  • 他冲进房匆匆推开窗子。
    He dashed in and threw the windows open.
  • 2mb的可用空,根据数据库大小的不同可能还需要更多空
    2MB of free space, more will be necessary depending on the size of your database
  • 说明时间和日期
    tell the time and date
  • 接近那个时或者日期。
    near that time or date.
  • 询问时间和日期
    Asking about the time and date
  • 表示时的词语中使用
    The use ofandiin expressions of time is now dated
  • 这种斗争的时,从鸦片战争算起,已经整整一百年了;从辛亥革命算起,也有了差不多三十年了。
    This struggle has lasted a full hundred years if dated from the Opium War, and nearly thirty years if dated from the Revolution of 1911.
  • 乔瑟夫花很多时跟女孩子约会,为的就是想在今年结婚。
    Joseph has spent a lot of time dating girls in an attempt to get married this year.
  • 真理是时间的女儿。
    Truth is the daughter of time.
  • 伤病使施特菲在职1998年的大部分时无法上场比赛,可她不久于1999年重返巴黎,捧得了法国公开赛冠军奖杯,接着又向温布尔登进军,而在那里只有林达塞·达文波特才能阻止她第8次夺冠。
    After injuries kept her off the courts for much of 1998, Steffi returned triumphantly to paris to become the 1999 French Open champion and to Wimbledon where only Lindsay Davenport could stop her from winning her eighth Wimbledon title.
  • 维斯在几家股票公司转来转去调换工作。
    Davis kicked around several stock companies.
  • 他把时都荒废在看电视上了.
    He dawdles the hours away watching television.
  • 不要白白地浪费掉你的时
    Don't dawdle away your time.
  • 不要再在衣着上花费时了,你已经够漂亮的了。
    Don't dawdle over your clothing. You're so beautiful already.
  • 磨蹭浪费时,尤指犹豫不定;闲混或踌躇
    To waste time, especially in indecision; dawdle or vacillate.
  • 由于误算潮水时,我们直到快天亮了才回来。
    Because of a slight miscalculation of the tides, we were unable to return until almost daybreak.
  • 当人们从工作中抽出一部分的时开始做白日梦时,常处于θ波状态。
    A person who has taken time off from a task and begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state.
  • 黎明每天早晨日光刚刚出现的那段时
    The time each morning at which daylight first begins.
  • 四十天的时间
    A period of40 days.
  • 允许装卸时间
    lie days; laying day
  • 任务;白天穿的衣服
    Daytime tasks; daytime clothes.
  • 的工作;白天的电视节目;白天穿的衣服。
    a daytime job; daytime television; daytime clothes.
  • 在日提供教育的学校。
    a school giving instruction during the daytime.
  • 至于撞击式打桩工程,则禁止在限制时内施工;即使在日进行,也须领有许可证。
    Percussive piling work is prohibited during the restricted hours and requires a permit even during daytime.
  • 客人抱怨房白天太热而夜太冷。
    The guest complained that the room was too hot in the daytime and cold at night.
  • 调整好你的生物钟,每天按固定时睡觉和起床,不要午休。
    Synchronise your body clock by getting up and going to bed at the same time every day.Avoid daytime naps.
  • 为此,他白天上班,晚自修英语,走过了一段极其艰难的自学之路。
    As a result, he worked in the daytime and studied English at night. This form of self-study was extremely hard work and developed his mental toughness.
  • 但是,如果你正在寻找白班工作,记住你白天时仍应保持灵活机动,才能上晚班课,相反如果你晚上干兼职工作,情况亦然。
    But if you're looking for a daytime job,bear in mind that you might want to remain flexible during the day and therefore take your classes at night.The reverse is true if you have a part- time evening job.
  • 位于伦敦的新经济贸易办事处于七月启用,代替香港政府驻英办事处。行政长官于九月访美期为香港特区政府驻华盛顿的新经济贸易办事处主持启用礼。
    The HKETO in London opened in July to replace the Hong Kong Government Office and the new office of the HKETO in Washington, DC, was formally opened by Chief Executive during his visit to the United States in September.
  • 记者给上午版发稿的截止时是(前一天的)下午八点
    The reporter 's deadline is 8 p.m. for the morning edition
  • 我很担心我们可能无法指定时内完成此事。
    I am very concerned (that) we may not meet the deadline on this.
  • 我很担心我们可能无法在指定时内完成此事。
    I'm very concerned(that) we may not meet the deadline on this.