  • 提倡一对夫妇生育一个孩子,是中国在特定的历史条件下为了缓解严峻的人口形势而作的必要抉择。
    One child for one couple is a necessary choice made under China's special historical conditions to alleviate the grim population situation.
  • 经过多年探索,走了一条符合中国国情的扶贫开发道路。
    Through years of exploration, we have found a road of poverty alleviation through development by proceeding from China's realities.
  • 中国最大的妇女组织——中华全国妇女联合会,通过建立扶贫联系点、联系户,开展文化技术培训和小额信贷,组织贫困地区妇女劳务输、手拉手互助,以及兴办妇女扶贫项目等多种形式,先后帮助347万贫困妇女脱贫致富。
    The biggest women's organization in China, the All-China Women's Federation, has helped 3.47 million impoverished women out of poverty and get rich by providing poverty alleviation services, conducting cultural and technological training, facilitating small-amount credit loans, organizing labor service transfer and mutual help, and initiating poverty alleviation projects specially for women.
  • 国务院扶贫办等六部门还制定了《农村残疾人扶贫开发实施办法(1998—2000年)》,对加强基层残联服务体系建设提要求。
    Besides, six departments under the State Council, including the Poverty Alleviation Office, have adopted the Measures for the Implementation of the Development- oriented Poverty Alleviation Projects for the Disabled in the Rural Areas (1998-2000), setting forth the requirements in strengthening the building of the service system of the China Disabled Persons' Federation at the grassroots level.
  • 这次会议后,中国政府正式颁布《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2001—2010年)》,提了今后十年中国农村扶贫开发的目标任务、指导思想和方针政策。
    After the meeting, the Chinese government officially issued the Outline for Poverty Alleviation and Development of China's Rural Areas (2001-2010), setting out the objectives, tasks, guiding ideology, and policies and principles for work in this regard in the coming ten years.
  • 二十一世纪初中国扶贫开发面临的难点和比较突的问题是:第一,虽然贫困人口的收入水平明显提高,但目前中国扶贫的标准是低水平的。
    The main difficulties and problems for China in the early period of the 21st century in the field of poverty alleviation are as follows: First, though the income of the poverty-stricken people has been obviously improved, the current standard for poverty relief in China is very low.
  • 倒开汽车直到你开这条巷子。
    Drive the automobile in reverse until you get out of the alley.
  • 当他经过一个黑胡同尽头时,有一个人冲来袭击他。
    As he was passing the end of a dark alley, a man darted out and set on him.
  • 蒂姆想一个解答数学题的方法,但结果无济于事。
    Tim thought of a way to do the maths problem, but it turned out to be a blind alley.
  • 她一个人在一条空巷行走时忽然间四周冒几个年轻人。
    "When she walked alone in a narrow alley, suddenly out of the blue she found several young men around her."
  • 德国向盟军提和平建议。
    Germany made overtures of peace to the Allied Forces.
  • 他们希望创造一些新群体来对付疾病、害虫和一些有侵害性的物种。
    They hope to create allies to unleash against diseases, pests, and invasive species.
  • 美国及其联盟国把科威特从伊拉克侵略者中解放来的战争;1990年到1991年。
    a war in which the US and its allies freed Kuwait from Iraqi invaders; 1990-1991.
  • 同盟国家正试图提一种对戈尔巴乔的共识。
    The allies are trying to come up with a consensus on dealing with Mr.Gorbachev.
  • 他们担心他们的同盟者会在最后的时刻退这项计划。
    They feared that their allies would chicken out on the plan( of the plan) at the last moment.
  • 油漆、清漆或同类的事物,因天气或不当施用而使破裂并呈现鳄鱼皮状。
    of paint, varnish, or the like: to crack and acquire the appearance of alligator hide, as from weathering or improper application.
  • 尽管红十字会拨了很大一笔钱救济灾民,但是仍有很多人死亡了。
    Even though the Red Cross had allocated a large sum for the relief of the sufferers of the disaster,many people perished
  • 为…安排出时间
    To allocate time for.
  • 他们将拨经费建房。
    They will allocate fund for housing.
  • 你能不能说说,贵公司对这两条船准备拨多少预算?
    Can you indicate what budget you are prepare to allocate for the vessel?
  • *以试验计划形式,拨政府兴建的校舍,用作开办直接资助学校;
    * allocate, on a pilot basis, Government-built premises to interested bodies to operate direct subsidy schools;
  • 部分省区在分配扶贫资金时专门切一部分资金用于扶持少数民族贫困县。
    Some provinces and autonomous regions allocate special funds to help the poverty-stricken ethnic minority counties while distributing the help-the-poor funds.
  • 这样,电话公司就从sonet所要求的过死提供中解脱来,能够在临时的或永久的基础上动态地分配使用atm虚拟通路或虚拟电路的带宽。
    Freed from the rigid provisioning required by SONET, carriers can dynamically allocate bandwidth using ATM virtual paths and virtual circuits on a temporary or permanent basis.
  • 当然,为达到这种灵活性,必然会付一定的代价:在堆里分配存储空间时会花掉更长的时间!
    Of course there’s a price you pay for this flexibility: it takes more time to allocate heap storage than it does to allocate stack storage (that is, if you even could create objects on the stack in Java, as you can in C++).
  • 根据不同地区的特点,合理配置和利用相关部门的技术服务资源,实现优势互补,提高投入产效益。
    We should take regional differences into consideration and rationally allocate and use technical resources of relevant departments and to make the advantages of relevant departments complementary with each other so as to raise the input and output efficiency.
  • 我们已经拨了一笔教育经费。
    We've allocated a sum of money to education.
  • 那块空地已经拨用来建造一座新医院。
    That space has already been allocated for building a new hospital.
  • 预算的一部分被划分来留作每一个学生的教育费用。
    A portion of the budget was allocated for the education of each student.
  • 各级地方政府也拿相当一部分资金,用于寺观庙堂的维修。
    Local governments also allocated funds for the maintenance of temples, monasteries and churches.
  • 政府拨大量资源,致力在各个教育阶段提供优质教育。
    The Government has allocated considerable resources for the provision of quality education at all levels.
  • 以上几项,仅中央财政当年就增加支621亿元。
    To cover these items, an extra 62.1 billion yuan was allocated from the state revenue alone.
  • 在中国,各级政府每年都在财政预算中安排救灾支,用于安置和救济灾民。
    Every year, relief funds are allocated from government budgets at central and local levels for this purpose.