  • 马丁·路德金以主张非暴力的领袖而著
    Martin Luther King distinguished himself as a non-violent civil rights leader.
  • 此外,香港警队并借调一警务人员,前往法国里昂的国际刑警常务秘书处,为其中一个专家组工作。
    A Hong Kong Police officer is seconded to the ICPO General Secretariat in Lyon, France to work in one of its specialised groups.
  • 里昂警方又拘捕了包括维兰克在内的费斯蒂纳车队队员和总经理布鲁诺·拉塞尔和队医艾里克·里杰克特在内的5车队官员,对他们进行审问。
    The Lyons police arrested Festina director, team doctor and three riders. They were detained and questioned by police.
  • 多明戈,普拉希多生于1941西班牙歌剧歌唱家,因其抒情、戏剧性的出色表演而著
    Spanish-born opera singer known for his outstanding performances as a lyric-dramatic tenor.
  • 写新英格兰乡村抒情诗的美国著诗人。
    US poet famous for his lyrical poems on country life in New England (1874-1963).
  • 这里您可以看到两工人,他们刚刚割好三大马车金黄色的通心粉小麦杆。
    Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cart-loads of golden brown macaroni stalks.
  • 在他看来誉算不了什么。
    For him fame does not count for mach
  • 最初他们做成套鞋(指一种可套穿在皮鞋外以防湿或取暖的鞋)。后来,有一位叫麦金托什的人,用涂上自然橡胶的布做外衣。
    First they made overshoes, and man called Mackintosh who made coats of cloth covered with natural rubber.
  • 完成上述1,2,3或4动作的宏指令(fetch)
    The name of the macro-instruction(FETCH) used to accomplish1, 2, 3, or4.
  • 要充分发挥中国社会政治稳定、宏观经济形势良好的优势,尽可能多地吸引外资,特别是吸引著跨国公司的投资,提高利用外资的质量。
    We should take full advantage of China's social and political stability and sound macroeconomic conditions to try to absorb as much foreign investment as possible, particularly investment from famous transnational corporations, and improve the way foreign funds are used.
  • 图索夫人蜡像馆是伦敦一家著的蜡像馆。
    Madame Tussaud's is a famous waxworks in London.
  • 那好,小姐。请问叫什么字?
    That'll be all right, madams. What name, please?
  • “野人花园”乐队1997年以乐队字命的首张专辑在全球的发行量达1100万张,它通过走红单曲“我需要你”、“往返月球”和“真诚地、疯狂地、深深地”,赋予流行音乐以最积极的含义。
    Through worldwide sales of 11 million of its l997 self-titled debut, Savage Garden has formed a definition of pop music with the most positive connotations, thanks to their hit singles," I What You," " To The Moon And Back," and" Truly Madly Deeply.
  • 给这一行动起个什么别的称不行,偏要叫这个,也真是--让那套外交礼仪见鬼去吧!(完)。
    It was madness not to call it something else to hell with the protocol.
  • 那位y公爵,在马德里风传他在巴黎破了产,而在巴黎又风传他在马德里破了产,而实际上连每年的年金都没有花完。这会儿他一面在跟m太太聊天,一面却在和n夫人眉来眼去调情。m太太是一位风趣诙谐的讲故事的好手,她常想把自己讲的东西写下来,并签上自己的大。漂亮的n夫人经常在香榭丽舍大街上散步,穿的衣衫离不了粉红和天蓝两种颜色,有两匹高大的黑色骏马为她驾车,这两匹马,托尼向她要价一万法郎……
    the Duc d'Y, who is believed in Madrid to be ruining himself in Paris, and in Paris to be ruining himself in Madrid, and who, when all is said and done, cannot even spend all his income, while continuing to chat with Madame M, one of our wittiest tale-tellers, who occasionally agrees to write down what she says and to sign what she writes, was exchanging confidential glances with Madame de N, the beauty who may be regularly seen driving on the Champs-Elysees, dressed almost invariably in pink or blue, in a carriage drawn by two large black horses sold to her by Tony for ten thousand francs...and paid for in full;
  •  这就是陈美,一位以融合流行与古典于一体而扬的小提琴家。她刚刚完成了自己的亚洲之旅。
    Violinist, Vanessa-Mae, best known for her pioneering mix of pop and classical music, has just completed her Asian tour.
  • 这个狡猾的黑社会头目因抓不到指控他的好把柄而只好以捏造的罪受审。
    Mafia leader had to be tried on a trumped-up charge, for lack of anything better.
  • 攻击社会流的讽刺性杂志
    A satirical magazine tilting at public figures
  • 这种新杂志叫《电脑新闻》。
    The new magazine is called"Computer News".
  • 治安法官以酗酒的罪处他罚锾三十英镑。
    The magistrate fined him 30 pounds for drunkenness.
  • 正是这个微笑使这幅画刚一面世就远近闻,使艺术崇拜者们流连忘返。
    It is this smile which has made the painting celebrated from the earliest times, and a magnet for admirers of art.
  • 长城以其悠久的历史和其雄伟壮丽而著
    The Great wall is known for its long history and its magnificence.
  • 告诉那女佣我有事找她。
    Tell the maid I want her.
  • 他雇了1女仆来照顾她的病妻。
    He put a maid in to look after his sick wife.
  • 独立的姓权是中国妇女获得的一项重要人身权利。
    Chinese women have gained the important personal right of being able to retain their maiden names.
  • 吴作栋总理在国庆群众大会上提醒这青年,“支那”在马来语中泛指“华人”。你是“华人”,其实就是马来语中的“支那”。
    At his National Day Rally Speech, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong reminded the young man that Chinese are called Orang Cina in Malay.
  • 据说在1957年末,他参加4记者团在星马访……(编按:原信毁损缺文)。
    It is said that during late 1957,he joined the group of four journalists on a visit tour of Singapore-Malaya and ……(missing words due to damage of original letter).
  • 此几天旧历新年,训练所放假十天,学生都回去过年,春莲也由她母亲带回去过年,说是明天要来,美璇再两天方能满月,她的女儿取“洁莹”,美瑜夫妇,每日都有回来,今年因马来亚不景,新年都甚冷淡,除戏院外,什么也不见热闹。
    It's the Lunar New Year season these few days. The tailoring school is on vacation for 10 days and all the students have gone home to celebrate the New Year. Chun-lian's mother will take her daughter home for the New Year; She had said she would come tomorrow to fetch Chun-lian. Mei-xuan will celebrate her daughter's "Full Month" in a couple of days. Her daughter is given the name 洁莹 Jie-ying (spotlessly clean and translucent). Mei-yu and her husband do come home occasionally. The Malayan economy is not doing well this year and New Year is rather quiet. Apart from the cinemas, it's rather quiet everywhere else.
  • 除贸易活动外,多年来,我们通过不同途径建立了宝贵的友谊,教育方面的交流尤其值得一提——香港历史最悠久的一所大学内的大礼堂,便是以一马来西亚商人的称命,这位商人曾在二次大战后协助这所大学重建。
    As well as trade we have established friendships over many years and through many channels, not least by educational exchange - the main hall of our oldest university is named after a Malaysian businessman who helped the reconstruction of the university after the last war.
  • 年底时,共有3347男犯人和411女犯人接受善后监管。
    Altogether, there were 3347 males and 411 females under active after-care supervision at the end of 1997.
  • 马里中部一城市,靠近尼日尔河;以前以黄金交易闻
    a city in central Mali near the Niger river; formerly famous for its gold trade.
  • 他对别人对他声的恶毒攻击置之不理。
    He cares nothing about the malicious attack on his reputation.