  • 后天主上帝在东边之伊甸建造一座花园,他把他造的男人安置在伊甸园中。
    Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden away to the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.
  • 她竭力想保持冷静,但她的声音中却显带著怒气。
    She was trying to remain calm, but there was a distinct edge to her voice.
  • 毫无疑问,巴黎圣母院至今仍是雄伟壮丽的建筑。
    The church of Notre-Dame de Paris is still no doubt, a majestic and sublime edifice.
  • 而,随着巴黎地面涨潮般的上升,那十一级把主教堂增高到如此巍峨的阶台一级接一级地被吞没了,尽管如此,时间还给了这座教堂的,也许远比取自它的要多得多,因为时间在主教堂的正面涂上了一层多少世纪风化所形成的深暗颜色,把那些古老纪念物经历的悠悠岁月变成了其光彩照人的年华。
    but,while thus causing the eleven steps which added to the majestic height of the edifice, to be devoured, one by one, by the rising tide of the pavements of Paris,--time has bestowed upon the church perhaps more than it has taken away, for it is time which has spread over the facade that sombre hue of the centuries which makes the old age of monuments the period of their beauty.
  • 爱迪生说:“我先发现世界需要什么,后开始着手并努力发明它”。
    Edison said, I find what the world needs, then I go ahead and try to invent it.
  • 一天晚上,爱迪生的妈妈突生病了,于是请来了一个医生。
    One night Edison's mother suddenly fell ill. A doctor was called in.
  • 有一天晚上,爱迪生的妈妈突病倒了,他跑去找医生,敲门把医生唤醒。
    One night Edison's mother fell ill suddenly. He ran to the doctor and knocked him up.
  • 爱迪生只接受过三个月的正规教育,但他却是最伟大的发明家。
    Thomas Edison had only three months of formal schooling,yet he was the greatest inventor who ever lived;
  • 由于一次偶的机会,亨利遇到了一位原来的同事,这得以使他在爱迪生底特律电力公司谋到一份工程师的工作,该公司属另一新兴行业的中坚。
    A chance meeting with an old co-worker led to a job for Henry as an engineer at the Edison Detroit Electricity Company, the leading force in another new industry.
  • 我和负责同学在闷热的剪接室交谈,夏初的暑热使人难受,而我对学生们的精神十分佩服。
    On a sultry summer day, I had a talk with the students working in the stuffy editing-room , and was deeply moved by their spirit.
  • 中国政府对网络上敏感内容仍非常警惕关注,中文内码转换问题造成阅读与编辑方面的困难。
    The Chinese government is wary about politically sensitive information online, and the conversion of Chinese characters' internal encoding is still inconvenient for reading and editing online.
  • 这些劝告来自父母和老师、牧师和政治家、编辑和评论员,但大部分当来自广告人。
    It comes from parents and teachers, from preachers and politicians, from editors and commentators, but most of all, of course, from advertisers.
  • 我们首先要自己坚定信心,后才能教育和团结群众提高信心。
    But we ourselves must be fully confident before we can educate the masses, unite with them and raise their confidence.
  • 我们需要通过讨论党章草案,对全党进行教育,后在十二大正式通过党章。
    We should educate all members by discussing the draft of the revised Constitution before it is formally adopted at the Twelfth National Party Congress.
  • 福勒贝尔,弗雷德里希·威廉·奥古斯特1782-1852德国教育家,他创建了第一所幼儿园,试图将学习变成儿童自、愉悦的经历
    German educator who established the first kindergarten(1837), where he hoped to make learning a spontaneous, enjoyable experience for children.
  • 奇异的,神秘的非自的神奇和害怕的;怪异的
    Unnaturally strange and frightening; eerie.
  • 以不自的、怪诞的方式。
    in an unnatural eery manner.
  • 有些古时的法律现在仍有效。
    Some ancient laws are still in effect.
  • 一种结果必会有其原因。
    Effects presuppose causes.
  • 实际上,既排名第一,你就彻彻底底是个领导者。
    In actual fact, being number one, you are effectively the leader.
  • 那药仍然有效。
    The medicine is still effectual.
  • 诗居有这种功能──能够赶走爱情,这倒不知道是谁第一个发现的!”
    I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in driving away love!"
  • 大型商业企业经济效益依不好。
    The economic efficiency of large commercial enterprises was low.
  • 图书馆虽很节省但看起来很有效率。
    the library had a spare but efficient look.
  • "虽考试比较有效,但是考试的副作用也是很大的。"
    "Although examinatins do the job quite efficiently, their side effects are also enormous."
  • 他突放慢了他那长时间毫不费力的地稳步前进的步伐,迈上了陡峭的路段。
    Suddenly he slowed his long, effortless jog trot up to the steep.
  • 他怎么会这样无耻,竟对你“滚开!”呢?
    How can he have had the effrontery to say"Piss off! " to you?
  • 他怎么会这样无耻,竟对你说“滚开!”呢?
    How can he have had the effrontery to say "Piss off!" to you?
  • 内出血器官或组织内的突出血
    A sudden effusion of blood into an organ or tissue.
  • 在开凿出来的粗糙岩石上,先涂一层或两层用碎麦秸、细麻刀合好的泥,再抹上一层薄如蛋壳的白石灰加以打磨。后便能在光洁的墙壁上纵情挥毫了。
    First one or two layers of plaster mixed with crushed wheat straw and fine hemp-fiber were coated over the carved rough rock. Then it was daubed with a layer of lime as thin as eggshell and polished and then the artist was free to wield his brush on the finished wall to his heart's content.
  • 的声望让她骄傲。
    The sudden fame puffed her ego.
  • 如果有人承认了他的重要性,这争论也就自的停止了。由于他「自我」已伸展扩大,就即变成一个和善,有同情心的人了。
    But as soon as his importance was admitted and the argument stopped and he was permitted to expand his ego, he became a sympathetic and kindly human being.