  • 细枝,嫩枝木本植物的小的无叶的枝
    Any small, leafless branch of a woody plant.
  • 茎直、无叶、淡红紫色,花呈总状花序、浅桃色、有褐色纹;产自加拿大西部到墨西哥一带。
    nearly leafless wildflower with erect reddish-purple stems bearing racemes of pale pinkish and brownish-striped flowers; western Canada to Mexico.
  • 加利福尼亚的灌木,有苗的叶状的芽,是长耳鹿的主要食物。
    California shrub with slender leafy shoots that are important browse for mule deer.
  • 他打开报纸;一可怕的消息跃然映入了他的眼帘。
    He opened the newspaper and a terrible news leaped out at him.
  • 他脱掉衣服,只穿一短裤跳进了河里。
    He stripped down to his underpants and leaped into the river.
  • 袋鼠在澳大利亚和邻近的岛屿上生活的袋鼠科的各种食草的有袋动物中的任何一种。它们前足短小,后足硕大,适于跳跃,长有一一端逐渐变得尖细的长尾
    Any of various herbivorous marsupials of the family Macropodidae of Australia and adjacent islands, having short forelimbs, large hind limbs adapted for leaping, and a long, tapered tail.
  • 大狗跳起来朝小女孩扑去。
    The big dog leapt up at the little girl.
  • 我看到车了正开着过来,便闪在一旁,这才捡回一命。
    I saw the car coming, and leapt out of the way to save my bacon.
  • 我是今天早晨从报纸上知道这消息的。
    I learned this piece of news from the newspaper this morning.
  • 我们是通过长期斗争才认识到这普遍真理的。
    It's through age_long struggle that we learnt this universal truth.
  • 他们最后就租赁件达成了协议。
    They have finally settled on the terms of the lease.
  • 如果我觉得件合适的话,我可以再延期。
    If the conditions are suitable, I'd like to extend the lease.
  • 狗挣脱皮带逃走。
    The dog slipped his leash.
  • 用皮或象用皮控制
    To restrain with or as if with a leash.
  • 稳住车子!我找到皮带以前抓好这
    Hold the bus! Hold the dog until I find the leash.
  • 大狗他对付不了,他没法用皮带将他拉着。
    This big dog was too much for him, and he couldn't hold him on the leash.
  • 第五十四 建设单位使用国有土地,应当以出让等有偿使用方式取得;
    Article 54 A paid leasing should be go through in use of land owned by the State by a construction unit.
  • 第五十五 以出让等有偿使用方式取得国有土地使用权的建设单位,按照国务院规定的标准和办法,缴纳土地使用权出让金等土地有偿使用费和其他费用后,方可使用土地。
    Article 55 Construction units that have obtained State-owned land by paid leasing can use the land only after paying the land use right leasing fees and other fees and expenses according to the standards and ways prescribed by the State Council.
  • 7.至少有一条领带;
    7.Owns at least one tie
  • 卷帆索系在帆的垂缘上以将帆张开或收下的一些小绳的一
    One of several small ropes attached to the leech of a sail for drawing the sail in or up.
  • 我儿子又有了一小狗,他走到哪儿,狗就跑到哪儿。
    My son has a new puppy and it clings to him like a leech wherever he goes.
  • 这把椅子只有三腿。
    This chair has only three legs.
  • 跷二郎腿的一腿交叉放在另一腿上的
    With one leg lying over and across the other leg.
  •  第二十一遗嘱继承或者遗赠附有义务的,继承人或者受遗赠人应当履行义务。
    Article 21 Where there are obligations attached to testamentary succession or legacy, the successor or legatee shall perform them.
  • 全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定了《中华人民共和国国防法》、《中华人民共和国兵役法》、《中华人民共和国军事设施保护法》、《中华人民共和国人民防空法》、《中华人民共和国预备役军官法》、《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法》、《中国人民解放军现役军官服役例》、《中国人民解放军军官军衔例》等12件国防和军队建设的法律以及有关法律问题的决定。
    The NPC and its Standing Committee have formulated 12 defense and army-building laws and legality-related decisions, including the National Defense Law of the PRC, Military Service Law of the PRC, Military Facilities Protection Law of the PRC, Civil Air Defense Law of the PRC, Law on the Reserve Officers of the PRC, the Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC, Military Service Regulations Pertaining to PLA Officers in Active Service, and Regulations on the Military Ranks of PLA Officers.
  • 进入八十年代以后,西藏自治区先后颁布了《西藏自治区人民政府关于加强文物保护的布告》、《西藏自治区流散文物管理暂行规定》、《西藏自治区文物保护管理例》、《布达拉宫保护管理办法》等一系列文物保护法规和规定,使西藏的文物保护工作走上了法制化、规范化的管理轨道。
    Beginning in the 1980s, the Tibet Autonomous Region has issued successively the Proclamation of the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region on Improving the Preservation of Cultural Relics, the Interim Provisions of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the Administration of Scattered Cultural Relics, the Regulations of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the Protection and Administration of Cultural Relics, and the Measures for the Protection and Administration of the Potala Palace. These laws and regulations have brought the work of preserving cultural relics in Tibet within the orbit of legalization and standardization.
  •  第三十四执行遗赠不得妨碍清偿遗赠人依法应当缴纳的税款和债务。
    Article 34 The carrying out of a legacy shall not affect the payment of taxes and debts payable by the legator according to law.
  • 男性人鱼一种传说中的海洋生物,长有男人的头部及上身,却生有一鱼尾巴
    A legendary sea creature having the head and upper body of a man and the tail of a fish.
  • 美人鱼一种传说中的海洋生物,长有女人的头部和上身,却生有一鱼尾巴
    A legendary sea creature having the head and upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish.
  • 腿的动物;一个装有假肢的人。
    four-legged animals; a peg-legged man.
  • 腿的凳子;三足赛跑。
    a three-legged stool; a three-legged race.
  • 用于支撑的三退儿的架子。
    a three-legged stand used for support.