  • 他们现在抓住了你的把柄了,因为他们知道你带那个女孩到你房里去了。
    They have the deadwood on you now, for they know you took that girl into your room.
  • 人们或团体之相互交易的状态。
    a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries.
  • 天哪--时如白驹过隙呀
    Oh dear hasn't time flown!
  • 从星期天以后你就会有时跟家人在一起了。
    You'll find time from Sunday onwards to spend with your nearest and dearest.
  • 从一九二一年到七大共二十四年,这个期我们党犯了一次右倾机会主义错误,三次“左”倾机会主义错误,特别是第三次“左”倾机会主义错误,差不多把我们的革命力量搞光了,革命根据地有百分之九十垮了,受了很大的损失,花了很大的代价。
    In the 24 years from 1921 to the convening of the Party's Seventh National Congress, our Party made Right opportunistic mistakes once and "Left" opportunistic mistakes three times. The "Left" opportunistic mistakes made the third time practically ruined our entire revolutionary force--90 percent of the revolutionary base areas collapsed, which was disastrous and cost us dearly.
  • 从克林顿政权的中国谍事件溃败中恢复元气的第一步是,将这次溃败及克林顿政权开放和接触政策(opennessandengagementpolicies)在国会予以公布。
    The first step in recovering from the Clinton Administration's PRC spying debacle, will be to have that debacle and the Clinton Administration Openness and Engagement polices fully aired in Congress.
  • 经长时辩论后,议院将该问题付诸表决。
    After a long debate , the House divided.
  • 我听说迪比要生孩子了,尽管我仅接地获得了此消息。
    I hear that Debbie is going to have a baby, although I only have the news at second-hand.
  • 就这样随着两人在事业和内心的欲望的冲突,迸发出激动人心的火花。
    the sparks,electric as they battle between the urges of their careers and those of their hearts.
  • 点火定时器一种内燃发动机内的装置,用以控制点燃燃料的火花的时
    A device that controls the timing of the sparks that ignite the fuel in an internal-combustion engine.
  • 昨天,她没赶上邮局收信的时
    She lost the post yesterday.
  • 允许债务人有两周的时来付款
    To allow a debtor two week to pay
  • 破产者经自愿请求或被债务人的债权人所请求,在法律上被判定为无偿债能力的债务人。该债务人的剩余财产交由债权人管理或在债权人之分配
    A debtor that, upon voluntary petition or one invoked by the debtor's creditors, is judged legally insolvent. The debtor's remaining property is then administered for the creditors or is distributed among them.
  • 和解债权人之在债务人面临破产时所达成的协议,通常要求债务人立即提供一定数量的金钱对价作为回报,债权人收到各自款项后立即撤回请求,此款项一般要少于他们所要求的实际数额
    A settlement whereby the creditors of a debtor about to enter bankruptcy agree, in return for some financial consideration, usually proffered immediately, to the discharge of their respective claims on receipt of payment which is in a lesser amount than that actually owed on the claim.
  • 在目的代码中安插的断点,使得执行在适当的时和位置上转向查错程序。
    A breakpoint that are inserted in object code to cause a branch to a debug program at proper times and places.
  • 在调试期,将机器语言反译成助记符的翻译过程。
    The translation of machine language back into mnemonics during debugging.
  • 她执导的处女作品是“神童泰特”,这是描写一位天资聪颖的孩子夹在成人的故事,颇受观众喜爱。
    Her directorial debut was Little Man Tate, a well-received film about a gifted child caught between adults.
  • 日版中修改为12月8号,这是日本发动进攻那一刻的东京时
    in Japan the shot will reveal Dec.8. which is when the attack occurred Tokyo time.
  • 埃迪·沃思,生于1908年12月29日,死于2002年11月10日,享年93岁。他职业生涯中的大部分时都是在美联社担任新闻摄影记者,报道过"开始进攻日"后西欧的战事及对纳粹头目的军事审判。
    Eddie Worth,born Dec.29 1908,died Nov.10,2002 at the age of 93,was a news photographer who worked for the Associated Press most of his career.He covered the battles for Western Europe after D-Day and went on to cover the war trials of Nazi leaders.
  • 但是,这十年中,也还有健康的方面。
    However, there were also some healthy phenomena even in that decade.
  • 现在,即使是成功的药物要想上市可能也要10年时
    Even successful drugs now will probably take a decade to reach the market.
  • 如今,工程师们还有十几年的时来完成这项工作。
    now engineers have a little more than another decade to finish the job.
  • 这条铁路本世纪末通车,离现在还有两年时
    The railroad will open at the end of the decade, two years hence.
  • 伊拉克在超过10年的时里,发展生产了多种无人飞行器。
    Iraq has been working on a variety of UAVs for more than a decade.
  • 他们之建立起的友谊在近10年之后也使赖斯成为小布什之选。
    They would develop a friendship that,nearly a decade later,would lead Rice to his son.
  • 过去十年,橄榄球成为美国最热门的职业运动。
    During the past decade, football has become the most popular professional sport in the United States.
  • 费克纳,古斯塔夫·狄奥多里克1801-1887德国心理学家及物理学家,他对刺激力量与感情强烈程度之的关系进行研究,进而创立了物理心理学
    German psychologist and physicist who studied the relationship between strength of stimulus and intensity of sensation, thereby founding psychophysics.
  • 心理学家说:“这种眼晴对眼睛的交流果真加深了他们之的吸引、兴趣、温情和激情。”
    "mutual eye-to-eye contact really increased feelings of attraction, interest, warmth, and excitement for each other," says the psychologist.
  • 瞬变的随时延续而衰减的,尤指作为时的一个简单的指数函数
    Decaying with time, especially as a simple exponential function of time.
  • 但是这时我遇到一个难题:那条死蛇的身体已进入一块没有亮光的空有25英尺,而这块空很可能被这条死蛇的朋友们占据着。
    But now I had a problem:that dead snake was 25 feet into an unlighted space probably occupied by friends of the deceased.
  • 失业者在领取失业保险金期死亡,其遗属可领取丧葬补助金和遗属抚恤金。
    If the unemployed person dies during this period, his or her family can receive funeral subsidies and his or her dependants can receive pension for the deceased.
  • 夫对妻的财产继承权根据普通法,如果其有继承权的孩子是在结婚期所生,夫对其妻的财产享有终身权益
    The life tenure that by common law is held by a man over the property of his deceased wife if children with rights of inheritance were born during the marriage.