  • 广泛布在热带和亚热带的一种药草,被用做草料和医药上的镇痛剂,有优良的软的比黄麻结实的韧皮;有时是一种有侵略性的杂草。
    herb widely distributed in tropics and subtropics used for forage and medicinally as a demulcent and having a fine soft bast stronger than jute; sometimes an aggressive weed.
  • 它是一种暂时的防御工事,就像一种可离的棱堡一样。
    temporary fortification like a detached bastion.
  • 充分考虑一个主意
    Bat an idea around.
  • 比较大的北美洲褐色蝙蝠;布广泛。
    rather large North American brown bat; widely distributed.
  • 北美洲普通的小蝙蝠;布广泛。
    the small common North American bat; widely distributed.
  • 收集在一起;集在一起批处理。
    batch together; assemble or process as a batch.
  • 收集或分批处理
    To assemble or process as a batch.
  • 幸亏德国接力队掉了接力棒,我们才把数拉平。
    When the German relay team dropped their baton, we were lucky to be able to even the score up.
  • 蝙蝠是在黎明或黄昏时活动的动物.
    Bats are crepuscular creatures.
  • 包含世界上大部鸟类;除食果蝙蝠以外的所有蝙蝠,包含食虫蝙蝠。
    most of the bats in the world; all bats except fruit bats insectivorous bats.
  • 蝙蝠分为八大类。
    Bats belong to eight different species.
  • 一种非常小的蝙蝠,几乎布于世界各地。
    nearly cosmopolitan genus of very small bats.
  • 蝙蝠的一种最大且布最广的种类。
    largest and most widely distributed genus of bats.
  • 黄昏时有许多蝙蝠飞来飞去。
    There are a lot of bats flitting about in the dusk.
  • 那击球员积到24时获一新机会(如外场员未接住一易接的球).
    The batsman was given a life (eg because a fielder missed an easy catch) when his score was 24.
  • (板球)击球手一不得。
    (in cricket) a score of nothing by a batsman.
  • 我们的优秀板球手在打第20时,球被拦空截住而出局。
    Our best batsman was caught out when he had made twenty runs.
  • 开局的击球手竞技状态不佳,结果在县级的比赛中,两局都是零
    The opening batsman was out of from and got a pair of spectacles in the county match.
  • 歪球,坏球未能投给击球员的一个球,在板球中算是攻队跑动得1
    A ball bowled outside of the batsman's reach, counting as a run for the batting team in cricket.
  • 全营成列式接受营长检阅。
    The battalion marched past their commanding officer.
  • 在战地上,一营的部队可能散的很开,排长同本连的其他军官一起用膳。
    In the field, parts of a battalion may be widely separated and a platoon commander messes with the other officers in his company.
  • 连军事团或营的再单位,组成最低行政单位。它通常由上尉指挥,并至少有两个排组成
    A subdivision of a military regiment or battalion that constitutes the lowest administrative unit. It is usually under the command of a captain and is made up of at least two platoons.
  • 敌军的士兵和营、连、排长被我们俘虏过来,即对他们进行宣传工作,为愿留愿去两种,愿去的即发路费释放。
    Whenever soldiers, platoon leaders, or company or battalion commanders of the enemy forces are captured, we immediately conduct propaganda among them;they are divided into those wishing to stay and those wishing to leave, and the latter are given travelling expenses and set free.
  • 很多度假的人,仍受经济疲软的影响,将会文必较,精打细算,恐怕以前从未如此。
    Still battered by the effects of a weak economy, many vacationers will be pinching pennies and cutting corners as perhaps never before.
  • 又一名妇女在美国印第安纳波利斯被与她居的丈夫杀害,由此人们又一次提出这个问题:"为什么这些受虐待的妇女不离家出走呢?
    Yet another woman was killed by her estranged husband in Indianapolis,and yet again the question was asked,"Why don't these battered women leave?
  • 蒲团一种由束棉絮或类似材料制成的垫子构成的寝具,当作床垫或盖被铺在地板或凸起的框架上
    An article of bedding consisting of a pad of tufted cotton batting or similar material, used on a floor or on a raised frame as a mattress or comforter.
  • 有…的打击率具有(一个规定的百数)作为打击平均数
    To have(a certain percentage) as a batting average.
  • 如果你再耽误一次的话,那你的处境恐怕十不利了。
    If you are delayed once again, I’m afraid, you’re batting on a very sticky wicket.
  • 战场上伤亡人数十
    Battlefield casualties were high.
  • 再过七年八年,都七十岁出头了,你还能在战场上见晓啊?
    Seven or eight years from now, you'll be past 70. How could you see things through on the battlefield?
  • 一片停滞的湿地,尤其是河湾的一部
    a stagnant swamp (especially as part of a bayou).
  • 潜水找食的各种鸭子,特别是布在海湾及河口。
    any of various ducks of esp. bays and estuaries that dive for their food.