  • 侧有螺纹儿、可以被固定到螺栓上的方形或六边形金属块。
    a small square or hexagonal metal block with internal screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt.
  • 毫无疑问,电子信函削弱了组织部的等级结构。
    There is no doubt that E-mail flattens the hierarchical structure of an organization.
  • 在中国各级行政区划,省级设武警总队,地区级设武警支队,县级设武警中队。
    In the nationwide administrative hierarchy, the Armed Police contingents, detachments, and squadrons are instituted at province, prefecture, and county levels respectively.
  • 贸易发展局年举办的盛事,要算是在上海举行的香港博览会'99。博览会吸引逾40000人次到场参观。
    A highlight of the year was the council's Hong Kong Expo '99 in Shanghai, which attracted more than 40 000 visitors.
  • 一年之,中国两位最高领导人出访同一地区,甚属少见,也充分说明中国领导人对东南亚的高度重视。
    The unusual visits by China's top leaders within merely a year highlight the importance Beijing accords to the region.
  • 特别是1994年秋季以来,每年“扫黄”、“打非”集中行动更是把打击盗版作为重点
    The fight against copyright piracy has highlighted China's CEAs since the autumn of 1994.
  • 煤矿巷道位于这个多坡的被水冲蚀地区的道路两旁。
    Coal workings line the route in this hilly, washed out section.
  • 盖夫以色列南部的山丘沙漠地区。1948年巴勒斯坦被分割后划给以色列,它有无数矿产资源
    A hilly desert region of southern Israel. Assigned to Israel after the partition of Palestine in1948, it has various mineral resources.
  • 此外,遂川、酃县、永新各一部在割据区域,都是山地,农民太苦,不好收税。
    Then there are the sections of Suichuan, Linghsien and Yunghsin under our regime which are all hilly areas, and where the peasants are so poverty-stricken that any taxation is inadvisable.
  • 位于西藏部喜玛拉亚山脉的一座山,高英尺。
    a mountain in the Himalayas in Tibet (26,290 feet high).
  • 执行这一政策的主要障碍是干部思想中的关门主义,因此要对党干部作反反复复的教育,才能保证其执行。
    The chief hindrance to the implementation of this policy is the "closed-doorism" of our cadres. Therefore, to ensure its implementation, we must repeatedly explain its importance to Party cadres.
  • 瑜伽致力于训练一种能达到完美精神省和宁静状态的意识的印度训练方法
    A Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquillity.
  • 据1991年统计,在地西藏班、校学习的学生达9800人。
    In 1991 some 9,800 Tibetan students were studying in these schools or classes in the hinterland.
  • 积极促进地与香港、澳门在经贸、教育、科技、文化等领域的交流与合作。
    We will make greater efforts to encourage exchanges and cooperation between the hinterland and Hong Kong and Macao in economic, trade, educational, scientific, technological, cultural and other fields.
  • 在对外开放方面,实行了比其他地区更为优惠的办法,外贸出口享受全部外汇留成,允许西藏在地转销一般性进口商品。
    In opening up, the region implements a more preferential policy than other areas. It can retain all foreign exchange it earns from overseas trade and sell general imported products in the hinterland.
  • 地各医学院校还努力为西藏培训医务人员,有70%的藏族医务人员在地进修学习过,技术业务水平显著提高。
    Medical colleges and schools in the hinterland have started training classes to improve the skills of Tibetan medical workers. Thus far, about 70 percent of the Tibetan medical workers have received such training.
  • 1959年到1991年,从地共调进粮食138.8万吨,石油成品油281.5万吨和价值45.8亿元的各类工业品,各类进藏物资总重量达1000多万吨。
    From 1959 to 1991, a total of 1.388 million tons of grain, 2.815 million tons of refined oil and 4.58 billion yuan worth of manufactured goods, weighing over 10 million tons in total, were hauled in from the hinterland.
  • 举办地西藏班(校),中央政府累计拨出基建专款7300万元,各有关省市财政配套资金1亿多元;
    The Central Government has allocated a special capital construction fund totalling 73 million yuan and relevant provinces and municipalities have appropriated necessary funds amounting to well over 100 million yuan for running those Tibetan classes and schools in the hinterland.
  • 地各医学院校还努力为西藏培训医务人员,有70%的藏族医务人员在地进修学习过,技术业务水平显著提高。
    Medical colleges and schools in the hinterland have started training classes to improve the skills of Tibetan medical workers. Thus far, about 70 percent of the Tibetan medical workers have received such training. Their level of technique and vocational work has got remarkable improvment
  • 从八十年代中期起,中央政府还拨出专款,在地一些省市创办西藏初中班,在北京、
    Since the mid-1980s, to make it easier for secondary school students from Tibet to study in inland China the Central Government has appropriated special funds to set up Tibetan junior middle-school classes in some of the provinces and municipalities in the hinterland and one Tibetan middle school each in the cities of Beijing, Tianjin and Chengdu.
  • 修建青藏铁路是西藏各族人民的夙愿,不仅是加强西藏与祖国地的联系、推动西藏经济和社会的发展、提高西藏人民物质文化生活水平的需要,而且对于促进民族团结和共同繁荣具有十分重要的意义。
    Building the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has been the long-cherished wish of people of all ethnic groups in Tibet. It is not only essential for strengthening links between Tibet and the hinterland, accelerating the economic and social development of Tibet and improving the local people’s material and cultural well-being, but is also of great significance for enhancing ethnic unity and common prosperity.
  • 地的开放政策及经济改革,不仅为本地制造商提供庞大的生产腹地及市场,也为香港各类服务行业提供大量营商机会,特别是货运、电讯、银行、地产发展,以及法律、会计及保险等专业服务。
    The open-door policy and economic reforms in the Mainland have not only provided an enormous production hinterland and market outlet for local manufacturers, but have also generated massive business opportunities for development of a wide range of service activities in Hong Kong. These service activities specifically include freight transport, telecommunications, banking, real estate development, and professional services such as legal, accounting and insurance services.
  • 所有由地到西藏的人员,都要遇到高山反应、生活习惯很不适应等种种困难,但为了响应政府支援西藏人民的号召,他们不惜付出很大个人牺牲,自觉服从调动。
    All those who go from the hinterland to Tibet experience many difficulties. They have to make a major effort to overcome mountain sickness and extremely different customs and habits in order to adjust to life in Tibet. By responding to the central government's call to aid the Tibetan people, they show they are willing to work in the region and do not hesitate to make personal sacrifices.
  • 此外,当局又提高区议员的实报实销津贴,使能支付聘用议员助理和维持区所设办事处等实际开支,以便执行区议会职务。
    The accountable allowance for District Council members has been increased since January to cover their actual expenses for hiring assistants and maintaining local offices to discharge their duties.
  • 聪明的历史学家通常不为近二三十年的以的事写史,因为与其他人一样,他对一些事件也是见树不见林。
    A wise historian usually stops twenty or thirty years before his time, because- like the rest of us – he can't see the wood for the tree.
  • 一部历史小说感人的
    The impressive sweep of a historical novel
  • 9、苏里南帕拉马里博的古老城。
    9.The historical inner city of Paramaribo,Suriname.
  • 该书内容与史实不符.
    The book is historically inaccurate.
  • 中国地一向为香港的经济增长提供动力,而我们也担当重要角色,促进地和其他国家的关系。
    China has historically provided the impetus for Hong Kong's economic growth, and we have always played an important role in promoting the Mainland's relationship with other countries.
  • 12.祖国地历来是香港经济增长的一个动力来源。香港一直扮演中国与世界各国的挢梁角色。
    12. China has historically provided the impetus for Hong Kong s economic growth, and we have always played an important role in promoting the Mainland's relationship with other countries.
  • 高飞过内野的
    Hit just beyond the infield.
  • 说到日寇实现其计划的程度,由于中国的抗战至今还限于单纯的政府和军队的抗战,日寇已在短期取得了河北、察哈尔、绥远三省,山西亦在危急中。
    As to how far the Japanese aggressors have realized their plan, they seized the three provinces of Hopei, Chahar and Suiyuan within a short space of time, and now they are threatening Shansi; the reason is that China's War of Resistance has hitherto been confined to resistance by the government and the army alone.