  • 这块布上有红白方格的纹。
    The cloth has a pattern of red and white squares.
  • 有图案装饰的;带样的
    Patternedbadjidecorated with a pattern
  • 带有格子呢图案的毛织品
    Fabric with a plaid pattern.
  • 鸟眼纹该种织物的图案
    The pattern of such a fabric.
  • 大马士革钢波形花纹
    The wavy pattern on Damascus steel.
  • 我喜欢印有牡丹图案的地毯。
    I like the carpets patterned with peonies.
  • 她要一种玫瑰图案的墙纸。
    She wants a wallpaper patterned with roses.
  • 由印布或白棉布做,或类似于印布的图案。
    made of calico or resembling calico in being patterned.
  • 导游:女士们、先生们,我们将在御园里稍适休息,那里还有亭子,珍稀草和古松古柏可供观赏。
    Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to take a rest in the Imperial Garden. And you can also find pavilions, rare flowers and ancient pines and cypresses.
  • 一曲终了,他转过身对我的父亲说:“卡尔,这是在一家当铺里找到的,才了7美元,是一把好琴。
    Finishing the number, he turned to Daddy. “Carl, I found it in a pawnshop for seven dollars. It’s a good violin.
  • 市政会在市区广场建造了一座精致的纪念馆,而当地报纸却严厉地批评说,他们把纳税者的钱在累赘的珍品上了。
    The council had built an elaborate memorial in the town square and the local press severely criticized them for spending rate payers's money on a white elephant.
  • 结果会花好多钱。
    We'll end up paying much more.
  • 尼尔森的研究表明,如果没有某种直接的回扣,多数人只愿意1至2分钟来弄清如何使用某个网站。
    Nielsen's studies indicate that most people are willing to spend only one or two minutes figuring out how to use a Web site unless it provides an immediate payoff of some kind.
  • 在八年级时,盖茨和两位朋友用电脑为学校编写了名册程序。
    In the eighth grade, Gates and two friends wrote a computerized payroll program for their school.
  • 翼瓣豌豆或大部分豆科植物的的侧面瓣的一个
    One of the lateral petals of the flower of a pea or of most plants in the pea family.
  • 龙骨瓣在某些(如豌豆)中的两个相连的
    A pair of united petals in certain flowers, as those of the pea.
  • 桃花都已经开过了。
    The peach blossoms are over.
  • 桃树开出了美丽的
    The peach-trees have blossomed out beautifully.
  • 去年种了一颗桃树,不料今年竟开起来。
    It beyonds expectation that the peach tree was planted last year comes into flower now.
  • 转瞬之间他已到了另一个辽远的国度,并停留了片刻,他在那儿的樱树下抽着烟,谛听着有层层飞檐的宝塔上的铃声,铃声召唤穿着芒(革奚)的善男信女去膜拜神道。
    and on the instant, and for an instant, he was transported to a far land, where under pink cherry blossoms, he smoked a cigarette and listened to the bells of the peaked pagoda calling straw-sandalled devotees to worship.
  • 主要为热带的一个羽状叶草本、灌木或乔木小属,通常蝶形,大而美丽。
    any of various plants of the genus Sesbania having pinnate leaves and large showy pealike flowers.
  • 他喜欢吃花生酱。
    He likes to eat peanut jam.
  • 生酱:如果你想有一个健康的心脏,那你每天早上就在烤面包上涂一层生酱。
    Peanut Butter : If you want a healthy heart, spread your mornin toast with peanut butter.
  • 是关于50箱生的质量问题一事。
    It's about the quality of 50 cases of peanut.
  • 是关于50箱生的质量问题一事。
    It 's about the quality of 50 cases of peanut.
  • 偏爱生酱、跑车、高个儿女子
    Have a weakness for peanut butter, fast cars, tall women
  • 令我们吃惊的是,一半以上的生竟是虫蛀的。
    To our astonishment, over half of them are in and out the worm-eated peanut.
  • 令我们吃惊的是,一半以上的生竟是虫蛀的。
    To our astonishment, over half of them is in and out the worm eat peanut.
  • 世上没有一个人比吃过生之后能够停下来不再吃的人更有勇气。
    No man in the world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut.
  • 世上没有一个人比吃过生之后能够停下来不再吃的人更有勇气。
    No man in the world have more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut.
  • 世上没有一个比吃过一粒生之后能够停下来不再吃的人更有勇气。
    No man is the world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut.
  • 磨碎的生制成的一种涂食。
    a spread made from ground peanuts.