  • 在曼哈顿海滩社区团体年会中,市长告诉200位十地道的中产阶级,和十拥护葛市长的人说:"我相信各位是最优秀、最高尚的人。"
    "I believe you're the salt of the earth, " the mayor told200 very middle-class-and very pro-Koch-people at the Manhattan Beach Community Group's annual meeting.
  • 导游:长城由三部构成:军事关卡,城墙和烽火台。
    It consisits of three the military passes, the walls and the beacon towers.
  • 有隔间的盒子;贝肯·希尔的保护性的、成隔间的社会——约翰·梅森·布朗。
    a compartmented box; the protected and compartmented society of Beacon Hill- John Mason Brown.
  • 美国之所以成为恐怖子袭击的目标,是因为我们国家在这个世界上像一盏非常明亮的灯塔,指引人们争取自由,谋求发展。
    America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world.
  • 美国成为恐怖子的袭击目标,是因为我们在世界上高举自由和理想的火炬,但是任何人都不可能将这一火炬熄灭。
    America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.
  • 我的国家毫无疑问确实有自己的一些问题和缺陷,像大部的国家一样,我们正走在一个漫长的道路上。
    My country certainly has its share of problems and faults;like most nations we're on a long journey toward achieving our own ideals of equality and justice. Yet there is a reason our nation shines as a beacon of hope and opportunity, a reason many throughout the world dream of coming to America.
  • 有小珠花样的木条形成一个狭窄的槽沟把它与它装饰的表面开。
    beading formed with a narrow groove separating it from the surface it decorates.
  • (构词成)有特定的喙或者嘴。
    (combining form) having a beak or bill as specified.
  • 啄鸟嘴的坚硬部;啄
    The horny part of the jaws of a bird; a beak.
  • 特别是旧类中包括在抹香鲸科。
    beaked whales; in some esp. former classifications included in the family Physeteridae.
  • 我身无分文。
    I haven't a bean.
  • 酪蛋白是一种大型、坚硬、致密、极难消化解的凝乳。
    bean curd; lemon curd.
  • 我没法去,因为我身无文。
    I cannot afford to go because I haven't a bean.
  • 出露层露出地表的一部基岩或其他地层
    A portion of bedrock or other stratum protruding through the soil level.
  • 我认识阿里,他是一个十杰出的人。
    I know Ari. He's the bee's knees.
  • 山毛榉蕨;这一属以不同的名称类;被认为是鳞毛蕨属可供选择的名称或包括在沼泽蕨属内。
    beech ferns: genus is variously classified: considered alternative name for genus Drypopteris or included in genus Thelypteris.
  • 蜂窝的单元式建筑;任何对极权政体的有效反抗都必须是秘密的和成单元的;蜂窝电话使用位于单元交叉部位的短程传输网络。
    the cellular construction of a beehive; any effective opposition to a totalitarian regime must be secretive and cellular; a cellular phone uses a network of shortrange transmitters located in overlapping cells.
  • 王平:接着,在预定地点,公开水域游泳国际裁判朱玉成大声宣布:“张健8月8日从旅顺下水,今天上午10时22在蓬莱上岸,直线距离为109公里,实际距离为123.58公里,时间为50小时22
    Wang Ping: Following that, at the predetermined place, the in-ternational judge of swimming at open water area Zhu Yucheng de-clared loudly: "Zhang Jian entered into the water at Lushun on August 8 and at 10:22 this morning went shore at Penglai. The beeline dis-tanee was 123.58 kilometers and the time was 50 hours 22 minutes. It is in accordance with the predetermined requirements.
  • 王平:接着,在预定地点,公开水域游泳国际裁判朱玉成大声宣布:“张健8月8日从旅顺下水,今天上午10时22在蓬莱上岸,直线距离为109公里,实际距离为123.58公里,时间为50小时22
    Wang Ping: Following that, at the predetermined place, the international judge of swimming at open water area Zhu Yucheng declared loudly: "Zhang Jian entered into the water at Lushun on August 8 and at 10:22 this morning went shore at Penglai. The beeline distance was 109 kilometers,the fact distance was 123.58 kilometers and the time was 50 hours 22 minutes. It is in accordance with the predetermined requirements.
  • `你等了很久了吗?'`是啊, 等了20钟了.'
    `Have you been waiting long?' `Yes, I've been waiting (for) twenty minutes.'
  • 激进子就是把两腿牢牢插在空气中的人。
    A radical is a man with both beet firmly planted in the air.
  • 各种草本植物,其某部可食,如:甜菜的果实和根,菠菜的叶子,豆类的种子或菜花的花芽。
    any of various herbaceous plants cultivated for an edible part such as the fruit or the root of the beet or the leaf of spinach or the seeds of bean plants or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower.
  • 粮食、棉花、甜菜总产量别达到796万吨、157万吨和455万吨,比1955年别增长4.4倍、61.5倍和4550.2倍。
    The total output of food grains, cotton and sugar beet was 7.96 million tons, 1.57 million tons and 4.55 million tons, respectively, or 5.4 times, 62.5 times and 4,551.2 times the figures for 1955, respectively.
  • 他处于十危险的境地。
    He is between the beetle and block now.
  • 能产生一种使皮肤起疱的泌物。
    beetle that produces a secretion that blisters the skin.
  • 预先解;多用于化学中。
    isolate beforehand; in chemistry.
  • 预先煮一部或全部。
    cooked partially or completely beforehand.
  • 预先判断,尤指在未掌握充的证据的情况下做的臆断。
    judge beforehand, esp. without sufficient evidence.
  • 晚会开始前10钟,一些客人就三三两两地到了。
    Some guests began to trickle in ten minutes before the party.
  • 我第一次玩就得了三,可他们说这不过是新手的好运气
    I scored three gaols the first time I played, but they put it down to beginner 's luck
  • 我第一次玩就得了三,可他们说这不过是新手的好运气。
    I score three goal the first time I play, but they put it down to beginner's luck.
  • 事实上,如果你能告诉一个希望成为作家的初学者,第一步不要过关心写作的技巧,叫他不要在这种肤浅的问题上空费工夫,劝他表露他的灵魂的深处,以冀创造一个为作家基础的真正的文学性格;如果你这样做,你对他将有很大的帮助。
    In fact, it would be helpful to a beginner who aspires to be a writer first to dispel in him any overcon-cern with the technique of writing, and tell him to stop trifling with such superficial -matters and get down to the depths of his soul, to the end of developing a genuine literary personality. as the foundation of all authorship..