  • 了一大笔钱买了那个戒指
    I paid a pretty penny for that ring.
  • 汤姆赚来的每一分钱并未都光。
    Tom does not spend every penny he earns.
  • 为了整修那所房子,你得很多钱。
    Renovating that house will cost you a pretty penny.
  • 澳大利亚西南的象石南的灌木,有气味很浓的树叶和粉色的以及五边形的果实。
    heathlike shrub of southwestern Australia grown for its sharply scented foliage and pink flowers followed by pentagonal fruit.
  • 牡丹使其它儿黯然失色。
    The peony casts the other flowers into the shade.
  • 我妻子在桌布上绣了一幅漂亮的牡丹图案。
    My wife has worked a pretty peony pattern on the tablecloth.
  • 霜降时,花即枯萎。
    Flowers perish when frost comes.
  • 世上的伪证,有五分之四费于墓碑、女人以及竞争对手之上。
    Four fifths of the perjury in the world is expended on tombstone, women, and competitor.
  • 他不让狗进他的园。
    He doesn't permit dogs in his garden.
  • 那位古怪的发明者了毕生的时间试图建造一种永恒的运动机,但最后放弃了,因为他最后证明了那是不可能的事。
    After spending a lifetime trying to construct a perpetual motion machine, the eccentric inventor threw in his hand because he had finally proved it was impossible.
  • 有些人不愿做父母,象树木草不愿产生种子去赓续它们族种的生命一样,可是没有人能够拒绝有父母,正如没有树木能拒绝由种子产生出来。
    Some have refused to become parents, like trees and flowers that refuse to produce seeds to perpetuate their own species, but no man can refuse to have parents, as no tree can refuse to grow from a seed.
  • 了好长时间才消除了困惑。
    It took him long time to smooth away perplexities.
  • 买一块波斯地毯放在我们的起居室里要很多钱。
    A Persian carpet for our sitting-room would cost a bomb.
  • 我们要永远坚持百齐放、百家争鸣的方针。
    We will always persist in the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend".
  • 幽默感常常能促使局势柳暗明,而这正是关键所在。
    A sense of humor helps keep things in perspective, and that is key.
  • 秘鲁灌木或小型树种,叶有光泽,香的黄、绿或红色聚伞序;医用树种。
    Peruvian shrub or small tree having large glossy leaves and cymes of fragrant yellow to green or red flowers; cultivated for its medicinal bark.
  • 这件趣事,可以笑出泪,也带出我们社会极为普遍的沉默心态。
    This funny story can make us smile with some sadness, but it also bears witness to the culture of silence which is so pervasive in our society.
  • 玛丽至少了100美元才买了那辆自行车。
    Mary had to pay all of100 dollars for that bike.
  • 据观察家估计,如果想在全国各地进行竞选活动,总统候选人起码要数亿比索(约数千万新元),而参议员候选人则需数千万比索(约数百万新元)。
    It has been estimated by analysts that to campaign at all key places in the country, a presidential hopeful has to fork out at least hundreds of millions of pesos (tens of millions of Singapore dollar). Candidates keen on a seat in the Senate must be prepared to spend tens of millions of pesos.
  • 一片瓣飘落到地上。
    A petal fluttered to the ground.
  • 乳突柱头、瓣或叶子表面上细小的隆起物
    A minute projection on the surface of a stigma, petal, or leaf.
  • 带有一丝粉色的白色
    A white petal touched with pink.
  • 请给我来份玫瑰瓣色拉。
    Get me some rose-petal salad, please.
  • 有爪动物;爪状瓣。
    unguiculate animals; an unguiculate flower petal.
  • 一个一年生草本属,基部仅有一个瓣。
    annual herbs whose flowers have only one petal spurred at the base.
  • 距骨或距状突起距骨或距状突起,如瓣根部和鸟的翅膀或腿部
    A spur or spurlike projection, such as one found on the base of a petal or on the wing or leg of a bird.
  • 叶片叶子或瓣的展开部分。此词经常被不严格地用于泛指草和类似植物的叶子总称
    The expanded part of a leaf or petal. The term is often loosely used to include the entire leaf of grasses and similar plants.
  • 离瓣的具有分裂的瓣;多瓣的
    Having separate petals; polypetalous.
  • 某些花瓣爪样的基部
    The clawlike base of some petals.
  • 有规律排列着的在其它部分间有规律地排列的,如瓣间的雄蕊
    Arranged regularly between other parts, as stamens between petals.
  • 冠被认为是一组或一个部分的
    The petals of a flower considered as a group or unit.
  • (植物学;)通常只有一行或一排瓣的。
    (botany; of flowers) having usually only one row or whorl of petals.