  • 恶毒的谣言损害了她的好声。
    The malicious rumors compromised her good reputation.
  • 错误地或怀有恶意地控告;攻击一个人的好声或誉。
    charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone.
  • 诽谤以手写、印刷、打字或以符号或图画形式出现的一种虚假的宣传,旨在恶意毁坏一个人的
    A false publication in writing, printing, or typewriting or in signs or pictures that maliciously damages a person's reputation.
  • 阿特·博特里作为威斯康星州密尔沃基拉法奇终身学习学院的一手工折纸(一种日本古老的手工折纸艺术)教师,奉派代表学校去参加在密尔沃基一家大型购物中心举行的展览。
    As a teacher of origami (the ancient Japanese art of paper folding) at the LaFarge Lifelong Learning Institute in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Art Beaudry was asked to represent the school at an exhibit at a large mall in Milwaukee.
  • 收到铁道事故的消息时他正在报社的办公室里,布雷特利·马拉德的字列于“死亡”单之首。
    It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of “ killed.
  • 请问你的姓和班机号码。
    Your mama again and your flight mumber, please.
  • 最后,评委会把技术大奖颁给了两部参展的台湾影片《蔷薇的字》和《你那边几点》的音响设计师杜笃之。
    Finally, the jury awarded a prize for technical achievements to Tu Duu-Chih, sound designer for two films in competition, Millenium Mambo and What Time Is It There?
  • 警察机动部队派员到场执行保安工作。为应付保护65显要人物的重要任务,要员保护组临时增加了人手,并由护送队提供支援,确保所有重要人物受到保护。
    Officers from the Police Tactical Unit were deployed to maintain venue security and the VIP Protection Unit was temporarily expanded to cater for the mammoth task of protecting 65 dignitaries. It was supported by the Force Escort Group to ensure smooth passage for the dignitaries under protection.
  • 从有23,617学生的州立新墨西哥大学(57%女生)到威斯康星的仅有2,030学生的天主教的爱奇伍德学院(73%女生),直到庞大的加利福尼亚大学系统(8所院校中有7所是女生占多数),女生正在大量涌入学院和大学。
    From the 23,617-student, state-run University of New Mexico (57 percent female) to 2,032-student, Catholic-affiliated Edgewood College in Wisconsin (73 percent female) to the mammoth University of California system (seven of the eight campuses have-female majorities), women are flooding colleges and universities.
  • 我的老板给我起了这个字。
    My manager gave me that.
  • 你会成为一经理的。
    You go being a manager.
  • 我希望成为一经理。
    I hope to become a manager.
  • 年内,七十多个国家共14521具备技术知识、行政或管理技能的专业人员,获准来港就业。
    During the year, 14 521 professionals and persons with technical, administrative or managerial skills from more than 70 countries were admitted for employment.
  • 总经理义上有权,可却是一只纸考虑,实际管理着公司的是他的助手。
    The managing director has the nominal power but he is a paper tiger and it is his assistant who actually runs the company.
  • 在来日本之前,我曾设想过,作为曼联队的一队员,我应该会受到大家的欢迎。但我没有想到,球迷会如此热情。"
    I expected something from being here in the past with Manchester United.
  • 那个班有二十学生,其中有五来自曼彻斯特。
    There are twenty students in that class , five of them (being) from Manchester.
  • 一个亚洲半岛,分割黄海和日本海;其朝鲜语的字叫choson。
    an Asian peninsula (off Manchuria) separating the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan; the Korean name is Choson.
  • 你记得起那孩子的姓吗?
    Can you bring to mind the mane of the child?
  • 昨天我预定了一间双人房。我的字叫卡尔·乔伊。
    I reserved a double room yesterday. My mane is Karl joy.
  • 我想成为一作家,使自己成
    I want to mane a name for myself as a wirter.
  • 我现在得付帐了。姓是杰克·伦敦,254房间。
    I have to pay my bill now. The mane is Jack London. Room 254.
  • 你真的不知道她的字?在化学家当中,她还是个人呢!
    Do you mean to tell me you don’t know her mane? Why, among chemists, she’s it!
  • 我会帮你把漏掉的字加进去的。
    I will print in the missing manes for you.
  • 不要说:“这是早晨”,别用一个“昨天”的词把它打发掉。
    Do not say, "it is morning, " and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday.
  • 她浏览了一下名单。
    She glanced down the list of manes.
  • 曼哈顿的一条穿越时代广场的一条大街;以其剧院而闻
    a street in Manhattan that passes through Times Square; famous for its theaters.
  • 联邦调查局探员昨天下午两点四十二分匆忙来到曼哈顿联邦地方法院,带来一张字条写着:马科斯病情已恶化。
    An FBI agent rushed to U.S. District Court in Manhattan at 2: 42 p.m. yesterday with a note saying Marcos had taken a turn for the worse.
  • 一九九七年八月,有旅行团在马尼拉发生意外,7香港旅客死亡。
    In August 1997, a tour accident in Manila resulted in the deaths of seven Hong Kong tourists.
  • 当地的主要mba校包括:新加坡的南洋,澳大利亚管理学院agsm(悉尼)和墨尔本商学院,阿默达巴德的印度管理学院,马尼拉的亚洲管理学院和香港的技术大学。
    Local leaders include Nanyang in Singapore, Agsm (Sydney) and Melbourne Business School in Australia, the Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad, the Asian Institute of Management in Manila, and Hong Kong University of Technology.
  • 马尼托巴省省会和最大城市;位于马尼托巴南部;以烈酒闻
    Winnipeg is the capital and largest city of Manitoba; located in S Manitoba; known for severe winters.
  • 一位著的思想家曾经写道:“对人类最大的威胁是人类自身!”
    A famous thinker once wrote that " the greatest threat to mankind is mankind itself ! "
  • 制造厂商的称在盘子背面.
    The manufacturer's name is on the bottom of the plate.