  • 布赖特,约翰1811-1889国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)
    British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839).
  • 1989年全广州语演讲比赛获第三名。
    Won the third place in all Guangzhou English Oratorical Contest in 1989.
  • 昨天是我最高兴的一天,因为我在语演讲比赛获得第一名。
    Yesterday was a red-letter day for me because I won the first prize in the English oratorical contest.
  • 他们又向前走了三里才到果园。
    They walked three miles farther on before reaching the orchard.
  • 这个人被责令为这次旅行交会345镑。
    The man was ordered to pay $345 for the cost of the trip.
  • 他点了一份地道的式早餐。
    He ordered a full english breakfast.
  • 国军队中的)勤务兵、传令兵
    A British military officer's orderly.
  • 被分配指派为国军事官员服务的勤务兵。
    an orderly assigned to serve a British military officer.
  • 就任圣职所具备的资格在国教会中主教候选人所需的收入来源或工作地区
    A source of income or area of work required of a candidate for ordination in the Church of England.
  • 这幅画的原作在大博物馆内。
    The original picture is in the British Museum.
  • 旧时国金币,面值一
    Former British gold coin, originally worth one pound
  • 我们必须追赶溯到中世纪,才能找到国戏剧起源。
    We must go back to the Middle Ages to discover the origins of English plays.
  • 贞德在1429年率大军解除了军对奥尔良的围攻。
    Joan of Arc led a large army to raise the siege of Orleans in1429.
  • 第7届美国总统;成功地从国维护了新奥尔良的归属;(1767-1845)。
    7th president of the US; successfully defended New Orleans from the British in 1815; (1767-1845).
  • 奇彭代尔式的一种18世纪国特征为优美的外廓并常有华丽的装饰家具样式或与之相关的
    Of or relating to an18th-century English style of furniture characterized by flowing lines and often rococo ornamentation.
  • 年左右起源于国的家具样式;古典装饰和直线型设计存在其简朴之中。
    a style of furniture that originated in England around 1800; simple in design with straight lines and classical ornamentation.
  • 维多利亚女王时代采用于国的一种建筑形式:特点是用大块的建筑材料和繁华的装饰。
    a style of architecture used in England during the reign of Queen Victoria; characterized by massive construction and elaborate ornamentation.
  • 台伯河意大利中部的一条流程约406公里(252里)的河流,向南和西南方向流经罗马并在奥斯蒂亚市附近注入第勒尼安海
    A river of central Italy flowing about406 km(252 mi) south and southwest through Rome to the Tyrrhenian Sea at Ostia.
  • 国在渥太华的高级专员公署
    British high commission in ottawa or the uk high commission in ottawa
  • 一个领导了对抗国的反抗运动,但没有取得成功的渥太华著名领袖。
    famous chief of the Ottawa who led an unsuccessful rebellion against the British (1715-1769).
  • 庞蒂亚克奥塔瓦印第安人的首领,他曾领导大湖区反抗国殖民者的一场大规模美洲印第安人暴动
    Ottawa leader who led a large Native American revolt against the British in the Great Lakes region(1763-1766).
  • 她生下时重5镑11。5盎司,身长20寸。
    She weight 5 pounds 111/2 ounce at birth and was 20 inches long.
  • 一条小渔船被一条劲力强大的鱼拖着鱼线带到了数里以外的海面上。
    A small fishing-boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line.
  • 她精通英语。
    She knows English out and out.
  • 打算更改镑硬币设计的喧嚷结果是典型的小题大做。
    The outcry about the proposed changes to the design of the pound coin turned out to be a typical storm in a teacup.
  • 格兰西北部的一个大城市;它的港口是国工业产品出口的主要港口。
    a large city in northwestern England; its port is the country's major outlet for industrial exports.
  • 当我再仰首眺望时,我看见一列一列的屋顶,连结几里远,形成一些难看的四方形的轮廓,一直伸展到远方去。
    And as I lift my eyes again, I see rows upon rows of roofs, miles of them, stretching in ugly square outlines to the distance.
  • 据这位目击者称,这束光距地面只有1,800尺,所以如果空中有任何飞行物的话,应该可以看清该飞行物的轮廓。
    He reported that the lights were just 1,800 feet up, which should have been close enough to see the outlines of a vessel, if there was one.
  • 当然,这只是一部分人的看法,这种球也有它的拥护者,例如格兰队的贝克汉姆。不过,自世界杯开始至今,对此球的评价还是贬多褒少。
    The ball also has its fans, like England's David Beckham, but so far they seem to have been outnumbered by critics.
  • 国队被巴西队打得一败涂地。
    The English team were totally outplayed by the Brazilians.
  • 公众迸发了对戴妃的巨大的哀悼,这引起了国皇室的注意。
    The massive outpouring of public grief made the Windsors sit up and take notice.
  • 那人发狂似地打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。但他终于把价钱减到三镑。
    Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to $ 3.