  • 关系运算符生成的是个“布尔”(boolean)结果。
    Relational operators generate a boolean result.
  • 在关系数据库中,个关系的列。
    In a relational database system, the columns of a relation.
  • 关系数据库中,标识个实体及其属性的关系的部分。参阅relation。
    In a relational data base, a part of a relation that identifiers an entity and its attributes.
  • 本章早些时候接触到的所有关系运算符都可拿来构造个条件语句。
    Any of the relational operators you’ve seen earlier in this chapter can be used to produce a conditional statement.
  • (1)把编写容易访问关系数据库的能力与数据库中运行java程序的能力结合在起;
    Combine the ability to write Java code that easily accesses relational databases and the ability to run Java code in the database server.
  • jmapi是组将状态信息等类的java对象直接读写进关系数据库进行管理的接口。
    JMAPI is a set of interfaces that read and write Java objects, such as status information, directly into a relational database for management.
  • 该公司采用关系模型,支持sql、odbc等标准,该公司还炫耀它有些业界有影响的客户,如compaq、hp和pointcast公司。
    The company uses the relational model, and supports standards such as SQL and ODBC, and the company sports some high-profile customers including Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and PointCast.
  • 种用以把关系数据库与其主语言相连接的机制,用它来指数据库中的某个记录以帮助用户逐个取出它们。
    A mechanism for associating a relational database with its host language. It is used to indicate a record in database to help user fetch them one by one.
  • 种基于xenix的多用户关系数据库管理系统,其特点是源程序和数据文件与dbaseiiiplus相兼容,同时具有dbaseiiiplus的记录锁定和文件锁定功能。
    A XENIX based multi user relational database management system featuring source language and data file compatibility with dBASE III plus, as well as dBASE III plus record locking and file locking system.
  • oracle9ilite的核心部分是oracle9ilite数据库,它作为个强大而轻巧的关系型数据库,可提供全面的事务型支持、数据完整性约束和构建移动查询的功能。
    At the heart of Oracle9i Lite is Oracle9i Lite database, a powerful lightweight relational database that offers complete transactional support, data integrity constraints, and the ability to construct queries on the fly.
  • 领路人在方法或道路上引导或指导另人的人
    One who shows the way by leading, directing, or advising.
  • 你方八日来电已收悉。已和约翰逊取得联系,请再报进步发情情况。
    Johnson your 8th already in contact advising your further development.
  • 数字关系的种图形表示方法。
    a graphic representation of numerical relations.
  • 为了使得关联关系中的任方对于关联关系的公共可见性都具有定的控制能力,因此另个设计目标就是确保在个潜在的关联关系中双方在同时刻都表示该同意该假设事实,那么才使该关联关系可见。
    In order to make it possible for either party in a relationship to have some control over the visibility of the relationship, another design goal was to make sure that visible relationships were only visible if both parties involved in a potential relationship expression actually agreed to the fact that such a relationship exists at a given point in time.
  • 相互性种交互的状况或关系
    A reciprocal condition or relationship.
  • 种交往或商业关系。
    a social or business relationship.
  • 总统企图掩盖他的顾问撒谎这事实。
    The President tried to hush up the fact that his adviser had lied.
  • 不如朋友关系亲密的种相识关系。
    a relationship less intimate than friendship.
  • 拥有种排外的性关系。
    associated in an exclusive sexual relationship.
  • 个安全的关系中所感觉到的幸福。
    happiness felt in a secure relationship.
  • 东方东正教中的(不定是牧师)宗教上的指导者。
    a religious adviser (not necessarily a priest) in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
  • 成功是个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。
    Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.
  • 个给军事司令官当法律顾问的非军事官员。
    a staff officer serving as legal adviser to a military commander.
  • 名次在系列中的相对位置;地位
    Relative position in a series; standing.
  • 从亲戚那里骗取笔遗产
    Do a relative out of an inheritance.
  • 他喜欢作为名顾问参加工作。
    He like to is work as an adviser.
  • 他是我的一位远亲。
    He is a distant relative of mine.
  • 他喜欢作为名顾问参加工作。
    He likes to be working as an adviser.
  • 物体相对于另物体的运动。
    the motion of one object relative to another.
  • 政府顾问被位较年青的专家挤走了。
    A government adviser was dethroned by a younger expert.
  • 种被认为是烈性的药物。
    a drug that is considered relatively strong.
  • 瓶状容器种平底的相对而言细长的盛液体的容器
    A flat, relatively thin container for liquor.