  • 以每小时3 英里的速度
    at the pace of three miles an hour
  • 她在学习语方面为全班树立榜样。
    She paces the whole class in English study.
  • 携带手枪的恶棍;击出重拳的拳击手;一场夹带着每小时超过75里的大风的暴风雨
    A thug who packed a pistol; a fighter who packs a hard punch; a storm that packed winds in excess of75 miles an hour.
  • 57.50镑,包括邮费及包装费在内
    57.50, including postage and packing
  • 镑,包装和邮费另计
    Price 1.30, packing and postage extra
  • 十八开本纸张尺寸,4寸乘6接?寸,可印制装订成18张或36页的书
    The page size,4 by6 inches, of a book composed of printer's sheets folded into18 leaves or36 pages.
  • 余欠之数(500镑)将於一周内付清.
    The balance (of 500) will be paid within one week.
  • 要是我把债还清了, 我就只剩下10 镑了.
    I'll have just 10 over when I've paid all my debts.
  • 他先付了10镑定金,并同意余款按月分期付清。
    He paid $10 down and agreed to pay the rest in monthly instalments.
  • 他不辞劳苦地学习语。
    He spares no pains to study English.
  • 康斯太伯,约翰1776-1837国风景画家,他对分裂色彩的使用影响了后来的法国画家们。干草车(1821年)是他最著名的作品
    British landscape painter whose use of broken color influenced later French painters. The Hay Wain(1821) is his best-known work.
  • 我不知道是什么促使我干了这件事,但我确实花了50镑买了双新鞋子。
    I don't know what possessed me but I spent fifty pounds on a pair of new shoes.
  • 在存储程序设计和晶体管结合在同一台机器中之前,十几年已经过去了,直到1971年才诞生了最有意义的一对特尔4004处理器。
    More than a decade passed before the stored program design and transistors were brought together in the same machine, and it was not until 1971 that the most significant pairing the Intel 4004 came about.
  • 美国政府和巴基斯坦的密切关系使许多国人感到担心。
    The love affair between the US Administration and Pakistan worries many people in Britain.
  • 爱上原子弹印度和巴基斯坦几乎都是从摆脱国统治、获得独立起来一直在发展核计划。
    Learning to Love the BombIndia and Pakistan have been advancing their nuclear programs almost ever since they gained independence from Britain.
  • 舌面中音舌扁平部,在靠近硬颚处发出的,如(ch)在语chin中的发音
    Produced with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate, as the(ch) in English chin.
  • 颚音的在舌前部靠近或接触硬颚而发出的,如(y)在语young中的发音
    Produced with the front of the tongue near or against the hard palate, as the(y) in English young.
  • 兰开夏郡格兰西北部的一个历史地区,位于爱尔兰海沿岸。它是盎格鲁·撒克逊时代诺森布里亚五国的一部分,在1351年成为巴拉丁领地。它的纺织业久负盛名,在产业革命后该地区迅猛发展起来
    A historical region of northwest England on the Irish Sea. It was part of the kingdom of Northumbria in Anglo-Saxon times and became a county palatine in1351. Long noted for its textiles, the area grew rapidly after the Industrial Revolution.
  • (1903-1972)在坦桑尼亚工作的国古生物学家。
    British paleontologist who worked in Tanzania (1903-1972).
  • 该书概述了中世纪以来的国历史。
    The book presents a panorama of british history since the middle age.
  • 我们仅走了一里,她便气喘得象匹呼吸急促的马。
    We'd only gone about one mile before she was panting like a brokenwinded horse.
  • 我们仅走了半里,他便气喘得象匹呼吸急促的马。
    We'd only gone about half a mile before he was panting like a broken-winded horse.
  • 约翰在台湾喜欢吃木瓜,因为他在国从未吃过。
    John liked eating papaya in Taiwan as he had never eaten it in England.
  • 国是女人的天堂,马的地狱,奴仆的炼狱。
    England is the paradise of women, the hell of horse, and the purgatory of servant.
  • 约翰的叔叔留给他200镑,他眼下正做着黄粱美梦。
    His uncle left him £200 and John is living for the time in a fool’s paradise.
  • 汤姆叔叔留给他10000镑,他眼下正做着黄粱美梦。
    His uncle left him 10000 and Tom is living for the time in a fool's paradise.
  • 这个演说天地,早已是国政治传统的一部分,它的象征意义多过实际的意义。
    That paradise of public speaking has become part of Britain's political tradition, serving a symbolic rather than practical purpose.
  • 长远来说,我们不应该以华文是否成为一种高层语言,或者它在华族新加坡人当中是否普遍与深化应用,以及华文文化精的出现等,来衡量讲华语运动的成败,它必须能解决以上所提的矛盾后才算成功。
    In the long run, the success of the campaign is not to be defined by the penetration and common use of Mandarin as a high language by Chinese Singaporeans and the emergence of a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite. It will succeed only if we can successfully resolve the above paradoxes.
  • 长远来说,我们不应该以华文是否成为一种高层语言,或者它在华族新加坡人当中是否普遍与深化应用,以及华文文化精的出现等,来衡量讲华语运动的成败,它必须能解决以上所提的矛盾后才算成功。
    In the long run, the success of the campaign is not to be defined by the penetration and common use of Mandarin as a high language by Chinese Singaporeans and the emergence of a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite,and so on.It will succeed only if we can successfully resolve the above paradoxes.
  • 把这段篮球语译成中文。
    Translate this paragraph on basketball into Chinese.
  • 这条小河与那条道平行数里。
    The stream parallels the road for several miles.
  • 离"犹他海岸"(其真名为拉维维尔海滩)5里的内陆小镇圣母教堂,因为"进攻日"那天美国伞兵部队在此着陆,并且在教堂塔楼里与德国狙击手展开了勇战斗,从此一举成名。
    Five miles inland from “ Utah Beach” ,whose real name is Ravernville- plage,Sainte- Mere- Eglise soared to instant fame when on D- Day American paratroopers landed here and fought a daring battle against German snipers inside the church tower.