  • 法官因他贪污其送入监牢。
    The judge sent him to prison for embezzlement.
  • 关于阴茎,尤指阴茎作为生殖力量的象征来崇拜。
    relating to a phallus especially as an embodiment of generative power.
  • 奥运会的文化环境建设,突出“人文奥运”的理念,强调“以人为本”的思想,体现“辉煌而又朴素”的文化品格,以“体育健身、文化美心”和“奥运兴业、文明兴都”为主要内容,广泛吸引民众参与,动员整合各类文化资源,在未来6年中力争北京建成文化人才集中、文化设施完备、文化市场完善、文化产业发达、文化气息浓厚的城市,为承办一届历史上最出色的奥运会创造一个具有“古都特色、中国风格、东方气派”的文化环境,向世界展示北京城市繁荣文明的崭新形象和北京市民昂扬向上的良好风貌。
    In the development of a cultural environment for the 2008 Olympic Games, prominence will be given to the concept of a “People’s Olympics”, and great emphasis will be placed on the idea of “People First” in order to embody the city’s “Splendid yet Simple” cultural disposition. Focused on “Improve Your Health through Sports and Better Your Soul through Culture” and “Invigorate the Economy with the Olympics and Enrich the Capital with Civilization”, the development of the cultural environment is set to attract broad citizen participation and integrate various cultural resources. In the upcoming six years, efforts will be made to build Beijing into a city with concentrated cultural talent, complete cultural facilities, a developed cultural market, an advanced cultural industry, and rich cultural styles. These will lead to the creation of a rich cultural environment radiating with “Ancient Capital Charm, Chinese Style and Eastern Grandeur”, which will allow Beijing to hold the most successful Olympic Games in history and present to the whole world a new image of Beijing as a city that enjoys prosperity and advanced civilization with highly motivated citizens.
  • 由链球菌产生的一种酶,通过血浆酶原转化为血浆酶来溶解血凝块,医学上有时用于心肌梗塞和肺栓塞。
    an enzyme produced by some strains of streptococcus that can liquefy blood clots by converting plasminogen to plasmin; used medicinally in some cases of myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism.
  • 今年12月20日,澳门回到祖国怀抱。
    Macau will return to the embrace of the motherland on December 20 this year.
  • 富人睁大了眼睛看着正向他凑过来的来客,他拥抱。
    The man stared as his guest reached out and took him into an embrace.
  • 胚胎放入试管中孵化几日,然后其植入“养母”体内。
    Add chemicals to tell the egg to start developing into an embryo. Incubate embryo in a test tube for a few days, then implant it into a foster mother.
  • 中胚层早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成
    The middle germinal layer of an early embryo, consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm.
  • 将鳍露出水面
    To emerge with the fins above water.
  • 陆军师行消失,某种新的更小的建制单位应运而生。
    Army divisions will go away and some kind of new smaller units will emerge.
  • 在联盟军队向前推进之时,伊拉克文职领导人逐步脱颖而出,成为这一临时行政机构的成员。
    As coalition forces advance, civilian Iraqi leaders will emerge who can be part of such an Interim Authority.
  • 库存的东西或供给物(特别是备来或紧急之用)。
    a supply or stock held in reserve especially for future use (especially in emergencies).
  • 有关国人移居海外的问题,似乎未受到各方面特别的关注,不过,随着人口老化越来越显著,婴孩出生率又没有达到理想的目标,这成为严重的问题。
    Apparently, the emigration of Singaporeans has yet to receive widespread attention. This will become a serious problem as the population is turning grey and the birth rate is falling below the replacement level.
  • 余教授在对话会上提出了建造第四座桥(指艺术创造之桥),那是说来中华文化的卓越地位的建立以及赢得世人的尊崇,可能是依靠一批新型的桥梁式的人物,亦可能是依靠某种奇迹现象的产生。
    Prof Yu has also championed the idea of building a fourth bridge--one of creativity. It may appear in the form of a personality or a phenomenon, to help regain the pre-eminence and respect of the Chinese culture.
  • “市民先生们,”那个人说,“市民太太们,我们不胜荣幸地在红衣主教大人阁下面前,朗诵和献演一出极其精彩的寓意剧,名为《圣母玛丽亚的公正判决》。
    “Messieurs the bourgeois,” he began, “and Mesdemoiselles the bourgeoises, we shall have the honour of declaiming and performing before his Eminence Monsieur the Cardinal a very fine Morality entitled ’The Good Judgment of Our Lady the Virgin Mary.
  • 在那种呼声的感动之下,在诸位崇高的信任的鼓舞之下,我们承诺我们尽我们所能去更新我们的世界。使未来的世界上没有人会被称作不幸的人。
    Moved by that appeal and inspired by the eminence you have thrust upon us, we undertake that we too will do what we can to contribute to the renewal of our world so that none should, in future, be described as the wretched of the earth.
  • 谈到众所周知的能回春驻颜的细胞修复机,和能生产食品而且绝对安全可靠的家庭食品生产机,这都会使纳米这个小东西更加迷人。真诚的科学家们会把它用于他们更世俗,可也更现实的规划设计中以引起人们对他们工作的更大关注。
    Talk of cell-repair machines that would eliminate aging as we know it and of home food-growing machines that could produce victuals without killing anything helped to create a fascination with the small that genuine scientists, consciously or not, would later use to draw attention to their work on more mundane but eminently more real projects.
  • 尽管很清楚《京都议定书》旨在通过市场激励而不是政府干预来使控制气体排量的负担减少到最小,但是没有人能确切地知道减少温室气体的排量花掉多少钱。
    Although Kyoto explicitly aims to minimize the burden of emissions control by using marketbased incentives rather than government intervention, nobody knows for sure how much curtailing greenhouse gas production will cost.
  • 对蝙蝠来说,为了听到它们最初发出的声音的回音并不被它们自己的声音强度暂时震聋,中耳肌肉收缩那里的锤骨、砧骨和镫骨分开并减小听觉的敏感度。
    For bats to listen to the echoes of their original emissions and not be temporarily deafened by the intensity of their own calls, the middle ear muscle contracts to separate the three bones there, the malfeasances and stapes”,and reduce the hearing sensitivity.
  • mccaughan称,到2004年,发光聚合物显示器有10%的市场份额。
    McCaughan claims light-emitting polymers will have 10 percent of the market by 2004.
  • 我们可这些感情分为七种消极和七种积极的情绪。
    There are seven negative emotions and seven positive.
  • 军推翻了那个国家的最后一个皇帝,建立了共和国。
    The general overthrew the last emperor of that country and established a public.
  • 多尔的报告强调,需要更多的研究来证实高压电线致癌的运行机制。
    Doll's report will emphasise that more re search is needed to confirm the mechanism.
  • 课程的设计目的是要各种实用技能融会贯通,注重国际性文化背景和商业知识学习。
    Courses were designed to integrate functional skills, and to emphasise international cultural and business learning.
  • 着重,强调重音放在…上;强调
    To lay stress on; emphasize.
  • 我们的改革和开放都继续进行下去。
    Let me emphasize that we shall continue our reform and the open policy.
  • 共同致富,我们从改革一开始就讲,来总有一天要成为中心课题。
    Since the very beginning of the reform we have been emphasizing the need for seeking common prosperity; That will surely be the central issue some day.
  • 我最近的台湾之行也使我很受鼓舞。与我会谈的所有高层领导人都强调在他们即进行的2000年的新一轮选举中,采取谨慎而又小心的态度。
    And also I was very encouraged by my recent visit to Taiwan at how the senior leaders that I spoke with all were emphasizing prudence and care as they head into a new election in the year 2000.
  • 进一步放开进出口经营权,对国家重点联系的千户国有企业实行了进出口经营权登记备案制,并从今年1月起登记备案制扩大到全国6800多家大型工业企业;
    We further opened up the right to import and export. For the 1,000 State-owned Enterprises with which the State emphatically contacted, we enforced the system of registration for record on the foreign trade right and extended the coverage of this system to more than 6,800 large-scale industrial enterprises nationwide as of January this year.
  • 疾病防治中心说,吸烟的人死于支气管炎和肺气肿的危险比不吸烟的人高出近10倍。
    The CDC says people who smoke increase their risk of death from bronchitis and emphysema by nearly 10 times.
  • 有人预言帝国要覆灭
    It was written that the empire would fall.
  • 工人不久兴雇主和解。
    The workers will soon become reconciled with their employer.