  • 毛泽同志讲,要安定团结。
    Comrade Mao Zedong has called for stability and unity.
  • 对毛泽同志的历史地位和毛泽思想,也作出了恰当的评价。
    We have also evaluated Comrade Mao Zedong's place in history and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 对毛泽同志的评价,对毛泽思想的阐述,不是仅仅涉及毛泽同志个人的问题,这同我们党、我们国家的整个历史是分不开的。
    The appraisal of Comrade Mao Zedong and the exposition of Mao Zedong Thought relate not only to Comrade Mao personally but also to the entire history of our Party and our country.
  • 当然,毛泽思想不是毛泽同志一个人的创造,包括老一辈革命家都参与了毛泽思想的建立和发展。主要是毛泽同志的思想。
    Of course, Mao Zedong Thought was not created by Comrade Mao alone -- other revolutionaries of the older generation played a part in forming and developing it -- but primarily it embodies Comrade Mao's thinking.
  • 我们还要继续坚持毛泽思想。毛泽思想是毛主席一生中正确的部分。
    We will continue to adhere to Mao Zedong Thought, which represents the correct part of Chairman Mao's life.
  • 应当把毛泽思想和毛泽同志晚年的错误区别开来,这样可以避免许多混乱。
    Mao Zedong Thought should be differentiated from Comrade Mao's mistakes in his later years so that there is no confusion.
  • 但是,党内有些反对毛泽思想的人并没有由于毛泽同志的这些教导而改变他们的立常
    However, some opponents of Mao Zedong Thought within our Party did not change their stand in the light of Comrade Mao's teachings.
  • 对毛泽思想就不这样?
    Shouldn't the same thing apply to Mao Zedong Thought?
  • 我的所有西都被安放在了一套崭新的枫木卧室家具里。
    All my things had been arranged in a new maple bedroom suite.
  • 两人一起勾画今后的共同生活--结婚,建立家庭--所有韩国年轻人都渴望的西。
    They had mapped their future together -- marriage, a family -- all the things young Koreans are meant to desire.
  • 《考克斯报告》还把中国方红三号卫星使用的由中国空间技术研究院自行研制的控制处理器,说成是玛特拉-玛可尼公司制造的。
    The Cox Report also claims that the American company Matra Marconi Space produced the control processor on the Dongfanghong-III Satellite, developed independently by the Chinese Academy of Space Technology.
  • 她的笔记本的空边上胡乱涂写着一些西。
    The margins of her notebook were festooned with doodles.
  • “在拍卖玛格丽特财产的时候,您是不是买了什么西?”
    'Did you buy anything at Marguerite's sale?'
  • 加斯又重新弹了一遍,弹完以后,玛格丽特对他说:
    Gaston played it again, after which Marguerite said to him:
  • 蒂明斯加拿大安大略省中部一城市,位于苏圣马里北部。它是一个金矿中心。人口46,114
    A city of central Ontario, Canada, northeast of Sault Sainte Marie. It is a gold-mining center. Population,46, 114.
  • 法国裁判玛丽瑞尼·勒·龚聂把关键的一票投给了俄国的艾里娜·伯雷斯娜亚和安·司哈茹利茨,而不是加拿大的吉米·萨勒和大卫·佩乐缇业,这引起了冬奥会滑冰历史上最大的争议。
    French judge Marie-Reine Le Gougne sparked one of the biggest controversies in Olympic skating history when she cast a crucial vote in favor of Russians Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze over Canadians Jamie Sale and David Pelletier.
  • 北偏航海罗盘上的一个方向或点,位于正北的中间点,或正北以67=30""
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due east and northeast, or67=30 east of due north.
  • 南偏航海罗盘上一指示方向或点,位于正南方向的中间点,或正北以112=30""
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due east and southeast, or112=30 east of due north.
  • 北偏北水手罗盘上的方向或点,正北和北中间,或正北偏22=30?
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and northeast, or22=30 east of due north.
  • 北水手罗盘上的方向或点,在正北与正中间,或正北偏45度
    The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and due east, or45= east of due north.
  • 他在美国大学选修《中国导论》一科后,兴奋地告诉我,原来中国明朝郑和下西洋时期的航海事业是如此发达,最远还到过非洲岸。
    He came to know about it from a course on “Introduction to China”, which touched on mariner Cheng Ho’s expeditions to South-east Asia.
  • 一个古代海边国家,由地中海部沿岸的城邦组成。
    an ancient maritime country (a collection of city states) at eastern end of the Mediterranean.
  • 销售经理想在远开辟新市场。
    The sales manager wants to open up new markets in the Far East.
  • 你去买东西吗?
    Would you go marketing?
  • 戈尔兹伯勒美国北卡罗来纳州中部,罗利南部的城市。制造业中心和烟草区的交易场所。人口40,709
    A city of east-central North Carolina southeast of Raleigh. It is a manufacturing center and marketplace for a tobacco-growing region. Population,40, 709.
  • 北美部的一种多年生沼泽龙胆。
    a perennial marsh ventian of eastern North America.
  • 多年生的沼泽草本植物,花粉红色到紫红色;产于美国南部。
    perennial marsh herb with pink to mauve flowers; southeastern United States.
  • 一种沼泽草本植物,有紫色花的长穗状花序;原产于欧洲,但现在已遍布美国部。
    marsh herb with a long spike of purple flowers; originally of Europe but now rampant in eastern United States.
  • “究竟为什么我也不十分清楚,我只是在执行莱克勒船长最后的一个命令而已。他在临终的时候,要我送一包西给贝特朗元帅。”
    "I do not know, sir; it was to fulfil the last instructions of Captain Leclere, who, when dying, gave me a packet for Marshal Bertrand."
  • 他慈爱地拍拍爱德蒙的肩膀继续说,“你做得很对,唐太斯,你是应该执行莱克勒船长的命令在厄尔巴岛靠一下岸的——但是如果你曾带一包西给元帅,并还同陛下讲过话的事被人知道的话,那你就会受连累的。”
    continued he, patting Edmond's shoulder kindly, "you did very right, Dantès, to follow Captain Leclere's instructions, and touch at Elba, although if it were known that you had conveyed a packet to the marshal, and had conversed with the emperor, it might bring you into trouble."
  • 一天,马歇尔在美国使馆举行宴会,招待道国的外长莫洛托夫。
    Once during the conference Marshall held a reception at the U.S. Embassy in honor of Molotov, the foreign minister of the host country.
  • 万帕诺亚格人美洲土著民族,早先居住于罗德艾兰州部和马萨诸塞州南部,包括马撒葡萄园岛和南塔基特,现在的后裔也居住于此
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern Rhode Island and southeast Massachusetts, including Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, with present-day descendants in this same area.