  • 在这星期或下星期出差。
    I will go on business either this week or next week.
  • 航天飞机上碰到紧急情况时能飞行员强行弹出的座椅;然后飞行员就可以靠降落伞着陆。
    a pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency; then the pilot descends by parachute.
  • 你的建议详细叙述一下。
    Please elaborate your proposals a little.
  • 随後的第五章对此作详尽阐述。
    An elaboration of this point will follow in chapter 5.
  • 往日激情熄的余烬仍可从他的文章中看出来。
    The dying embers of a former passion can still be seen in his article.
  • (物理学)一种有弹性的物理物体拉长的压力。
    (physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body.
  • 一直到今天,全球各地对高行健获得诺贝尔文学奖的议论仍持续不断,来自四方八面的言论环绕着文学、政治、作家的艺术观等话题展开讨论,各种观点和角度也几乎都有人提出过,其中当然也有很多评论者对高行健的得奖表示欣喜雀跃,如旅美中国学者刘再复高行健获奖肯定为“汉语写作的胜利”;
    The global debate on the highly-revered prize for Gao is still going on, focusing on literary, political issues as well as Gao's views on the arts. Many viewpoints and perspectives have been raised.Many commentators are elated that Gao has received the prestigious award. Chinese academic Liu Zaifu, who is now living in the United States, has affirmed it as a "victory for Chinese-language writers".
  • 长子将继承爵位。
    The eldest son will inherits the title.
  • 这份财产由长子继承。
    The property will fall to the eldest son.
  • 史密斯太太于下季让长女正式出入社交界。
    Mrs.Smith is bringing out her eldest daughter next season.
  • 博罗夫人于下一个社交季节把她的长女初次介绍给社交界。
    Mrs Borrow is bringing out her eldest daughter next season.
  • 长子继承其父之爵位。
    The eldest son will inherit the title from his father.
  • 限定城堡和地产遗赠给长子。
    The castle and the land are entailed on the eldest son.
  • 候任总统在下周正式就任。
    The President elect will be installed next week.
  • 增选…选为团体中新成员
    To elect as a fellow member of a group.
  • 政府选举在下月举行。
    The government elections will be next month.
  • 革命立法提案权一种权利和程序,通过它们公民可以通过请愿形式提出一项法案并其提交给选举团
    The right and procedure by which citizens can propose a law by petition and ensure its submission to the electorate.
  • 导线一电路元件与另一个连接通电的导线
    A conductor by which one circuit element is electrically connected to another.
  • 事实上,如果所有的车辆都完全采用电控,对电的需求量显著增加。
    If , in fact , all cars are going to be operated entirely electrically , the demand for electricity will increase tremendously.
  • 而其他更保守的调查者计算显示:假设100亿个神经细胞全部互相连接,同时放电,那么置于人类头皮的单个电极会记录大约百万分之五到百万分之五十伏特的电压。
    Other more conservative investigators calculate that if all 10 billion interconnected nerve cells discharged at one time that a single electrode placed on the human scalp would record something like five millionths to 50 millionths of a volt.
  • (原)电池,电解槽进行电解或化学能转为电能的独立单位,通常包括一个装有电极和电解液的容器
    A single unit for electrolysis or conversion of chemical into electric energy, usually consisting of a container with electrodes and an electrolyte.
  • 电冶金利用电或电解方法来精练金属或金属复合物熔炼为金属
    The use of electric and electrolytic processes to purify metals or reduce metallic compounds to metals.
  • 抗原和抗体分离的电泳。
    electrophoresis to separate antigens and antibodies.
  • 您的光临会为宴会增添优雅的气氛。
    Your presence will impart an air of elegance to the party.
  • 使用分析的方法或者善于使用分析的方法(例如,一个整体——理性的或者实质的——分成基本部分或者基本原理)。
    using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole--intellectual or substantial--into its elemental parts or basic principles).
  • 因为处于较高的位置,那位军占敌人的上风。
    On account of his more elevated position, the general had the enemy at vantage.
  • 我们评估这个违法的计划耗资伊拉克数十亿美元。
    We estimate that this elicit program cost the Iraqis several billion dollars.
  • 人们继续就此进行讨论,但是我认为不可置疑的是违法的采购活动表示萨达姆非常渴望获得核武器计划的发展材料,来生产裂变物质。
    People will continue to debate this issue, but there is no doubt in my mind, these elicit procurement efforts show that Saddam Hussein is very much focused on putting in place the key missing piece from his nuclear weapons program, the ability to produce fissile material.
  • 在这期间,政府和房屋委员会处理三项较长远的课题,包括资助自置居所和置业贷款的比例、申请资助自置居所和置业贷款的资格准则,以及划拨土地供兴建资助自置居所的机制。
    During the period of the moratorium, the Government and the HKHA will address three longer-term issues, namely, the ratio between home ownership flats and loans, the eligibility criteria for subsidised home ownership, and the system for allocating sites for subsidised flats for sale.
  • 让我们这个复杂的过程消除。
    Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics.
  • 目前一批中华语文和文化的中坚分子,都逐年老化,而后继无人;
    The current generation of Chinese-language and cultural core elite are getting older.
  • 1996年亚特兰大奥运会后12天,举行国际残疾人运动会,四千名优秀的选手来亚特兰大一比高低。
    Just 12 days after the Atlanta Olympics, 4000 elite athletes will come to Atlanta to comp1ete.