  • 长有串状白色四瓣朵的低矮草本植物。
    low-growing herb having clusters of small white-flowers 4-petaled flowers.
  • 一个矮生草本属,广泛分布于北半球的北温带地区和北极区;鹅不食;主要以其4-瓣而非5-瓣与蚤缀属植物相区别。
    low-growing herbs widely distributed in temperate and arctic northern hemisphere: sandworts; distinguished from members of the genus Arenaria mainly by having 4- rather than 5-petaled flowers.
  • 向日葵是长着黄色瓣的大
    Sunflowers are large flowers with yellow petals.
  • 欧远志一种欧远志属植物,开各色、不规则有两片辨状萼片的
    Any of various plants of the genus Polygala, having variously colored, irregular flowers with two petaloid sepals.
  • 皮特就站在柜台后面,他年纪不到30,而头发却已白。
    Behind the counter stood Pete himself, a man not more than thirty but with hair already turning gray.
  • 海寿,眼子菜北美洲东部的一种淡水植物(梭鱼草梭鱼草属),有带有长柄的心形叶和紫蓝色穗状
    A freshwater plant(Pontederia cordata) of eastern North America, having heart-shaped leaves with long petioles and spikes of violet-blue flowers.
  • 做一个小边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。
    Making a petit point pillow is exacting work.
  • 吝啬的不慷慨或极度地不想
    Ungenerously or pettily unwilling to spend money.
  • 矮牵牛一种广泛种植于南美的矮牵牛属植物,有边缘光滑的互生叶和喇叭状、颜色从白色到紫色的
    Any of various widely cultivated South American plants of the genus Petunia, having alternate, entire leaves and funnel-shaped flowers in colors from white to purple.
  • 埃文摊开手脚躺在草地上,望着海教帕沿着月牙形边缘栽种的白色紫心牵牛
    Evan sprawled on the grass and watched Hesper plant white, purplethroated petunias along the concave border.
  • 他把时间在和村子里的姑娘们调情上了.
    He spent his time philandering with the girls in the village.
  • 他把时间在和村子里的姑娘们调情上了。
    He spent his time philander with the girls in the village.
  • 美国前总统比尔·克林顿在同莫尼卡·莱温斯基的绯闻谎言曾经臭名昭著,但是早他之前的那些沾惹草的美国总统们为什么就从来没有在这种问题上撒谎呢?就是因为从来没有人就此有过质问。
    Bill Clinton famously lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, while earlier philandering U.S. presidents never had to lie about their affairs, because nobody ever asked.
  • 但尽管有这些阻力,我还是为这项任务工作了20年,在此期间我拜访过知名企业的总裁、发明家、创始人以及著名的慈善家,由于这些人通常都不知道他们的成功原则(因为他们只是去做而已),所以我必须许多时间来观察他们,并确定我原先假设能发挥功效的力量,是否真的在发挥功效。除了赚取生活费之外,我还必须为这些人工作。
    In spite of this opposition, I worked for twenty years,interviewing presidents, inventors, founders of great companies, and famous philanthropists. Because these people were often unaware of the principles they employed-they just did it-it tool a great deal of time for me to observe them and determine whether the forces I supposed for myself, I had a job to do for others.
  • 耶稣答道:“腓力还未跟你说话,我就看到你在无果树下了。”
    Jesus replied,"I saw you under the fig-tree before Philip spoke to you."
  • 耶稣答道:“腓力还未跟你说话,我就看到你在无果树下了。”
    Jesus replied, "I saw you under the fig-tree before Philip spoke to you."
  • 聚氯乙烯一种普通热塑树脂,广泛用于产品加工,包括雨衣,园浇水用的胶皮管,留声唱片,和地板砖
    A common thermoplastic resin, used in a wide variety of manufactured products, including rainwear, garden hoses, phonograph records, and floor tiles.
  • 在购买一部微电脑所需的额外费和一架新的照相复印机所提供的格外方便之间,我们得衡量一下两者间的得失。
    We have to strike a balance between the extra cost of a new microcomputer and the extra convenience of a new photocopier.
  • 照相复制所有这些文件要很长时间。
    All these documents of photocopy will be spent to grow time very much.
  • 摄影爱好不好的地方在于它费太大了。
    The trouble with photography is that it's an expensive hobby.
  • 一种类似于毛莨的长有心形叶片和黄色朵的常年生草本植物,产于欧洲但其它地方也有种植;其块茎可以用来治疗痔疮。
    perennial herb native to Europe but naturalized elsewhere having heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers resembling buttercups; its tuberous roots have been used as a poultice to relieve piles.
  • 张潮说:“蓺可以邀蝶,垒石可以邀云,栽松可以邀风,……
    Chang Ch'ao says that "planting flowers serves to invite butterflies, piling up rocks serves to invite clouds, planting pine trees serves to invite the wind,..
  • 垫枕用于编织边的枕头
    A pillow used in lacemaking.
  • 豆荚状胡椒任何一种有豆荚状果实的此类植物,大小、形状和辛辣程度不等,味道较温和的包括椒和西班牙辣椒,较刺激的有樱桃椒
    The podlike fruit of any of these plants, varying in size, shape, and degree of pungency, with the milder types including the bell pepper and pimiento, and the more pungent types including the cherry pepper.
  • 爸爸取出一枚别针,将别在他的外衣上。
    Dad took a pin and pinned the flower to his coat.
  • 约翰决定整掉植物的蕾。
    John decided to pinch back the buds on the plant.
  • 被寒霜侵袭而枯萎的蕾;因痛苦而扭曲的脸
    Buds that were pinched by the frost; a face that was pinched with grief.
  • 吝啬的,过分节俭的不情愿给钱或钱的;过分吝啬的
    Unwilling to give or spend money; penny-pinching.
  • 李平花钱最多。
    Li Ping has.
  • 她拿著一簇粉红色的玫瑰.
    She carried a spray of pink roses.
  • 长有粉或白的多年生的草本。
    perennial herbs with small pink or white flowers.
  • 具有粉紫色朵的一种加利福尼亚草本植物。
    California herb with pinkish purple flowers.