  • 雇员再培训局在九九二年成立,负责提供适当的再培训,帮助合资格人士掌握新的技能或提升原有技能,以适应经济环境的改变,重新加入工作队伍。
    The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) was set up in 1992 to provide retraining to eligible persons to assist them in taking on new and enhanced skills so that they can adjust to changes in economic environment and rejoin the workforce.
  • 年内最显着的成就之,是巩固社会保障安全网,在进步协助失业及低收入的综合社会保障援助计划受助人重投劳动市场方面取得令人鼓舞的进展。其他同样重要的成就包括改革资助制度和重组社署组织架构。
    The most significant achievements in social welfare during the year were the consolidation of the social security safety net, with encouraging progress in assisting unemployed and low income recipients under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme to rejoin the workforce, the reform of the subvention system and the reorganisation of the SWD.
  • 种从铁路干线分出来的后来又同干线会合的铁路线。
    a railway line that branches from the trunk line and then rejoins it later on.
  • 那是不样的。”莉叶娜德接着说。
    that’s different,” rejoined Liènarde.
  • 但父亲在次酒后的刺耳话语中说了些有关家世过分骄矜的话,使苔丝傲然离开了家。她把自己半的生活费留给父母,并告诉他们她要去找丈夫团聚。
    But the harsh words of the father in a drunken moment of excessive ancestral pride cause a dignified departure with the conciliatory donation of half her means of subsistence and the intimation that she is rejoining her husband.
  • “等我走出学校,我要叫人把你们俩狠狠揍顿,我定要,”那孩子回答说,开始哭鼻子。“你叫人,我们也会叫人,你不要忘记。”汤姆说。
    "I'll have you both licked when I get out, that I will," rejoined the boy, beginning to snivel. "Two can play at that game, mind you," said Tom.
  • 从此,西藏人民永远摆脱了帝国主义的奴役和羁绊,回到祖国大家庭,和祖国各兄弟民族人民样,充分享受到民族平等的切权利,开始走上了自由幸福的光明大道。”
    Since then, the Tibetan people shook off forever the fetters of imperialist enslavement and tramples and rejoined the large national family. Like our sibling races throughout the country, the Tibetan people fully enjoy all rights of national equality, and are embarking on a bright road of freedom and happiness."
  • 她也不像她所有那些同行样,习惯在圆形广场和香榭丽舍大街街口之间散步,她的两匹马飞快地把她拉到郊外的布洛涅树林,她在那里下车,漫步个小时,然后重新登上马车,疾驰回家。
    She did not ride from the Rond- Point down to the entrance, to the Champs-Elysees as do ?and did ?all her sort. Her two horses whisked her off smartly to the Bois de Boulogne. There she alighted, walked for an hour, rejoined her brougham and returned home at a fast trot.
  • 克西曾米哈里建议“歇会儿,”让自己有机会调整充实下。
    “ Take a break for a while,” Csikszentmihalyi advises, and give yourself a chance to rejuvenate.
  • 但研究者们现在宣称已经合成出种药物,可以使心脏和肌肉恢复青春活力,办法是破坏那些在人体老化过程中形成的僵硬的糖蛋白质结合键。
    Researchers now claim to have developed a compound that might rejuvenate hearts and muscles -- by breaking the stiff sugar-protein bonds that accumulate as we get older.
  • 第三,中国的国有企业正在根据建立现代企业制度的目标要求,探索能够转换经营机制和增强企业活力的途径,吸收外商投资进行改组改造是其中的重要措施之
    Thirdly, the Chinese enterprises are exploring new ways to reform their operational mechanism and rejuvenate themselves in accordance with the goal of establishing modern corporate system. One of the major measures is to absorb foreign capital into the reform and restructuring process.
  • 所以,保持国家稳定,沿着已取得成功的路线,集中精力发展生产力,坚持改革开放,努力把国民经济搞上去,增强国力,使全国人民的生活在温饱的基础上进步达到小康水平,从而使人民的生存权不致受到威胁,这是中国人民最根本的愿望和要求,也是中国政府项长期而紧迫的任务。
    Therefore it is the fundamental wish and demand of the Chinese people and a long-term, urgent task of the Chinese government to maintain national stability, concentrate their effort on developing the productive forces along the line which has proven to be successful, persist in reform and opening to the outside world, strive to rejuvenate the national economy and boost the national strength, and, on the basis of having solved the problem of food and clothing, secure a well-off livelihood for the people throughout the country so that their right to subsistence will no longer be threatened.
  • 和孙子呆在块使他变得年轻起来。
    The contact with his grandchildren rejuvenated him.
  •    ()走新型工业化道路,大力实施科教兴国战略和可持续发展战略。
    Take a new road to industrialization and implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and that of sustainable development.
  • 国家要统,民族要复兴,台湾问题不能无限期地拖延下去。
    China will be reunified, and the Chinese nation will be rejuvenated. The Taiwan question must not be allowed to drag on indefinitely.
  • (三)贯彻"三个代表"重要思想,必须最广泛最充分地调动切积极因素,不断为中华民族的伟大复兴增添新力量。
    3. To carry out the important thought of Three Represents, it is essential to bring all positive factors into full play and bring new forces to the great cause of rejuvenating the Chinese nation.
  • (二)贯彻"三个代表"重要思想,必须把发展作为党执政兴国的第要务,不断开创现代化建设的新局面。
    2. To carry out the important thought of Three Represents, it is essential for the Party to give top priority to development in governing and rejuvenating the country and open up new prospects for the modernization drive.
  • 从二十世纪中叶到二十世纪中叶的百年间,中国人民的切奋斗,则是为了实现祖国的富强、人民的富裕和民族的伟大复兴。
    All endeavors by the Chinese people for the one hundred years from the mid-20th to the mid-21st century are for the purpose of making our motherland strong, the people prosperous and the nation immensely rejuvenated.
  • 为落实科教兴国战略,实现我国由贸易大国向贸易强国的转变,1999年初,外经贸部提出实施“科技兴贸”战略。这战略包括促进我国高新技术产品出口和用高新技术改造传统出口产业两方面内容。
    To fulfill the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and transform China from a big trading country to a strong trading nation, at the beginning of 1999, MOFTEC put forward the strategy of invigorating trade through science and technology, which includes two aspects, i.e., to propel the export of high and new technology products and to transform the traditional export industries through high tech.
  • 我们固执地等他人先向我们认错--认为这才是我们能够原谅他人、重续友情或亲情的惟出路。
    Stubbornly,we wait for someone else to reach out to us--believing this is the only way we can forgive or rekindle a friendship or family relationship.
  • 我小心地下楼,到了后厨房,那儿有星火苗,拨拢在起,使我点着了蜡烛。
    I descended cautiously to the lower regions, and landed in the back kitchen, where a gleam of fire, raked compactly together, enabled me to rekindle my candle.
  • 其中个原因是,华校生和英校生之间的论争,已平息了好几年,人们不想重提旧事,以免再掀争议。
    One of the reasons is that the quarrel between English-educated and Chinese-educated Singaporeans has quieted down for some years - people do not want to rake up the past and rekindle the debate.
  • 他们见面,他对她的旧情如乾柴烈火般又重新燃起。
    As soon as they meet again his dormant love for her is rekindled.
  • 他们见面,他对她的旧情如乾柴烈火般又重新燃起
    As soon as they met again his dormant love for her was rekindled
  • 后来他们醒来了,经过夜安稳而舒适的休息后,他们重新燃起篝火,又做起了饭。
    Then they woke up,safe and rested,and rekindled the fire to make food again.
  • 如果由某种奇迹,我获得了能看见东西的3天,随后又沉陷于片黑暗之中,我该将这段时间分为3个部分。
    If, by some miracle, I were granted three seeing days, to be followed by a relapse into darkness, I should divide the period into three parts.
  • 阵心血来潮后,他又恢复了平时冷漠的样子。
    After a short burst of enthusiasm, he relapsed into his usual apathy.
  • 阵热情爆发之后,他又回复到往常样的冷漠了。
    After a short burst of enthusiasm, she relapsed into her usual apathy.
  • 包柔氏螺旋体属种包柔氏螺旋体属螺旋不规则的螺旋体,其中些会引起人类、其他哺乳动物和鸟类的回归热病
    Any of various irregularly coiled helical spirochetes of the genus Borrelia, some species of which cause relapsing fever in humans, other mammals, and birds.
  • 与财富有关的研究不会同人类所关心的任何其他研究工作混为谈。
    The enquiries which relate to it are in no danger of being confounded with those relating to any other of the great human interests.
  • 让音乐协调致地演奏,呈现和谐的关系。
    bring into consonance or relate harmoniously.
  • 美国国家安全委员会工作人员被总统国家安全顾问关键人物指派调查有关日益发展的中国间谍问题,不时发生辩论,就像国防部秘书长理查森所做的在中国论坛被允许保留样。
    The NSC Staffer designated by the President's National Security Advisor to be "point man" on the developing PRC "spying" scandal, argued then and now, as does DOE Secretary Richardson, that the PRC "forum" has been, and should be permitted to remain, a key element of the Clinton Administration's "Engagement" policy with the PRC.