  • 他忘记闹钟上弦了。
    He forgot to wind up the clock.
  • 上周我借了一些钱他, 但他忘记归还。
    I lent him some money last week but he forgot to pay back.
  • 我忘了曾经过她我的地址了。
    I forgot giving her my address.
  • 请你我别一个叉子好吗?
    Would you bring me another fork, please?
  • 不然,我您拿刀叉来。
    If you don't, I'll get you fork and knife.
  • 与独立(指以前的殖民地)。
    grant independence to (a former colony).
  • 本来一切都井井有条,弗雷德一来就搞得乱七八糟。
    Everything was just fine until Fred came along and fouled things up.
  • 古尔班基基金会艺术家以资助。
    The Gulbenkian Foundation gives money to help artists.
  • 必须这样,才能反动统治阶级以甚大的困难,动摇其基础而促进其内部的分解。
    Only thus is it possible to create tremendous difficulties for the reactionary ruling classes, shake their foundations and hasten their internal disintegration.
  • 四、加入世贸组织,要求予民营企业与国有企业和外资企业同等的”国民待遇”,这将刺激中国民营企业的发展。
    Fourthly, Chinese enterprises owned by the state and private individuals and foreign businesses will now be treated equally. This will stimulate the growth of private Chinese businesses.
  • 第六节 第四,有大量劳动不是用于生产产品,而是用于将生产出来的产品提供使用者。
    6. Fourthly: There is a very great amount of labour employed, not in bringing the product into existence, but in rendering it, when in existence, accessible to those for whose use it is intended.
  • 清洗干净(鱼家禽)放血、去毛和内脏以备烹煮或出售
    To clean(fish or fowl) for cooking or sale.
  • 它们配个框好吗?”
    Will you let me have them framed?
  • 我正请人这幅画配个镜框,这样就能把它挂在墙上。
    I'm having this picture framed, so that I can hang it on the wall.
  • 最终我记起了画装框的事,谢天谢地,让父亲在离世前看到了这些画。
    I finally remembered to call about the portrait framing and thanked God my father had gotten a chance to see the pictures before he died.
  • 最美国化的概念当然是特许经营权——把已经成功的模式卖那些想自己开业的人。
    The ultimate American concept is, of course, fran-chising- selling an already-successful format to those who want to open a business.
  • 作为一种予特许专营权业务,他经营三明治连锁店。
    He runs his sandwich chain as a franchise operation.
  • 美国于1920年妇女以参政权。
    The United States granted the franchise to women in 1920.
  • 我200美元的法国法郎。
    Give me200 dollar worth of french francs.
  • 我兑换这些法国法郎吗?
    Could you change these French francs for me?
  • 我200美元的法国法郎。
    Give me 200 dollars worth of French Francs.
  • 能否我200美元的瑞士法朗?
    Can you give me 200 dollars in Swiss francs?
  • 能否我150日元的瑞士法郎?
    Can you give me 150 yen in Swiss francs?
  • “那就是说你就从我留你的两百法朗里抽出来还了他了?”
    "And you paid him out of the two hundred francs I left you?"
  • “可是,”唐太斯擦了一把额头上的冷汗,嗫嚅地说,——“可是三个月前我临走的时候你留下过两百法郎呀。”
    "Yet," stammered Dantès, wiping the perspiration from his brow,--"yet I gave you two hundred francs when I left, three months ago."
  • 过了些时候,省务委员会审查了那申请,通过每年他一笔三千法郎的款子,名义是“主教先生的轿车、邮车和教务巡视津贴”。
    Some time afterwards the General Council took this demand under consideration, and voted him an annual sum of three thousand francs, under this heading: Allowance to M. the Bishop for expenses of carriage, expenses of posting, and expenses of pastoral visits.
  • 他的直率经常他带来麻烦。
    His frankness often gets him into deep water.
  • 男女双方互相允诺不再和其他人约会;大学校园里其标志为与兄弟会的徽章。
    a mutual promise of a couple not to date anyone else; on college campuses it is signaled by the giving of a fraternity pin.
  • 把假货兜售给顾客
    Imposed a fraud on consumers.
  • 地毯包边(防止磨损)
    Bind the edge of a carpet, ie to prevent fraying
  • 真希奇,这个月多我钱了。
    By some strange freak mistake, I was overpaid this month.
  • 这个姑娘每周`'她妈妈一件免费的衣服。
    The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress once a week!