  • 海洋平均深度为12230尺,最深处在西北太平洋的马里亚纳海沟,在海平面以下36204尺。
    The oceans have an average depth of 12, 230 feet and reach the deepest point in the Mariana trench of the northwest Pacific Ocean, at 36,204 feet below sea level.
  • ×7英寸版本
    a cap octavo 4.25
  • ×11.5英寸版本
    an imperial octavo8.25
  • ×10 英寸版本
    a royal octavo 6.5
  • 她在空闲的时候就教我语。
    She teaches me English at odd hours.
  • 宣传触犯了众怒。
    The anti-British propaganda gave (ie caused) much offence.
  • 我没有冒犯你的意思。(作:offence)
    I meant no offense.
  • 这所房子我们向他索价35000镑.
    We offered him the house for ??35000.
  • 我的汽车卖350镑, 可还价.
    I'll accept 350 for the car, or nearest offer.
  • 第二场航办事处外边
    Scene 2 outside BOAC Office
  • 根据个人能力或成就而选举出来的一群领导人或官员
    A group of leaders or officeholders selected on the basis of individual ability or achievement.
  • 国皇室授权的正式诗人。
    the poet officially appointed to the Royal Household in Great Britain.
  • 世界上第一艘集装箱船是一条年久的油船,名为理想x号,其甲板经过加固承载了58箱装得结结实实的货物,每只箱子大约有30尺(9米)长。
    The first container ship was an elderly oil tanker, the Ideal X, whose deck had been strengthened to accommodate 58 well?filled boxes each some 3 oft (9 metres) long.
  • 毕竟,这一天是母亲节─而她却与俄亥俄州的父母亲遥距800里。
    After all, it was Mother's Day -- and800miles separated her from her parents in Ohio.
  • 古时,国海岸常受北欧海盗的侵扰。
    In olden times the coasts of England were harassedby the Vikings.
  • 史密斯博士是游过吉利海峡的最老的人。
    Dr. Smith was the oldest person to swim the English Channel.
  • 格兰,长子继承父亲的产业。
    In England the oldest son succeeds to his father 's estate.
  • 列车员:我们有文的,也有其他几种语言的。
    We have English ones, and also ones in several other languages.
  • 这次反共高潮中项同志的机会主义的失败,全党应该引为深戒。
    The defeat resulting from Comrade Hsiang Ying's opportunism during the recent anti-Communist onslaught should serve as a grave warning to the whole Party.
  • 为了团结全国人民坚持抗日,并继续有效地克服大地主大资产阶级的投降危险和反共逆流起见,研究和学习我党在勇地胜利地反对这次反共高潮的斗争中所获得的教训,是完全必要的。
    It is absolutely necessary for us to study and learn the lessons of our Party's heroic and victorious struggle against the recent anti-Communist onslaught, for the purpose of uniting the people throughout the country to persevere in the War of Resistance and for the purpose of continuing effectively to overcome the danger of capitulation and the anti-Communist counter-current of the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie.
  • 多伦多加拿大安大略省首府和最大城市,位于该省南部安大略湖边。原本为法国人的商品集散地,1793年国人建立该城,名为约克,1834年重新被命名为多伦多。多伦多是一个重要的五大湖区的港口和工业中心。人口599,217
    The capital and largest city of Ontario, Canada, in the southern part of the province on Lake Ontario. Originally a French trading post, it was founded as York by the British in1793 and renamed as Toronto in1834. Toronto is an important Great Lakes port and an industrial center. Population, 599,217.
  • 多伦多加拿大安大略省首府和最大城市,位于该省南部安大略湖边。原本为法国人的商品集散地,1793年国人建立该城,名为约克,1834年重新被命名为多伦多。多伦多是一个重要的五大湖区的港口和工业中心。人口599,217
    The capital and largest city of Ontario, Canada, in the southern part of the province on Lake Ontario. Originally a French trading post, it was founded as York by the British in1793 and renamed as Toronto in1834. Toronto is an important Great Lakes port and an industrial center. Population,599, 217.
  • 巴利,詹(姆斯)·马(修)1860-1937国作家,作品内容怪异,富于幻想,有戏剧小飞侠彼得·潘1904
    A city of southern Ontario, Canada, on Lake Simcoe north-northwest of Toronto. It is a manufacturing center and summer resort. Population,38, 423.
  • 北湾市加拿大安大略东南的城市,位于萨德伯里东南偏东尼比斯湖上。是木材和矿区的商业中心。人口51,268
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on Lake Nipissing east-southeast of Sudbury. It is a trade center in a lumber and mining region. Population,51, 268.
  • 伦敦加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于多伦多市西南。1826年成为定居点,为一工业城市,其街道和桥梁均以格兰的伦敦市命名。人口254,280
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, southwest of Toronto. Settled in1826, it is an industrial city whose streets and bridges are named after those of London, England. Population,254, 280.
  • 圣安塞姆意大利裔的国主教,哲学家和神学家,他创立了学院哲学并以对上帝存在论的论证而闻名
    Italian-born English prelate, philosopher, and theologian who founded Scholasticism and is best known for his ontological argument for the existence of God.
  • *关心学生,服务社群,有崇高的理想和道德操守,承担作育才的重大使命。
    * To be a teacher who is caring and eager to serve our community and a person with lofty ideal and high moral standards, who is ready to shoulder the onus in the education of our younger generation.
  • 在人生的战场中,唯有日日前进不屈不挠始能获胜。国谚语
    In life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail.English Proverb
  • 1988年,它开始爬“升”社会经济阶层,针对“白领工人”,1990年指向“高层执行员”,1991年开始则越来越着重受文教育者与专业人士。
    Then in 1988, it began to move "up" the socio-economic scale to target "white collar workers", and in 1990, "senior executives". From 1991 onward, increasing emphasis has been given to English educated Chinese and professionals.
  • 自一九九八至一九九九学年起,约有300所中学采用母语授课(文科除外),首先由中一开始,然后逐年把母语教学扩展至更高年级。
    From the 1998-99 school year onwards, Chinese has been adopted as the medium of instruction (except the subject of English Language) in about 300 secondary schools, starting with the Secondary 1 intake in the 1998-99 school year and progressing each year to a higher level of secondary education.
  • 自一九九八至九九学年起,中文成为初中的教学语言(文科除外)。中学以该学年入学的中一新生为首批接受母语教学的学生,然后逐年把母语教学扩展至更高年级。
    From the 1998-99 school year onwards, Chinese has been adopted as the medium of instruction (MOI) (except for the subject of English Language) for junior secondary classes, starting with the Secondary 1 intake in the 1998-99 school year and progressing each year to a higher level of secondary education.
  • ——参与贩卖鸦片和策划1840年国侵略中国的鸦片战争。
    -They participated in the opium trade and in plotting the Opium War unleashed by Britain against China.