room very prettily.
  • 的装饰很富有想象力。
    the room was decorated very imaginatively.
  • 用气球和纸彩带装饰的房
    A room decorated with balloons and streamers
  • 房间装饰显得刺眼。
    The room decorations appeared to have been jazzed up.
  • 这房中的装饰品必须拿掉。
    The decorations in the room must be taken down.
  • 装饰品和房的大小不相称。
    The decorations are not in keeping with the size of the house.
  • 老师带领着孩子到房里去看布置
    The teacher drew the children into the room to see the decorations.
  • 一个室内设计家决定这个房的色彩设计。
    the color scheme for this room was determined by an interior decorator.
  • 室内装饰家设计,装饰房或建筑物的内部
    An interior decorator design and decorate the interior of a room or building
  • 经常要采取巧妙的方法,去欺骗、引诱和迷惑敌人,例如声东击西、忽南忽北、即打即离、夜行动等。
    In order to mislead, decoy and confuse the enemy, they should constantly use stratagems, such as making a feint to the east but attacking in the west, appearing now in the south and now in the north, hit-and-run attacks, and night actions.
  • 衰退期逐渐衰退的时或阶段
    A time or phase of gradual decrease.
  • 信号能量在两点测量出来的减小量。参阅signal。
    A decrease in signal power as measured between two points.
  • (月)亏:缺从满月到新月期表现出逐渐减小的明亮区
    To exhibit a decreasing illuminated area from full moon to new moon.
  • 令人惊讶的是,我们之的贸易额一直在下降。
    To our surprise, the volume of trade between us has been decreasing.
  • 令人惊讶的是,我们之的贸易额一直在下降。
    To our surprise, the volume of trade between us have is decreasing.
  • 但是,不能因此就说这一切都是格林斯潘和他的美联储公开市场委员会的同事造成的,虽然他们去年上半年提高了利率并一直等到今年一月才开始降息、在三月份纳斯达克指数跌到2000点以下时仍然拒绝在两次例会之额外降息的呼吁。
    That doesn't answer the question of whether Greenspan and his colleagues on the Feberal Open Market Committee blew it by raising interest rates in the first half of last year, waiting until this January to begin decreasing them, and resisting calls for a surpr ise between?meeting rate cut as the Nasdaq sank below 2000 in March.
  • 新闻集团主席兼总裁鲁珀特·默多克说:“过去四十多年,李光耀把一个贫困衰弱的殖民地发展成富裕兴盛、光芒四射的现代大都会,期充满敌意的列强始终虎视耽耽。
    Billionaire media tycoon Rupert Murdoch of News Corp. says, "More than 40 years ago, Lee Kuan Yew transformed what was a poor, decrepit colony into a shining, rich and modern metropolis ?all the time surrounded by hostile powers.
  • 他贬低她所作的努力(认为是浪费时).
    He decried her efforts (as a waste of time).
  • 体育倡导者们提出了一个请求:为什么不把这一时用在体育训练上?
    Physical education advocates made a plea: Why not dedicate the time to physical instruction?
  • 遥远的过去;深入敌占区;森林极远处;外层空探测器。
    deep in the past; deep in enemy territory; deep in the woods; a deep space probe.
  • 叛逃者从自己的国家叛逃到另一国家(通常是敌国)且没有被鼓励这样做的人,如
    One, such as a spy, who initiates defection from one's own country to another, usually hostile country, without having been encouraged to do so.
  • 白色恐怖下中阶级的反水:中阶级在革命高涨时受到打击,白色恐怖一来,马上反水。
    The defection of the intermediate class under the White terror.Having been under attack during the revolutionary upsurge, the intermediate class deserted to the enemy as soon as the White terror struck.
  • 日常生活压迫,影响中阶级反水:红区白区对抗,成为两个敌国。
    The pressure of daily life as a cause of the defection of the intermediate class. The Red and the White areas are now facing each other like two countries at war.
  • 也许现代租屋人所能够期待最好的是一点点属於个人的防御空
    Probably the best the present tenant can hope for being a fair share of " personal defensible space".
  • 也许现代租屋人所能够期待最好的是一点点属於个人的防御空
    probably the best the present tenant can hope for is a fair share of " personal defensible space"
  • 中区防守和进攻线的中地区
    The middle areas of the defensive and offensive lines.
  • 辩论往往很象争论,假若你和班纳特小姐能够稍缓一下等我走出房以后再,辩论那我是非常感激的。
    Arguments are too much like disputes. If you and Miss Bennet will defer yours till I am out of the room, I shall be very thankful;
  • 国与国之的边界未明确划定时,通常会发生纠纷。
    When boundaries between countries are not clearly defined, there is usually trouble.
  • 这样的过程成了编写诬蔑中国谍活动的材料:
    But here is the way the Redacted Report "defines" PRC "Espionage".
  • 它还解释说,道德涉及是非以及是非之的区分。
    It also defines a moral as concerned with right and wrong and the distinctions between them.
  • 党章草案规定了党的监察机关的任务和监察委员会的上下级之的关系。
    The draft defines the tasks of the control organs and the relationship between higher and lower control commissions.