  • 栓塞这种置的可移动的控制部分
    The movable control element of such a device.
  • 辎重可移动的备和军队必需品
    The movable equipment and supplies of an army.
  • 算盘一种手动计算器,由有平行木杆的框架构成,木杆上串着可移算珠
    A manual computing device consisting of a frame holding parallel rods strung with movable counters.
  • 一种机械置,用于移动诸如读写磁头之类的部件。
    The mechanical device that moves something, usually read/write head.
  • 这种思想上没有入党的人,头脑里还着许多剥削阶级的脏东西,根本不知道什么是无产阶级思想,什么是共产主义,什么是党。
    Those who have not joined the Party ideologically still carry a great deal of the muck of the exploiting classes in their heads, and have no idea at all of what proletarian ideology, or communism, or the Party is. "Proletarian ideology?"
  • 首先是全体从事陆路或水路运输的人,即赶骡人、车把式、驳船船员、水手、码头工人、煤炭卸工、行李搬运工、铁路员工等等。
    There is first the whole class of carriers, by land or water. muleteers, waggoners,bargemen, sailors, wharf men, coal heavers, porters, railway establishments, and the like.
  •  中国现有涉海科研机构109个、科研人员13000多人,已经形成了一支学科比较齐全的海洋科技队伍,在海洋调查和科学考察、海洋基础科学研究、海洋资源开发与保护、海洋监测技术以及海洋技术备制造等方面取得了许多成绩。
    On the basis of a multidisciplinary oceanographic research setup, which consists of 109 research institutes and 13,000-some research personnel, China has many achievements to its credit in oceanographic survey and research, studies in basic oceanographic science, development and protection of ocean resources, marine monitoring technologies and manufacturing of oceanographic technical equipment.
  • 所以,主力部队的领导者如果犯了不顾地方民众和地方政府的利益的单纯军事主义的错误,就必须加以克服,使主力的扩大和地方武的繁殖,各得着适宜的位置。
    Therefore, if a commander of a main force has made the mistake of neglecting the interests of the local population and the local government as a result of a purely military approach, he must correct it in order that the expansion of the main force and the multiplication of the local armed units may both receive due attention.
  • 凸轮安于旋转轴上的偏心轮或复合曲线轮,用以使相连的或相接触的其它部件产生多变的或往复的运动
    An eccentric or multiply curved wheel mounted on a rotating shaft, used to produce variable or reciprocating motion in another engaged or contacted part.
  • 这个广大的梭镖势力,大于前述旧武势力,是使一切土豪劣绅看了打颤的一种新起的武力量。
    This multitude equipped with spears, which is larger than the old armed forces mentioned above, is a new-born armed power the mere sight of which makes the local tyrants and evil gentry tremble.
  • 在古埃及,达官贵人的木乃伊,皮肤上多要上色,颈腔要填圆,眼窝里还要上人造眼球。
    In Ancient Egypt the mummy of a nobleman would probably have its skin colored, its neck filled out and man– made eyes fixed in the eye sockets.
  • 准备军用时他轻轻地把枪满了弹药。
    provide with munition He loaded his gun carefully.
  • 在战争的过程中,中国能俘虏许多的日本兵,夺取许多的武器弹药来武自己;
    In the course of the war, China will be able to capture many Japanese soldiers and seize many weapons and munitions with which to arm herself;
  • 第二,和生物武器一样,萨达姆·侯赛因从来没有说明过其巨量的化学武器:550发有芥子气的炮弹、30000发空弹壳和足以将其化学制剂储备增加至500吨的技术准备。
    Second, as with biological weapons, Saddam Hussein has never accounted for vast amounts of chemical weaponry: 550 artillery shells with mustard, 30,000 empty munitions and enough precursors to increase his stockpile to as much as 500 tons of chemical agents.
  • 对于那些宣称能保护人体免遭辐射的备,米斯卡认为:"没有证据表明它们能起什么作用。
    As for devices that claim to protect against radiation," There's no evidence that they work," says Muscat.
  • 测力计,测功计用来测量某一肌肉或一组肌肉所作功的置或设备
    An instrument for measuring the amount of work done by a muscle or group of muscles.
  • 有时候我们听说这个地球将资源枯竭,而人类将异化成着塑料肺、拼命寻找食物的怪异的物种。
    Sometimes we hear the earth is shot and the species is going to mutate into weird beings with plastic lungs, dying for food. The waters are dying.
  • 上弱音器的上弱音器后奏出的或上弱音器的
    Produced by or provided with a mute.
  • 他一直装聋作哑。
    He has been passing himself off as a deaf - mute.
  • 卡杜斯表示,他的目标是开发一种安放在手套里的置,在佩戴者做手势的时候,把这些手势翻译出来,然后通过发射机把单词"念"给聋哑人想与之交流的人听。
    Kadous said his aim was to create a device enclosed in the gloves that translates signs as they are made and then"speaks"the words through a transmitter to the person with whom the deaf or mute is communicating.
  • 非法斗争的形式也是多样的,如示威游行、抗缴粮款、拒绝维持、组织革命团体,乃至暴动、反正、武斗争等等,而以武斗争为非法斗争的最高形式,这些都是敌人不许可的。
    There are also various forms of illegal struggle, such as holding demonstrations, refusing to pay government taxes in grain and cash, rejecting associations for the preservation of order, setting up revolutionary organizations, and even staging rebellions, instigating mutiny within enemy camps, and carrying out an armed struggle, which is the chief method. None of these forms is permitted by the enemy.
  • 按共同商定的最高限额裁减或限制部署在实际控制线地区共同商定的地理范围内的陆军、边防部队、准军事部队,以及其他双方同意的武力量和部分武器备;
    that they should reduce or limit the size of field army, border defense forces, para-military forces and any other mutually agreed category of armed forces and armaments deployed in the mutually agreed geographical zones along the line of actual control to the mutually agreed ceilings;
  • 饲料袋吊在马嘴下饲料的口袋
    A bag that fits over a horse's muzzle and holds feed.
  • 一种短炮筒、高角度、近距离的前大炮。
    a muzzle-loading cannon with a short barrel that fires shells at high elevations for a short range.
  • 刺刀安在步枪口的利刃,用作近战武器
    A blade adapted to fit the muzzle end of a rifle and used as a weapon in close combat.
  • 那套西装不像样子.
    That suit's pretty naff.
  • 重新启动或控制的置。
    device for resetting instruments or controls.
  • 不加掩饰乃是真理的最好饰。
    Truth's best ornament is nakedness.
  • 加工和配贸易是我国对外贸易的一个组成部分。
    The processing and assemble business is a component part of our foreign trade.
  • 来件装配
    Assemble with supply parts
  • 加工和装配贸易
    processing and assemble trade
  • 装配或接通(机械)
    To assemble or wire(a mechanism).