  • 尽管中国与韩国移民法拉兴地区的经济——以及意识——留下了如此突出的特色,他们在政治上的影响尚在奋斗阶段。
    But even though the Chinese and Korean immigrants have left such a prominent stamp on the economy – and the consciousness – of Flushing, they are still struggling to make an impact on the politics.
  • 一些交通信号弄得忙乱紧张,因此未能通过驾驶考试。
    I got in an awful fluster at some traffic lights, so I failed my driving test.
  • 他把笛子带来了,将吹我们听。
    He has brought along his flute. He'll play it for us.
  • 鲍勃的一位姑母死后留他100镑的遗产,他决定在赛马场上赌一赌。
    Bob had £100 left him by an aunt and he decided to have a flutter on the horses.
  • 在篮球赛中,杰里的犯规了对方一个自由投篮的机会。
    In the basketball game, Jerry's foal played into the opponent's hands.
  • 能报给我离岸价吗?
    Can you make an offer on fob basis?
  • "我要她把借我的字典还我,她却胡乱找个藉口把我搪塞过去。"
    "I asked her for the dictionary she borrowed from me, but she just fobbed me off with a stupid excuse."
  • 那个推销员试图以劣质牌号骗卖我们。
    The salesman tried to fob off an inferior brand on us.
  • 用欺骗的手法将劣质货卖顾客是不对的。
    It is not right to fob off worthless article upon a customer.
  • 小贩企图把件废品卖小汤姆。
    The peddler tried to fob off a worthless article on little Tom.
  • 我们卖你二十万件棉府绸女衫,每件新港离岸价15.40美元。
    We'll sell you 120,000 cotton poplin blouses at US $15.40 per piece FOB Xingang.
  • 我们愿意卖你十二万件棉府绸女衫,每件新港离岸价16.80美元。
    We are pleased to offer you 120,000 cotton poplin blouses at US $16.80 each, FOB Xingang.
  • keyedreference:这个简单的、可选的keyedreference元素被用于指明在结果集中只有那些与定的businessentity具有某种特定关联的商业实体才会被包含。
    keyedReference: This is a single, optional keyedReference element that is used to specify that only businesses that are related to the focal point in a specific way should be included in the results.
  • "这张照片看上去有些滑稽,我想你是忘了照相机调焦距了。"
    This photograph looks funny; I think you forgot to focus the camera.
  • 接着,他就把老管家带进屋,卸了骆驼并喂以草料,还备了水老管家和他的随从们洗脚。
    So he brought the man into the house, unloaded the camels and provided straw and fodder for them, and water for him and all his men to wash their feet.
  • 让我们的朋友和敌人同样听见我此时此地的讲话:火炬已经传新一代美国人。
    Let the word go forth, from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.
  • 在剧中,一个坏心肠的叔父高贵的王子做衬托。
    In the play, a wicked uncle acts as a foil to the noble prince.
  • 把假货[次货]骗售某人
    Foist sth. on sb.
  • 他企图把一些劣质货强售我。
    He tried to foist some inferior goods onme.
  • …镶边;缝…的褶边
    To fold back and stitch down the edge of.
  • 这位母亲经常她的孩子们讲童话和民间传说的故事。
    The mother often tells her children fairy tales and story from folklore.
  • 他每天都父母写信。
    he wrote to his folks every day.
  • 也许我该带些纪念品回去公司同事。
    Maybe I shall get some souvenir for the folks back at the office.
  • 我们把半生花费于抛弃传自父母的愚行,又把余下的半生花费于传授自己的愚行子孙。
    We spend half our lives unlearning the follies transmitted to us by our parents, and the other half transmitting our own follies to our offspring.
  • 这对于指挥内战、制造分裂、并欲在这次事变中置蒋氏于死地的日本帝国主义和中国讨伐派⑵的阴谋,了一个打击。
    It is a blow to the intrigues conducted by the Japanese imperialists and the Chinese "punitive" group[2] to stage-manage a civil war, foment splits and get Chiang killed in the Sian Incident.
  • 奢侈的喜爱或被予奢侈生活的
    Fond of or given to luxury.
  • 方达在接受《纽约时报》采访时说,“性别限制男孩造成的影响远比对女孩深。”
    Speaking to the New York Times, Fonda said:" The damage done to boys as a result of these gender strictures is very profound."
  • 作为食物供……食物。
    serve as food for; be the food for.
  • 我给它食物。
    I gave it food.
  • 我来您介绍一下周先生。他是河北省粮油食品进出口公司的经理。
    Let me introduce Mr. Zhou to you. He is the manager of hub cereal, oil and foodstuffs import and export corporation.
  • 他欺骗我,要我他钱。
    He fooled me into giving him money.
  • 我禁止你在深夜我打电话。
    I forbid you to call me late at night.